I'm currently trying to upgrade my xwiki installations from 5.4.4 to 8.0 (or
even later, byt currentrly struggling with 8.0). Current (5.4.4)
installation have a few modifications made in base XWiki documents. We have
provided the installation with our library to authenticate users from
external application along with few service components etc. And now I'm
loooking for best way to migrate to later(lates) version. With it I have a
few issues.
- Distribution Wizard is not working properly when run on server (tomcat)
with our extensions and modifications provided. It displays information
about component not being compatibile. There is allways a way to run a clean
xwiki and migrate with Distribution Wizard but for now I would like to avoid
- Another issue using Distribution Wizard is that not all of installation
environments have access to extension repositories.
- Another thing is that one of installations have huge ammount of
attachments (over 100 GB) so exporting old installation and importing over
new installation is not possible.
Does anyone have any tips regarding XWiki migration?
I will be greateful for any help, even for som words of encouragement ;)
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/XWiki-migration-tp7601313.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi xwikiers,
We decided to remove LDAP authenticator from XWiki Enterprise in 8.3.
So I moved everything that was related to LDAP in
https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/ldap. Don't worry It's still
supported by the XWiki Dev team and got many improvements already. It
just felt easier to maintain and reuse it in its own repository and is
very easy to install with Extension Manager.
I taken the occasion to "merge" the LDAP Authenticator and Trusted
LDAP Authenticator so there is now only one with all the features of
both authenticators plus a few bonuses.
You can also use it since Wiki 7.4.x and get all the new features
without upgrading. It won't conflict with the embedded one, you just
indicate you want to use the new one which is fully retro-compatible.
See more details on
http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/LDAP/ and
Thomas Mortagne
Hi users and devs,
The Limits Application has been improved again. It seems I have taken the
manta "release early, release often" very seriously :).
The 1.2 version has been released and brings the ability to handle custom
See: http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Limits+Application
Guillaume Delhumeau (guillaume.delhumeau(a)xwiki.com)
Research & Development Engineer at XWiki SAS
Committer on the XWiki.org project
Hi all,
Is it possible to enforce naming conventions on file attachments in XWiki?
Let's say I want all files attached under a certain space to have a prefix
added to their name, can that be done?
I am running xwiki 7.4.4 and have just noticed the user
index has gone missing from the side menu and also the
main/UserDirectory page is just showing #displayUserDirectory(true)
Checking I can't seem to be able to find the add-on to remove or reinstall. Anyone got any ideas?
Is there a way to display additional things inside a Livetable field to
interact with the field value shown?
For example I have a livetable showing all application documents as follows:
Name | Category | User | Password | Modify Date | Actions
For every entry in the User and Password columns I want to provide a button
to copy the respective field value to the clipboard. How can I modify the
livetable to have additional elements alongside the field value?
Thanks in advance,
We experience a strange behaviour with version 8.2.1 which was not there with
Version 7.4.2:
- Subwiki (allows only global user)
- Login at Home-Wiki
- Navigate to Subwiki
- Logout at Subwiki
- Login at Subwiki
Error message: You are not allowed ...
- Logout
- Login at Home Wiki
- Works
Changing "allow local user and global user" in subwiki does not change
anything expect that a local user is created. The local user can login
(correct permissions provided).
Same configuration in 7.4.2 works as expected.
How can we achieve global user login to subwikis?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Problem-Global-User-in-Subwiki-tp7601243.…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I transfer your message to the proper mailing list.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: paulebouton(a)gmail.com <paulebouton(a)gmail.com>
Date: 2016-09-09 17:49 GMT+02:00
Subject: How to return to the first installed version of my xwiki space ?
To: guillaume.delhumeau(a)xwiki.com
How can i come back to the original configuration of my xwiki space ?
... Seem i have deleted the administration module !!! and, i can't use my
xwiki space anymore ...
It's very problematic because,i have plan to use it all this year to
animate the local discussion groups for citizens of Bagnolet ...
Can you please re-initialize my space ?
Thanks for your help.
Paule Bouton
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Guillaume Delhumeau (guillaume.delhumeau(a)xwiki.com)
Research & Development Engineer at XWiki SAS
Committer on the XWiki.org project
Hi guys,
I'm having a hard time accessing the fields of an application (prepared via
App Within Minutes) document from another document.
I have those 2 documents:
1. XApp / Data / 123456789
2. Test / Testscript
I try to prepare an event listener to rename new documents according to
some of their fields.
For example I have the field 'ddlCategory' and I want the name of all new
documents of the XApp application to be "XP-<category>-DateTime".
To get the doc before accessing the objects of the class I tested
retrieving XApp.WebHome:
#set($docRef = $services.model.createDocumentReference('', 'XApp',
#set($document = $xwiki.getDocument($docRef))
"$document.getContent()" shows me the content.
Now I want to get the nested Data space (where the documents are stored and
which contains the livetable):
#set($docRef = $services.model.createDocumentReference('', 'XApp.Data',
#set($document = $xwiki.getDocument($docRef))
"$document.getContent()" is not replaced, the resulting page shows
"$document.getContent()" so it can't find the XApp.Data.WebHome.
In the reference I tried different things (ie "Xapp\.Data") but it also
So how to retrieve a nested document in velocity?
Thanks in advance,
Yesterday, I announced you the availability of a new extension: the Limits
Since, Thomas Mortagne suggested me an idea to make it better. The UI of
the application is now contained in the JAR, so it cannot be removed by
mistake by an user who manipulates wiki pages. Moreover, the UI is now
visible on every subwikis, without the need to install something on each of
Also, developers will be happy because they can overwrite the default UI
like any skin template!
To download it or see more informations, see:
Guillaume Delhumeau (guillaume.delhumeau(a)xwiki.com)
Research & Development Engineer at XWiki SAS
Committer on the XWiki.org project