The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 2.5 Milestone 2.
Go grab it at
Main changes since XWiki Enterprise 2.5 Milestone 1:
* Support for viewing attached office documents in the wiki
* Experimental Extension Manager
* New User Directory
* Further improvements to the edit UI
* More consistent use of user avatars
* More image manipulation settings
* Better handling of attachment versions when rolling back documents
* Preliminary optional accessibility stylesheet
* Experimental xwiki/2.1 wiki syntax
* Interwiki links
* Various Security improvements
For more information see the Release notes at
-The XWiki dev team
I'm interested in having the "Xwiki Watch" hosted on this farm, i would
like to use xwiki watch in keeping track of current day feeds and articles
that are directly related to our day to day business... My username in is "srikanth" and the server name can be "idealabz"
Sent from My BlackBerry®
Hi all,
Is it possible to set xwiki server do not allow force editing?
Or just remove link for editing from notice that object is curently locked
would by better.
Thank you for your help!
Frantisek Kall
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We are planning to introduce "Documents" that will have a set of additional
attributes besides Content as regular xwiki page has.
For example our "Document" will contain
a) Name
b) Content
c) State
d) Rating
Questions are about proper attributes distribution between xwiki page and
object (instance of additional xwiki class will be designed)
Currently we see two reasonable ways. In both cases Name will be name of
page where our "Document" "stored".
1) Content in page
* Content is stored in a page content
* State and Rating are attributes of some class (e.g. OurDocClass),
stored as an object on this page.
2) Content in class
* Content, State and Rating are attributes of some class
* Page is just to display (may edit) properties (including Content) of
the object "attached" to particular page
I prefer to use first way, but there we have a dispute in our implementation
a) What way is preferable?
b) What benefits and disadvantages of using #1 ?
c) Are there possible some performance issues if we store bulky
content text in object property instead of page content?
I suppose in case #2 we can meet inconvenience with powerful using of other
xwiki functionality which we are planning to use, such as Lucene Searching,
Document Locking, Versioning, Including of page etc.
It will be nice to get recommendations or references to some staff on
Thank you,
Is there anyone out there using xwiki on an iSeries?
I'm experiencing issues but will get back with specifics later, if I
can't resolve them.
Hi -
I am using XWiki Enterprise 2.0-milestone-1.21570.
I am attaching files that are between 1-10 MB into the wiki, and when I
check it right after upload and attach, the file downloads properly.
However, later on, like the next day, I get an error when clicking on
the link "no template exist". I try to click the link again and the doc
downloads, but it is 0 bytes.
I did some searching through the mailing list archives, and saw a note
about increasing the max_packet_size in MySQL. Our default size is
16mb. Is there anything else we need to check or do to make sure the
attachments continue to exist properly? Beyond upgrading, that is.
Kelly Lakas
Project Manager
next wave logistics inc.
28377 Davis Parkway, Suite 607A
Warrenville, IL 60555
[web] <>
[office] 847.798.8897
[cell] 312.307.2079
Hi all,
I need to import upgraded XAR archives in xwiki on many Linux servers running an integrated system we made with liferay, zimbra, alfresco and of course xwiki. Importing them via web interface it is quite time comsuming and web ports are not always easily reachable.
I looked for a way to import the XARs from command line but i haven't figured out how to do that, could you suggest me how to do that?
I think I can't reach my goal with shell scripting, xwiki preferences/import page scraping and curl posting because authentication is centrally managed by CAS and it needs client-side javascript to succeed.
I could use a method like the one described at:
by defining a local directory on the server where to deploy the XARs and then running a macro that gets the file list and imports them, but doing all from the shell would be better.
Any help would be very appreciated, thanks in advance!
I need to create a simple login form (just name and address) for participants
in training. Maximum 20 participants per term. Then print the attendance
list. How can I do it simply?
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Hi guys,
somehow I'm not able to resolve the administration error regarding the
'Inadequate priviledges' when trying to restart the OpenOffice Server over
the AdminSheet.
OpenOffice Import works fine on my windows machine. There is no problem with
either an internal or externally managed instance. Still I cannot seem to
get rid of the priviledges statement when trying to restart the server
through the admin interface. I already tried saving the
XWiki.OfficeImporterAdmin with and without programming rights but it still
does not resolve the error whilst trying to use restart over the
XWiki.AdminSheet. There is no talk of any 'Inadequate priviledges' when
trying to restart the server directly in the XWiki.OfficeImporterAdmin page.
This works fine and the logs state this as well.
Is there something I'm overlooking here or is this a known bug?
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