What is considered the best way to use photos published on flickr (or any media storing and sharing source) in the XWiki
a) through the image button in the Rich Text editor, so it can be done without coding, macro's
b) a macro that you can call from the button strip in the rich text editor
There used to be a Flickr integration on the XWiki extensions, but they only work in syntax 1.0
It would be great if you can also used secured photos on flickr through safe links. User must login to XWiki, …
[View More]but can see foto's in flickr although when going directly
to flickr that user could not see the photo's
Today we are uploading photo's two times; once to flickr and once to XWiki, where the metadata in flickr is much richer; title, description, geotag, dat/time
We would like to replace that with a much more integrated approach; upload once see everywhere.
If other foto-sharing services are better integrated with XWiki platform, we are willing to look at these (Picasa, Facebook, ...) and migrate our photo's to these services
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Hi Users,
After some mails with Vincent and Scott the idea was born to make a
strip-down-xwiki guide.
The reason for this is the fact that for a lot of novice users, xwiki seems
at the first glance to complex to handle.
By making a strip-down Guide we hope to make Xwiki more accessible for a
broader audience, and thus generate more users worldwide.
In order to make this strip-down Guide as complete as possible, I would like
to ask all of you to post your thoughts and ideas on this.
For …
[View More]starters, here are mine, if they are allready easily solved, let me
-Make the search function easier to adapt.
For instance, I have multiple spaces, and i want that the search function
only searches in certain, predifened spaces and shows the results within the
space the search was started from.
-An easy way to create a template so that users cannot copy paste in
whatever form and shape they want, but it shows a line where they can type
in the header, and below the content. All in the same style.
-An easy way to show-hide the comments box on the bottom of the page. At the
moment I use a solution where I include a document with the script to do
this in, in every page. This should be dealt with globally, and possible for
people without a lot of programming knowledge.
-The sandgrains work, but not from one space to another, at the moment I use
the include Makro to maintain my saindgrain navigation intact, but it would
be far easier if documents from other spaces where I link to, adapt the
parent from the space where I started from.
-The Logo has a predefined link to the main wiki, which causes endusers in a
space, when they click on this, to get to the main wiki page, and it
confuses them. I would like an easy way (not by editing the global.vm
template!) to personalize this.
-A wide spread opinion says, that you can just give users rights to certain
documents. But if an enduser can see a document, but not open it, the
endusers feels as if there are secrets kept from him. I want an easier way
to hide these documents completey, but show them to other users who are
allowed to see them in the same space.
-Expand and collaps user generated panels
If I create panels, their initial state is allways open, I can close them,
but when I go to anothere page, it shows the panels open again. Is it
possible to make check box within each panel in the panel wizard that allows
me to change this?
Many of these points here may seem irrelevant to many of the longtime
developers, but a lot of questions within this userlist have to do with the
For your understanding, I come from a total different corner then most of
you. I come from CM, not from programming.
But I think if we can work together on this, Xwiki will gain more users in
the end.
If anyone sees this different, let me know, lets communicate so I can start
working on the Strip down Guide.
And to all you programming masterminds out there, keep up the great work, it
made Xwiki to that what is today, thank you so much for all the efforts.
With Kind regards,
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Xwiki 3.1. Attachment versioning turned off (xwiki.store.attachment.versioning.hint = void)
Storage is set to file system, Recicle Bin is ON.
1. xwiki/bin/view/Main/AllDocs?view=attachments - gives empty table. How one can see all attachments in a Live table?
2. To verify attachment versioning: attach several times the same file - one copy is stored as a file in a storage, version upgrades correctly - no problem.
3. I deleted an attachment. It shoild be in recycle bin:
[View More]GLOBAL_DELETED_ATTACHMENT_ID_MAPPINGS.xml appeared in /store folder.
XML inside shows were to find files. Files are on their places as descriebed.
Recycle bin gives terrible surprise: it stores TWO COPIES of deleted file:
first is: <filename>.<extension>
second is: <filename>~v1.1.<extension>
Please note, that attachment VERSIONING is turned OFF. For big attachments (1GB and more) such a behaviour is a disaster for two reasons:
- unreasonable disk space consumption
- (probably) huge delay while user deleting attachment.
What is correct way to disallow XWiki such file duplication?
4. XWiki.DeletedAttachments gives empty table. How one can see all deleted attachments in a Live table?
Thanks a lot
Dmitry Bakbardin
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Thanks a lot for for assistance, Ludovic.
Looks complicated, but at first glance at least manageable.
Will you recommend any Java-based sync tools to build completely platform independent system?
Ideal solution for me looks smth like:
- Master Wiki accepts file and stores it in FS storage
- Master Wiki initiates an event and sends it to Sync Tool / Mirror Wiki
- Sync Tool / Mirror Wiki requests file, gets it, stores it and writes success sync event in log.
Do we need to tie XWiki …
[View More]events with sync events, or it is safe for XWiki, when mirror database has a "new-file" record and file is not in the storage yet?
"1/ A redundant RAID5 network storage shared over Fiber Channel and NFS. This is for clustering"
Is it possible to configure XWiki to use ANY folder as a storage, OR default one is an only option? If Yes, HOW?
Some bugs are found in 3.1 with FS on. It causes attachment management problems.
Is there any fast solution? Or there is no simple solution and we should wait at least 3.2 release to manage attachments? Because for now, we don't have "legal" XWiki access to deleted attachments.
Best Regards,
Dmitry Bakbardin
09 сентября 2011, 12:51 от Ludovic Dubost <ludovic(a)xwiki.com>:
Hi Haru,
2011/9/9 Haru Mamburu <haru_mamburu(a)mail.ru>
I was going to build on the XEM base a library with files 1Kb-1Gb inside . But on digging deeper I'm a bit desperate now: XE is an excellent platform to run the project from one side, from other - completely unclear how to make it safe :-(
Great that you working on a big database with XEM.. Sounds like a nice project
File System storage does have it's drawback, which is why we initially chose to be "all-database", but we faced the limitation of database storage for very large attachments..
Backup and Clustering are indeed more complex, but it's possible..
On filesystem storage implementation, there are several sufficient question are still beyond of understanding:
1. Clustering and/or mirroring XWiki.
When data was stored completely in the Database Engine - it was more or less clear how to build following system:
Customers -> Master Server --> Mirror Server
If Master Server is down - we easily switch customers to Mirror Server. Afterwards we restore full configuration and get back necessary redundancy.
With filesystem storage mirroring mission becomes impossible?
I suggest either
1/ A redundant RAID5 network storage shared over Fiber Channel and NFS. This is for clustering
2/ A "rdist" process that will replicate regularly the FS for mirroring only
2. Backup process.
Database data backup is also more or less clear. When filesystem storage turned on, there is painful moment of synchronizing backup moment both for data in Database AND data in Filesystem. The only Idea I have for now: stop everything, backup everything, run everything. IMO it's not the best solution due to quite annoying downtime.
Are you going to implement such a functionality inside? What is the best pactice to implement backup in a right way?
I would suggest:
1/ rdist replication + mysql replication
2/ when backuping, blocking both replication and performing the backup
At XWiki SAS we always use a MySQL replication which is the DB being backed-up. This is important to have the minimal impact on the production system. If you backup the production database directly you can have locking issues that block XWiki from operating properly.
If you already have a solution, kindly ask you to share the information. :-)
Best regards,
Dmitry Bakbardin
users mailing list
Ludovic Dubost
Founder and CEO
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
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I was going to build on the XEM base a library with files 1Kb-1Gb inside . But on digging deeper I'm a bit desperate now: XE is an excellent platform to run the project from one side, from other - completely unclear how to make it safe :-(
On filesystem storage implementation, there are several sufficient question are still beyond of understanding:
1. Clustering and/or mirroring XWiki.
When data was stored completely in the Database Engine - it was more or less clear how to build …
[View More]following system:
Customers -> Master Server --> Mirror Server
If Master Server is down - we easily switch customers to Mirror Server. Afterwards we restore full configuration and get back necessary redundancy.
With filesystem storage mirroring mission becomes impossible?
2. Backup process.
Database data backup is also more or less clear. When filesystem storage turned on, there is painful moment of synchronizing backup moment both for data in Database AND data in Filesystem. The only Idea I have for now: stop everything, backup everything, run everything. IMO it's not the best solution due to quite annoying downtime.
Are you going to implement such a functionality inside? What is the best pactice to implement backup in a right way?
If you already have a solution, kindly ask you to share the information. :-)
Best regards,
Dmitry Bakbardin
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Hello again,
I just noticed that the WYSIWYG-Editor seems also to be broken after
the update to version 3.1. At least it doesn't load anymore.
Any help is appreciated I am realy lost here.
Vincent and Wouter -- thanks for the great responses. I'll try to take your advice and tweak just a space for normal users.
One thing I've identified that would be nice, but I don't know how to do... I'd like the Document Metadata panel that is below the content panel to _not_ appear, unless someone selects Comments, Annotations, Attachments, History, Information in the top right corner of the content panel. I think this must be possible, the reason, why else would there be two ways to …
[View More]navigate to it -- top right of content _and_ tabs on meta panel. (I'm aware of turning off each Doc Metadata tab from the Page Elements... but I don't want them off, just not expanded out.)
^ That would simplify the look quite a bit.
I've started some notes so I can reproduce what I'm doing at some point: (scripting myself)
Create a new group "Wiki Users"
Create some users as Wiki Users
Login as them to see what a non-admin sees
Probably have 2 different browsers to keep flipping back and forth
Create a new Space, one which will be the normal user's default
Keep default skin so you don't stray from supported world
Go to Administer Wiki -> Look & Feel
Presentation you can change the color of the default skin
Page Elements -> turn off left panel, turn on right panel, etc
Panel Wizard -> choose what you want in the right panel
There are more things I'd like to do:
Backlinks has redundant pages something like " | sort | uniq" is needed. A bug?
Add Search in right panel and remove X-WIKI header of page. Header must be somewhere in the skin?
Thanks guys -- I hope to help out with the "minimal config" page.
----- "Vincent Massol" <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
> Hi Guillaume,
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 10:37 AM, Guillaume Fenollar wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Finally, I think it would be great to have some available .xar
> packages to
> > download, not only one. It would give us the choice to build xwiki
> according
> > to the features we're looking for.
> What you're talking about is the Exension Manager ;)
> … which already exists and which you can try in XE 3.2 (it's missing a
> nice UI but the features are there). We need the max # of people to
> try it out and report issue if any.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Guillaume
> >
> > 2011/9/8 Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
> >
> >> Hi Wouter,
> >>
> >> On Sep 8, 2011, at 9:25 AM, Wouter de Vos wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Vincent,
> >>>
> >>> Sounds like a good plan to me, since it will make Xwiki more easy
> to use
> >> for
> >>> content managers with no coding background, it will lower the
> treshold
> >> for
> >>> people wanting to use xwiki.
> >>>
> >>> Xwiki is great, no question, but it offers so many possibilities
> that for
> >>> people like me who focus primarily on content management and
> usability
> >> and
> >>> are by no means PHP and JAVA geniuses, it tends to get a bit
> complicated.
> >>>
> >>> IMO approach 2) is to be preferred because of the same reason you
> stated
> >>> allready.
> >>> Maybe we can collect ideas on stripping down over the userlist,
> sort
> >> them,
> >>> and use them to create the guide?
> >>
> >> yep that's the idea.
> >>
> >>> Is there a standard layout for guides like this allready?
> >>
> >> No but the guide could be put in the Admi Guide ultimately:
> >> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/
> >>
> >> Now the practice is to start writing this stripping down guide in
> the draft
> >> section and as soon as it contains something we judge nice enough
> to move it
> >> to the final location (AdminGuide):
> >> http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/
> >>
> >>> Because then we would create it accordingly.
> >>
> >> Great. Feel free to create a page in the Draft space:
> >> http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> -Vincent
> >>
> >>> Thanks for the thoughts,
> >>>
> >>> Wouter
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 9:07 AM, Vincent Massol
> <vincent(a)massol.net>
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi guys,
> >>>>
> >>>> It would be nice to have a guide on xwiki.org about this topic
> of
> >>>> stripping the default XE.
> >>>>
> >>>> Basically you have 2 approaches:
> >>>> 1) Don't import the default XE XAR (ie you start with an empty
> wiki, no
> >>>> pages)
> >>>> 2) Start with the default XE XAR and make modifications to it
> >>>>
> >>>> Choosing 1) or 2) really depends if 2) is close to what you need
> or not.
> >>>> Choosing 2) is the easiest though since it's easier to remove
> things
> >> than
> >>>> to create new stuff from nothing :)
> >>>>
> >>>> If you can tell us what you don't want, we could maybe tell you
> how to
> >> turn
> >>>> them off/make them disappear.
> >>>>
> >>>> Once we figure out together how to remove stuff, would be great
> if you
> >> guys
> >>>> could start a guide on xwiki.org about how to remove stuff and
> stip
> >> down
> >>>> xwiki!
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks
> >>>> -Vincent
> >>>>
> >>>> On Sep 8, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Wouter de Vos wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Hi Scott,
> >>>>> I am not aware of a "Strip down Guide" but I had the same issue
> here.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> What I did is just simply build op a space for the endusers, in
> which I
> >>>>> created 3 Custom Panels for navigation purposes, nothing more.
> >>>>> This you can easily do when you go to the space preferences and
> look at
> >>>> the
> >>>>> panel wizard.
> >>>>> Here you can edit panels and place them accordingly in your
> layout.
> >>>>> You should be aware of the fact that the users go to the main
> wiki
> >>>>> (non-enduser in your case) by clicking the logo, you might want
> to
> >> change
> >>>>> this, the same goes for the displayed search results.
> >>>>> You can also predefine if endusers should see the Comment box at
> the
> >>>> bottom
> >>>>> of the page or not, etc.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> IMO the great thing of Xwiki is exactly this, you are in total
> control
> >> of
> >>>>> what the endusers can see and are allowed to do.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I hope this helps a bit, if you have more questions please feel
> free to
> >>>> let
> >>>>> me know.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Kind regards and good luck,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Wouter
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 10:11 PM, Scott Serr
> <serrs(a)theserrs.net>
> >> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I'd like some guidance on heading towards a very minimal xwiki
> >>>>>> configuration, at least for end users. The default xwiki UI is
> pretty
> >>>>>> complex.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I'd like users to see this:
> >>>>>> content (edit, print)
> >>>>>> search box
> >>>>>> minimal side bar
> >>>>>> backlinks
> >>>>>> (and not much more)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Is there a guide on how to strip down what a normal user sees
> to the
> >>>> bare
> >>>>>> essentials?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>>> Scott
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> users mailing list
> >> users(a)xwiki.org
> >> http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Guillaume Fenollar
> > XWiki SysAdmin
> > Tel :
> > _______________________________________________
> > users mailing list
> > users(a)xwiki.org
> > http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> _______________________________________________
> users mailing list
> users(a)xwiki.org
> http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/users
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I'd like some guidance on heading towards a very minimal xwiki configuration, at least for end users. The default xwiki UI is pretty complex.
I'd like users to see this:
content (edit, print)
search box
minimal side bar
(and not much more)
Is there a guide on how to strip down what a normal user sees to the bare essentials?
I've build my own XAR file to import pages from Oracle Database into Xwiki. The importation is OK but the pages are never indexed by Lucene. Even if I use the administration form and re-buil the index, it doesn't work.
If I create a new page directly in my Xwiki, it is indexed without any problem.
What's wrong with the importation ?
I use the stand alone installation.
Thank you very much for help
Françoise Cadin