Hi guys,
Looks like I've run into a zombie bug: having two similar headings on pages
included into one page gives exception when exporting to PDF.
I've checked JIRA and there it is marked fixed in 1.4:
Can anyone confirm a zombie bug or hint me what I might be doing wrong?
I was trying to edit a page in Chrome browser but i can't reach
nextline by pressing Return key.
In Internet Explorer works fine. Any idea about the situation?
Telefon: 0745 32 89 83
Email:Â lucian.tudosa(a)gmail.com
Hi. I have configured a private wiki in which the reigstration is
disabled so that only an admin user can register new users.
How can I configure xwiki to automatically send an email with
connection details, username and password to the new registered user's
email address?
Fita Adrian
I am having difficulty locating the source of an error where the
contents of a TextArea property for a custom class object on a page
ends up rendering in a WYSIWYG box as wiki syntax (as in, displaying
the actual code in one long paragraph). "Corrupt" is probably not the
right word for this, as I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong...
Simple explanation:
1) User clicks a button to add a new instance of a class to the page,
which also enters the Inline Editing mode. User pastes content into a
WYSIWYG editor and saves the page. After save, the TextArea property
shows up correctly in view mode with $doc.display(), with headings,
formatting, etc...
2) Something happens - I cannot yet reproduce it, but I'm sure the
user is doing something.
3) The object starts displaying the property as a single block of text
with embedded wiki syntax, mostly what looks like custom parameters
containing the formatting info, such as:
(% class="MsoNoSpacing" %) (% class="tagChar" style="font-size: 12pt;" %)
Even in inline edit mode, the contents of the WYSIWYG box have been
replaced with this block of code, which does not appear with the
actual formatting - just the raw code.
Looking into the page history, there is a version of the page saved
right before the property becomes "corrupt." So something must be
happening to trigger the conversion of the TextArea content into wiki
syntax, which then gets saved over the original data.
The pages the user is using have multiple objects of the same class,
all displaying their TextArea properties in a table. The majority of
the time, it displays perfectly. This only applies to some objects on
the page - though sometimes all objects on a page will simultaneously
exhibit this behavior.
The pages also contain buttons to create a new object, as well as a
button to delete each object individually.
I have one reliable method of producing this error. I used to have the
"delete this object" button display while in Inline Edit mode -
clicking it while in that mode would cause to entry to "convert." I
suppressed the button from displaying unless in view mode, which
removed this cause of the error - but there is still some other
mechanism for generating the same behavior.
Here's an example of the delete button code which I can use to cause
similar behavior:
#set($delurl = "/xwiki/wiki/$doc.getWiki()/objectremove/$doc.getSpace()/$doc.getName()?classname=Sandbox.TestClass&classid=$obj.getNumber()&xredirect=$doc.getURL()")
src="/xwiki/resources/icons/silk/cross.gif" />
Any ideas on what's happening?
Thanks much,
I'm trying hard to update from XE 3.1M2 to stable 3.2 without success. I get
the very same error from http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XE-1037:
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3201 in 3: Exception while saving document
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3211 in 3: Exception while updating archive
Wrapped Exception: Error number 0 in 3: Exception while hibernate execute
Wrapped Exception: could not load an entity:
version2=6, version1=1}]
root cause:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Bad value for type long : <?xml
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The same happens for other docs also, like:
I have done nothing but following the default upgrade instructions, using
the new 3.2 war, with the database schema I was running without problem with
the 3.1M2. I'm running on Jboss 4.3.2 with Postgres 8.3 on CentOS 5.6.
Do you have any idea of what's going on? Any parser problem? Every major
release since now I've updated without problems, excepting this one.
Ramon Gomes Brandao
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/ERROR-XWikiRCSNodeContent-Upgrade-to-3-2-…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I'm trying to "execute" a page from another page.
The "executed" page has some groovy and velocity, does some queries, and as
output attaches a computed file to itself (and outputs some success or error
message to page content).
"Executing" it means just showing the page, as a result the attachment gets
increased version.
Now I want to do the same but calling it from another page. This is what I
did :
This returns my success message, but nothing gets attached. Is there any
chance that this could work ? I checked the rights of my user (set correct
user in context before the setAttachment()) but I could not make it work ...
Am I forced to write my page as a groovy class to achieve this ?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Executing-a-page-from-another-page-tp7019…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I wonder how it would be possible to add RSS link(s) to the livetable
components ?
First I though it could be great to use the Tags Rss, but in fact the ideal
solution would be to have a link with rss feed with exact same filters (tag,
filters) and ordering than the currently configured livetable component (so,
maybe re-using the LiveTableResultsMacros but with an rss parameter).
I had a look on macros.vm, but it seems most of the work is done by a
widget, so it seems difficult to customize ...
What do you think about it ?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Adding-RSS-links-to-Livetables-tp7019912p…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am struggling to import content from another wiki.
My previous wiki used markdown syntax, I converted the markdown syntax to XHTML
via pandoc. The output validates as XHTML 1.0 Transitional, but when I try to
convert it to xwiki syntax the conversion fails.
1. Does anyone have any ideas why this is failing?
2. Are there better ways to import wiki content?
Thanks, Jesse
In velocity, what is the way to get the list of tags for a given document?
I could look at the code which implements my current skin, because it shows tags,
but I don't know where that is.
I found these pages, but they didn't help:
I have a livetable showing documents, and I want to show the tags for the document
as a table column.