Sorry to be coming up with so many questions.
At the moment, when certain documents on our Wiki are saved, we run a
handler to set some salient information in the document's properties, then
save the document to update them. This sets the "Editor" to the author of
the handler that is doing the resaving.
Is it possible to prevent this from happening, and keep the original editor?
We are using the standard
boolean) save method with minor revision set to true.
Thank you,
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/XWiki-API-Save-Document-Keep-Editor-tp587…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello XWikiers,
I am troubled with XWiki's objects and documents save operations by a programme, groovy or velocity.
The following doesn't seem to work for me:
// <%
import com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document;
import com.xpn.xwiki.api.Object;
import com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki;
//XWiki xwiki;
Document doc = xwiki.getDocument("space.www");
// set to write mode (i.e. activate cloned back-end)
Object obj = doc.getObject("Space.ClassName");
doc = xwiki.getDocument("space.www");
println("propName: " + doc.getObject("Space.ClassName").getProperty("propName").getValue());
// %>
It does create a new history step at each display of this page but I can't seem to be able to set the property propName (which is of type boolean).
The property always displays as value-less (e.g. in the object editor).
thanks for clues and advice for saving xwiki objects.
Hi everyone,
I'm working with Xwiki for a few months now, and I am really pleased
with all it has to offer, and enjoying the vivid community mailing as
I want to put a questionaire in my wiki, lets say 10 questions with
open text fields for answers and as well some multiple choice
possibilities. Then I want a submit button that sends the whole thing
to an email address.
I am experimenting with importing html forms, which work OK-ish,
except for the mailto submit, which gives nasty popups from IE. I come
from a HTML background and im not that stable (yet) with groovy, php
and all that.
What is the best way to make my questionnaire? How do i make a decent
submit button?
If all this is old news, please send me links to previous posts, but i
looked for the last 3 hours and did not find anything on this subject
that i understood.
Thanks everyone for your help in advance,
Hi again,
I've been investigating problems with XWord.
One of the big problems on Vista and Windows7 is this line in Log.cs
EventLog.CreateEventSource(eventSource, logName);
It can't create a system log at this point as that must be done as
Administrator... and normally its the User running XWord/Word at this point.
This sort of thing is supposed to be done at the point of installation, but
I don't have any idea of how to do this yet.
Does anyone know? Can someone please explain how the XWord installer
works? The "Setup XWord" project appears to be completely empty to my
untrained eye!
Hi Developers!
I am sorry for some inconvenience, but at the ending of XE 2.x cycle, I saw
some discussions about plans for finilazing 2.x and for the 3.x future
development. All features are very interesting, very progressive and will
move XWiki forward.
But unfortunatly for a long time existing some very disappointing small bugs
and disappointing missed conveniences. I read carefully most of yours
discussions, but I don't see, that this problems stay in focus now. For this
reason, I want to ask about these issues.
This is important for me, because without resolving the following issues
maybe I will be forced to migrate to another colaboration adn
app.development platform.
If is it possible, can somebody give some plans about my issues (will be
resolved near future, not in plans, etc...)?
1) What about supporting any symbols (russian, chinese, space simbol and
others) in a attachment filenames?
2) When will be resolving problems with russian symbols when I try to import
document from some file (use openoffice service) or use viewoffice
macro/feature? (but when I copy document content from the clipboard - all is
3) What about idea of separating interface language selection and document
content language selection? I read this idea after was separated document
header and main application header.
4) Need possibilities to create own clases with supporting multilanguage
content (Also, old question). I can now create own applications only with
multilanguage interface (livetable headers, forms captions and etc.).
Each of these issues is not critical, but together its create point of view,
that XWiki ONLY DECLARE multilanguage, not real comprehensive
Same situation with another group of questions.
5) Have you plans (and when) to fully implement XWQL? (possibility to use
XWQL in a own class query (database list property, resolve issues with dates
in XWQL, etc.).
6) What about full implementation of Groovy / Velocity? Witch language will
be main? Because in some situations I haven't possibility to use velocity
(for example in a sheduler script) in others - cannot normal use groovy ...
7) office attachment preview - why "eye" exists only on doc, xls, pdf files?
What about docx, xlsx, odf, ... (all formats OpenOffice and Office2007)?
OpenOffice has suporting all these formats.
8) Main menu (green) "ADD" "Page" - Page creates with parent of current
space (if you didn't indicate space). Why? Normally (for example in a
"Create Page" Panel), if you didn't show special space page will be created
in a current space with parent of a current page. (As a result I cannot use
this feature at all).
9) some restrictions of a WebDAV implementation (issues with authentication,
browsers issues, ...)
As you can see, many of a old and new features (multilanguage, offce
preview, webdav, create pages besed on template provides, query datas,
create own classes, and etc.), are magnificent in a general, but not
implemented totally in details. As a result - most of these great features
users cannot use at all!
Maybe will be great to stop all future development and concentrate (1-2
month) on issuses like described here in a XWiki 2.x cycle? Many another
large-scale software teams made like this in a some periods. They freeze
development and focused on a past issues, on a clarification and deepening
of a curennt features results and details. What you think about this?
PS. All these issuses appeared before in a xwiki forums or in a jira ... If
need to define more exactly some of my questions - I, with great pleasure,
will give more explanations on each of them.
Best regards
Eugen Colesnicov
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/4Developers-Questions-about-disappointing…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 2.7 and XWiki Enterprise Manager 2.7.
Go grab them at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Main/Download
This is the last major release of the 2.x development cycle (there will
still be bugfix releases on the 2.7.x branch, if needed). The next
release is going to be 3.0.
This is a stabilization release, with no major new features to
highlight. Some minor gems:
* Ability to set a color theme on each space
* UNC support in XWiki Syntax 2.1
* Support search on space name in the REST API
* Support for customizing the office export process
For more information, see the Release notes at
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/ReleaseNotes/ReleaseNotesXWikiEnterprise27 and
-The XWiki dev team
I have created a XWiki class as described in the FAQTutorial (
I have then modified the Document Sheet code, and I have tried to use groovy
scripting instead of velocity. However when creating a new object, I get the
Failed to execute the [groovy] macro
org.xwiki.rendering.macro.MacroExecutionException: You don't have the right
to execute this script
whereas the same works if I translate the code into velocity. Editing an
existing page with the groovy script works fine, it only fails when creating
a new document. Any idea?