I have gone though the form editing part of the xwiki,where we can include
the fields according to the requirement.
As per the requirement of our project (AJAX FORM EDITOR) we have to provide
one USER INTERFACE for the user through which he can drag /drop the fields
according to his form requirement.
We can extend this idea a little bit .We will not only provide the form
generation part but also include its action part i.e user will give the
name of the database where the action has to …
[View More]take place(if have to insert
the record or update the record in the database).Moreover, we can also add
style for each field where user can define its style according to its choice
and we can also provide the style sheet for the whole form also.
User will select the type of the field for example in the form there are
certain fields which get insert ,some gets updated when the form gets
submitted,so according to the nature and requirement, user will enter the
type of the field.Types can be "INSERT","UPDATE","VIEW" etc.
So for this we can use the resources which is present in the xwiki,in that
we have all the fully functional fields , we can make any field , so our
work will now to provide the interface for the user where he can drag/drop
the fields and also provide the interface for the style part and also to
create the action file and rendering file which would render the
Nikhil Gupta
Nikhil Gupta
BTech CSE III yr
IIIT Hyderabad
Hyderabad 500032
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Hi again,
in my ongoing efforts in customizing the appearance of the pages of my
wiki I've followed the steps of the skin extension tutorial:
I've created a StyleSheetExtension and selected 'Use this extension'
'Always on the wiki' and it works as expected.
However I've started to replace fix color settings by references to the
themes settings
e.g. $theme.borderColor ... $theme.titleColor
and also I've checked 'Parse …
[View More]content' 'Yes' and disabled caching this
doesn't work.
Velocity statements seem not to be processed or I am referring to
invalid property names.
(I have been trying the ones from /templates/colorThemeInit.vm)
What am I doing wrong here ?
In the example the page is laoded on demand with
so I would assume there should be a document named
"MyFirstStylesheetExtension" in XWiki space (or maybe some other space).
Thats not the case for my own instance of
XWiki.MyFirstStylesheetExtension that I've added.
Shouldn't I be able to find the instance as a document somewhere in the
spaces ?
Thanks for your support
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Hi XWiki users,
fwiw I just want to share my experiences and observations with XWiki
instance running out of memory.
I was having a hard time to track this down but in the end I could
successfully isolate the problem.
For quite some time my XWiki instance was getting unresponsive to
requests sooner or later.
The Wiki was hosted on a VirtualBox VM and in most cases the VM guest
was just freezing and needed to be restarted leaving no usable traces in
the logs. In some cases I even found …
[View More]JVM crash reports so I first
checked different JVMs and VirtualBox versions (PUEL and OSE licences).
I had no success with this approach and so I moved the XWiki directly to
a host environment (Ubuntu 10.10). I added Server instrumentation
(VisualVM) but still the wiki got down after a while. Surprisingly the
system was hanging although in many cases there was even enough memory
available (I checked different VM settings up to 4GB).
Finally a VisualVM thread dump showed what happened:
When the robots came visiting my service they query a large number of
pages and among them was one user-url:
.../XWiki/someUser which ran into an infinite looping condition when
rendering the page.
I don't know how this could happen but as a result the whole memory was
consumed and partly released afterwards so it seemed that there is still
enough space available. Once this happened however the Webserver needed
to be restarted because it wasn't responsive any more.
Since I have deleted this user account everything is running ok for a
couple of days now - I still have to move the service back into the
VirtualBox guest VM.
What puzzles me finally that its possible that one single request can
kill the service by going into an infinte rendering loop.
I would have thought that at some level there is a depth limit to
prevent such conditions.
Hope these observations help someone though ....
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I am Nikhil Gupta third year student pursuing my Btech in Computer Science
from IIIT,Hyderabad.
I have done many web based project which includes wide usage of the
scripting language (JavaScript and Jquery) and PHP and ASP as their core
I have done one project(Automatic Form Generator) which is very much similar
to the AJAX Form Editor project .In that project, automated form is
generated from the configuration file,user has to just give the input field
and their type and …
[View More]from the configuration file form can be generated.In that
project I have used PHP,JavaScript ,Jquery.
I am deeply interested in the project.How should I proceed for it?
Nikhil Gupta
Nikhil Gupta
BTech CSE III yr
IIIT Hyderabad
Hyderabad 500032
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I've could get my upgrade from 2.4.3 to 2.7.1 working in my test environment. The new features seem remarkable indeed, but one of the most important for our XWiki instance is not working properly: the Office Preview in attachments of Office Macro. The little eye right beside the edit and delete buttons on the attachments sections doesn't appear. Is there something I'm missing? Any configuration steps required?
If I try the office macro, I get an exception: "org.xwiki.rendering.macro.…
[View More]MacroExecutionException: Failed to view office attachment.
" and "Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Attachment [name = [DescricaoSGAeSGA1.doc], type = [ATTACHMENT], parent = [name = [WebHome], type = [DOCUMENT], parent = [name = [Main], type = [SPACE], parent = [name = [xwiki], type = [WIKI], parent = [null]]]]] does not exist.", but the attachment is really there, showed in the attachments section.
How can I handle this?
Ramon Gomes Brandão
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Hi xwiki users,
I am a bit worried I have messing up all the things with my xwiki.. I
deleted the xWiki space by mistake (by using the velocity macro to
delete spaces) and I am not able now to log as admin any more neither
to install the Administration Application (if it is the needed action
to do..).
Could you please help me? I didn't found any specific information
about it online. Do I need to install again the xwiki?? Did I lose my
Hope there is a way to recover,
thank …
[View More]you in advance
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Hi everyone,
I'd like to make the proposal to drop the existing mailing lists in
favor of a forum (bulletin board) software.
The objective is to promote the XWiki community discussions to a broader
1) A forum serves like an advertising window as anyone can read the
contributions without subscription.
2) Anyone can judge the activity by reading the view count.
3) New users can get in touch with the community without being urged to
subscribe to a mailing list.
4) Many people …
[View More]consider mailing lists as spam and prefer not to subscribe
5) Contributions have a longer visibility and older entries will get
6) Communication gets more efficient as the same topics won't get
repeatedly discussed
7) To my experience forums get much better indexed by google as mail
collectors like Nabble , Markmail, e.t.c.
8) Forums encourage user to user discussions and you will see new users
taking an active role
9) There should be at least one additional category IMHO: administrators
10) A forum is more pleasure to read once a topic split into many threads
11) A forum is beneficial when expecting increasing support requirements
- some real large scale forums were run by just a few moderators
12) More people will see what a teriffic job the XWiki team does.
Here's my +1
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Is it possible to remap the Meta+G (Ctrl+G in Windows) to another key?
Just switched from Firefox to Chrome and Chrome captures Ctrl+G for
Also noticed that the default Welcome page in XWiki 2.7 has minor layout
problems when displayed in Chrome. The Xwiki.org Playground (version 2.6.2)
appears to be OK. Anyone else seen this. e.g., the spaces column drops the
text to the right of the icon onto the line below.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/…
[View More]Remapping-Meta-G-Shortcut-tp6183603p61836…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Hello all
I've a problem with IE (tried with IE7 and IE8, same result) in adding in a
ClassSheet page a really simple form like:
No problem in "view" mode, but when I go in "inline" mode then:
- if I try to "Save and Continue" I got a error message like "Error :
'this.form' is Null or not an object" and debug target line in
"actionButton.js" and I stay blocked on the page with "Saving..." animation.
- if I click on "Save and View", nothing happens (no error or anything
else) …
[View More]but I stay also blocked on the page.
I got none problem with FireFox...
Has someone could help me?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Add-a-form-in-a-ClassSheet-page-tp6191537…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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