I have just upgraded to XWiki Enterprise and have a question regarding configuring WebDAV.
My XWiki is installed in Tomcat 5.5 as the 'ROOT' web app. Tomcat runs on port 8080 and I have an AJP connector with Apache proxying requests via SSL port 443, meaning that my wiki can be accessed at:
https://www.myhost.tld/bin/view/Main (etc.)
My question is regarding WebDAV login. I understand that the normal login URL for this would be:
However, since I have deployed XWiki as the ROOT webapp, it seems that I am getting redirected to Tomcat's built-in WebDAV app when accessing this URL.
When I access:
I get the same list of three files - a generic HTML page listing information about Tomcat's WebDAV support, and a couple of GIF files with the Tomcat logo.
When I access:
I get a 'Not Implemented' error.
Could someone advise on how to configure XWiki/Tomcat to pass me to XWiki's WebDAV implementation, rather than to Tomcat's default one? My xwiki.cfg has WebDAV enabled (as far as I know - it is pretty much set to defaults in all respects).
On another note: thank you for all your sterling work with XWiki. It's a tremendously flexible and useful application, and it has been a breeze to administer.
Graeme West
Digital Repository Developer
Information Services
Glasgow Caledonian University
Glasgow Caledonian University is a registered Scottish charity, number SC021474
Winner: Times Higher Education's Widening Participation Initiative of the Year 2009 and Herald Society's Education Initiative of the Year 2009
I'm testing the portuguese translation of Xwiki (both stable and milestone versions) and I'm facing some problems.
Starting at Main.WebHome, when I set "pt" as default language, some links do not translate, for example, the "Annotations" link right above the page content on the colibri skin. Clicking on the Annotations link, the box appears with the default message "To annotate a piece of text, select it and hit Crtl-M". I've checked on ApplicationsResources_pt.properties and added the translated field, from the default properties file, for the property in english:
annotations.action.create.helpmessage=To annotate a piece of text, select it and hit {0}.
There aren't any UTF-8 special chars on the translated message. I've restarted the xwiki tomcat instance , cleaned the browser cache, but the message is still in English. This problem occurs with all text I try to translate through the ApplicationResources_pt file, other than the ones that are already translated on _pt file (copying the original English text from the default properties file, translating it and pasting into the _pt file).
I've tried other languages, but the same problem: many links, panels text and others remain in English. Isn't that only translate ALL the default resources file into the desired language and replace it like explained in the admin guide?
How can I solve this?
I'm also interested to offer the brasilian Portuguese translation of the properties file.
Ramon Gomes Brandão
I have extract the WAR-file into \Enterprise\webapps\xwiki
and imported the XAR over XWIKI -> Administer Wiki -> Import
For the M1 I used the Standalone installation including a Jetty container
and an HSQLDB database and had no changes in the hibernate.cfg.xml or
xwiki.cfg. So there is no need to copy them in the new WEB-INF.
Now tell me what did I do wrong?!
The new creations/applications seem to don't have a translation and the
Class Editor site also looks curious.
Here a screenshot:
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Upgrate-XWiki-Enterprise-2-4-M1-to-M2-tp5…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I have to choose between the normal Table and the Livetable.
I like the possibility to make select boxes with the normal table (using:
class="unsortable selectFilter")
But I have problems with the filtering. If I add pagination and use the
filter field he shows me only the results of the current page.
Livetable finds all pages but I can't make such Filter-Boxes.
Please tell me if I did something wrong with the normal table!
Here is my code:
## The full data to display
#set ($spaceDocs = $xwiki.getSpaceDocsName("Projects-Todo"))
#set($itemsPerPage = 3)
#set($itemsPerPage = $xwiki.parseInt($request.ipp))
#set($pageNumber = 0)
#set($pageNumber = $xwiki.parseInt($request.page))
#set($startAt = $itemsPerPage * $pageNumber)
#if($startAt < 0)
#set($startAt = 0)
#set($endAt = $itemsPerPage * ($pageNumber + 1))
#if($endAt > $spaceDocs.size())
#set($endAt = $spaceDocs.size())
#if($startAt > $endAt)
#set($startAt = $endAt)
#set($totalPages = ($spaceDocs.size() - 1) / $itemsPerPage)
#set($crtPageNumber = $startAt / $itemsPerPage)
#set($spaceDocsInPage = $spaceDocs.subList($startAt, $endAt))
#set ($hql = ", BaseObject as obj where obj.name=doc.fullName
and obj.className='XWiki.Todo2Class' and obj.name<>'XWiki.Todo2Template'
order by doc.date desc")
#set ($todos= $xwiki.searchDocuments($hql, $itemsPerPage, $startAt))
<table id="todoTable" class="grid sortable filterable doOddEven"
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr class="sortHeader">
<th class="unsortable selectFilter">Priority</th>
<th class="unsortable selectFilter">Status</th>
#foreach ($todo in $todos)
#set ($todoDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($todo))
#set ($todoObj = $todoDoc.getObject("XWiki.Todo2Class"))
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Table-Pagination-Filtering-capabilities-t…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi XWiki users,
Using XE2.3.1, the Panel Wizard does not work. You can try to save your new
layout, it is not registered.
A workaround is to define the list of panels in the Presentation section.
Do you encounter the same issue ?
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 2.4 Milestone 2.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
This is second and last milestone of the XWiki Enterprise 2.4 version.
Main changes from XWiki Enterprise 2.4 Milestone 2:
* Objects and classes editor improvements
* New Template-based page creation
* New Invitation Manager application
* New search application improvements
* WYSIWYG Improvements
* JMX Administration Console
* Watchlist improvements
* Script improvements
* Javascript improvements
* Lots of bugs fixes
For more information see the Release notes at:
- The XWiki dev team
Greetings All,
I recently downloaded the XWiki enterprise package that was as fool proof as they came.
I read through all the instructions then carefully (or so I thought) installed it. I went to go
Open "start wiki" and a black box appeared, immediately the box closed, I tried again a few
Times but the same thing continued to happen. I tried to go to "my wiki" in IE and it wouldn't
Load. I have no idea where I went wrong. I tried to uninstall so that I could reinstall it and try
Again, the "uninstall" option from my start menu (I'm using windows 7) wouldn't work. Any
Help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for taking the time to read this,