> ________________________________________
> From: users-bounces(a)xwiki.org [users-bounces(a)xwiki.org] On Behalf Of mohit gupta [motgupta(a)gmail.com]
> Sent: 07 April 2012 15:07
> To: XWiki Users
> Subject: [xwiki-users] Configuration to user different database schema for a particular space?
> Hi Folks, i want to use different database schema for a particular space
> due to some requirement, though everything else will remain same.I am not
> sure how i can go
> for this.I mean is there a way among below options:-
> 1)Can I mention "connection.url" in xwikiContext at request level
> or
> 2)Can I keep two hibernate.cfg files and specify to pick one of these on
> the basis of space name?
Too tricky for my basic knowledge! Of course I know nothing about the requirements that are leading you to use a different schema but, have you considered the option of using an XWiki farm? Two, in fact, any number, different perfectly integrated virtual wikis. In general, objects are stored in different database schemas, but a lot of great stuff is available out of the box to share contents and cross-manage the whole farm.
I would give Enterprise Manager a try before going for fancy solutions!
users mailing list
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Hi Folks, i want to use different database schema for a particular space
due to some requirement, though everything else will remain same.I am not
sure how i can go
for this.I mean is there a way among below options:-
1)Can I mention "connection.url" in xwikiContext at request level
2)Can I keep two hibernate.cfg files and specify to pick one of these on
the basis of space name?
Hi, all,
One question, I am trying to look at the source code of XWikiPreferences
class, AdminSheet class, but after I searched Data Type, I got a lot of
classes back, I clicked on these two classes, it always shows the rendering
result, I have no way to look at the velocity code behind the classes, but
other classes like BlogClass, I can go inside the BlogSheet and use Edit
button - Wiki to see the velocty code, why for these two classes I cannot
see the code, any ideas?
Hi All,
I dont want to allow the user name or group name search on xwiki(either it
is on click of search button and search sugest). *Basically what i want
is if any user
put some user name or user group name in search text box , it should not
return any results. Looking for your expert suggestion how i can go for it?*
I am sure it should be possible in xwiki looking at its flexibility but
could not figure it out how. Even if i have to make some modification in
code iam open for that. Thanks in advance.
Hi Folks,
I am looking for three xwiki java api's that do the following functionality
1) I give the space name to api and it creates the space with default home
page .
2)I give userName,SpaceName and rightsName(like view,edit,delete,admin) to
api and it gives these rights on given space name for the given username
3)I give spaceName to api and it gives me whether the given space exists or
I was looking for three apis in classes ---com.xpn.xwiki.xwiki.java and
com.xpn.xwiki.api.xwiki.java but i could not locate these. But i am sure
these api's must
be existing (as user is able to do these stuff from user interface). I will
be grateful if i can be directed to these apis?
Thanks in advance.
We found XWiki groups really useful as a metaphor for rather different types of entities.
But we are facing a problem. Please, could you follow this reasoning?
Given an user, let's say, USER01, she/he will belong to a given number of XWiki groups. Our doubt is, how to represent/stora the particularities of a given user when he/she is included in a given group.
Let's me to describe an example. Any user in our organization could play different roles. For instance, for given set of groups he/she could play a coordinator role. But this fact won't affect /conditonate his/her roles when assigned to a different group.
The only solution I could think off is to create one property per group a given user belongs to to store his/her role in this group.
Please, could you figure out a better solution?
Thanks for your help!!!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Research Management and Promotion Technician
Technical Secretariat
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
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See more languages: http://www.sergas.es/aviso_confidencialidad.htm
I am out of the office until 04/10/2012.
I will not have access to email, but will get back to you when I return.
Happy Easter! :-)
Note: This is an automated response to your message "users Digest, Vol 57,
Issue 6" sent on 04/06/2012 3:07:46.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
I am a doctoral student at the International Graduate School of Zittau,
Germany (www.ihi-zittau.de).
I would like to create a new wiki to try some collaborative academic paper
writing (and potential extension development to integrate with Mendeley or
Refworks) on XWiki. In particular, I like the granular version tracking,
access control, and .rtf export, which allows citation tags to be
postprocessed for a finished academic paper submission.
My user name on www.myxwiki.org is "ruediklein". The server name should be "
ihi-zittau.myxwiki.com" or "ruediklein.myxwiki.com", if the first one is
not available.
Secretary Treasurer of the Product Development and Management Association
(PDMA) <http://www.pdma.org>
*“Connecting Innovators Worldwide”*
Hi fokes,
I wanted to share my ideas on the search application.
The results don't really show a lot of information right now.
The field "located in" is confusing to many users, as it does not show the
path but the wiki, the space and the page the page itself/the attachment is
in. At the very least, when the search does not expand to multiple wiki's,
the 'location' should not start with "xwiki" (everything is at 'xwiki').
I can imagine showing the sniplet of text that matches the search query
would be difficult to program, or even the first 200 chars of that page.
Showing tags in the found page would probably be a better addition showing
info on the result page.
For attachments, only a 'paperclip' is shown while in the attachment pane,
a symbol for image, ms-word etc is shown.
Matching words could be emphasised (bold or italic) in the results, so it's
easy to spot why it was a result. Especially when tags and a sniplet of the
content is shown.
Results from the 'current' space the user was in might be shown on top,
too. Like Delicious shows results from the user's stack as the first 3
results, followed by the 'general' results. The logic to me is that a user
wants pages from the space he originated his search from, as that's the
topic he is currently interested in (eg he starts his search in the space
'best practices', he might be most interested in best practices.
As my proposed improvements no doubt mean more processing time, I'd
decrease the results to 15 per page. Users hardly look further than the
first 10 anyway.
I hope I can get your thoughts on these improvements so I might promote
this to feature requests in JIRA :)
Greets, Joris
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
XWiki Commons, XWiki Rendering, XWiki Platform, XWiki Enterprise and
XWiki Enterprise Manager 4.0 Milestone 2.
This version mainly introduces:
* various ways of customizing users directory and profiles
* comments and annotation merge
* LDAP administration UI
See the full release notes at
for more details.
-The XWiki dev team