I just updated to xwiki enterprise Now I am experiencing a
problem when I modify a document that contains images. It happens that when
I modify a document (not all the time) and then I save the document, some
images are shown as broken images on the page. But if I follow the link on
the html source of the page the image is still there. The pages where that
happens have the special character -. I am using a mysql database configured
with charset UTF8. If I delete the attachment of the image and upload and
image with the same file name it still doesn't work.
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager 2.4.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
The highlights of this release are a new template-based page creation,
invitations, object and class editor improvements (especially the
ability to remove class properties), and several security and
performance improvements.
Important changes since XWiki Enterprise 2.3.2:
* Changed the default search engine from the direct database search
to Lucene, plus a new section in the Administration page for managing
the search engine
* New template based page creation, which allows to define
templates for new pages
* A new Invitation Manager application, which allows users to
invite other people to join the wiki
* The ability to insert external images in the WYSIWYG editor
* One-click paste button in the WYSIWYG toolbar
* The ability to add one-click buttons for inserting certain macros
* The ability to delete and to disable/re-enable class properties
* Usability improvements for the object and class editors
* Usability improvements for the Watchlist
* Faster page loading using defered scripts
* Many fixes against Cross-Site Scripting attacks
* Many other bug fixes
For more information see the Release notes at:
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Main/ReleaseNotesXWikiEnterprise24 and
-The XWiki dev team
Sergiu Dumitriu
When trying to create a new page using the New Page/"Create" panel, it
always displays a message that the the page already exists. Other means of
creating a page work fine, like using the "Create Page" menu item of the
space or typing the new page name in the URL.
I have an XEM 2.3.28624 installation with two XE instances set up using
Path-based resolution. This error is occurring in both XE instances.
Steps Taken
1. visit the wiki
2. Type in any value into the Name field on the "Create" panel
3. click the "Create" button
The page with "This document already exists" is shown.
I have a ToolClass with objects: Description (Description: TextArea), Title
(Title: String), URL (URL: String).
Creating a new Tool I have to fill out these objects. "Description" is a
TextArea object (editor: PureText) and it can contain line breaks. In my
Livetable I show these objects and their contents. But if I have a line
break in "Description" my Livetable doesn't show anything.
How can I solve this problem? Does anyone has an idea? Or do I have to
remove "Description" from my Livetable list? Perhaps it is possible to
transform all line breaks to one blank line? Or is this to complex?^^
Ps. What for are "Validation Regular Expression" and "Validation Message" in
the "Description" object made. I tried to put things like [a-zA-Z] in but it
doesnt work. Entering numbers still work.
I want to create a space where I can create pages which are all showen in my
This is my code:
==== Type the title of your Wiki in the "Page Name" field and click on
#set($panelId = $util.generateRandomString(4))
<form method="post" action="$doc.getURL('view', 'xpage=create')"
<div class="padded left">
<input type="hidden" name="tocreate" value="page"/>
#set($pageInputId = "page$!{panelId}")
<label for="$pageInputId">$msg.get('core.create.page')</label>
#set($pageText = $msg.get('core.create.pageText'))
<input type="text" id="$pageInputId" name="page" value="$pageText"
onfocus="if(this.value=='$pageText') this.value=''"
onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='$pageText'"/>
#set($parent = $services.model.serialize($doc.documentReference,
<input type="hidden" name="parent" value="$!parent"/>
<input type="submit" class="button" value="$msg.get('create')"/>
==== This table lists all the documents found in Projects-KnowHow.====
#set($collist = ["doc.name", "doc.space", "doc.date", "doc.creator",
"doc.author", "_actions"])
#set($colprops = {
"doc.name" : { "type" : "text" , "size" : 30, "link" :
"doc.space" : { "type" : "hidden", "link" : "space"},
"doc.date" : { "type" : "date" },
"doc.creator" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "creator",
"displayName" : "Creator"},
"doc.author" : { "type" : "text", "link" : "author"},
"_actions" : {"actions": ["edit","delete","rename"]}
#set($options = { "topFilters":'<input type="hidden" size="${colprop.size}"
name="doc.space" value="Projects-KnowHow" />',
"translationPrefix" : "xe.index.",
"rowCount": 10,
"selectedColumn": "doc.date",
"defaultOrder" : "desc"
#livetable("projectsKnowHow" $collist $colprops $options)
With this code I have two problems.
a) The result does not look nice. There is something like an empty Tag
Cloud. (cause of topFilters)
b) "WebPreferences" and "WebHome" is listed in my Livetable
Does anyone know how to solve these two problems or perhaps a better
solution for me?
Ps. I also would like to hide this space (called: Projects-KnowHow) in my
Space Panel. Because I have a space called "Projects" with links in it to
other pages and also one to "Projects-KnowHow". So I don't need it in my
Space Panel. But I think "Projects-KnowHow" must be a space to create pages
in it...and it also makes it easyer to find pages with Lucene by searching
in "Projects-KnowHow"
For easyer to understand:
Space Panel shows:
*Space1 (Projects-KnowHow)
*Space1 (Projects-KnowHow)
But I wont see the last one....is something like this possible?!
As you can see in the code above I have in my Livetable:
#set($colprops = {
"_actions" : {"actions": ["edit","delete","rename"]}
But "_actions" is "A special column to display a list of actions that can be
performed by administrators on the matched documents."
Is it possible to make it available to all other user who have edit and
delete rights?
I have imported the Photo Album App. The only deficit of this App is, that I
can only add one photo after another before I klick on attach. It would be
better to mark all photos, klick on open to add them and then klick on
So attaching more files at once would be good. Is something like this
possible or planned?!
I am very grateful for any form of assistance
(and I hope this would be my last questions )
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/4-Questions-Livetable-1-3-Photo-Album-4-t…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am trying to add a dynamic number of objects (all of the same type) to
a document from the inline-edit page. The workflow that I would like is
for the user to click an "Add Requirement" button and a row is populated
on the page below the edit-list of existing requirements that is blank
and can be added to. The user can do this multiple times, then click the
"Save & View" button and it is all saved.
I have figured out how to create objects during the initial rendering of
the edit page, but not how to do it dynamically.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.