I know this has been asked before but I can't find an answer. Can one
customize the notification email format? For a non-wiki user those email
look confusing. I'd like to have that a document was changed, link to the
document and who changed it.
Thank you
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Watch-list-email-format-tp5019921p5019921…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello there!
I would like to know if it's possible to downgrade the XWiki. My friend is
willing to uninstall and install an old version, but he wasn't able to find
any old version to download.
Any clues?
Thank you,
i'm looking for a possibility to display links to childpages
the child page snipet depends on the doctree plugin (is that available on
myxwiki.org?) so is there a nother way?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/display-childpages-tp5013284p5013284.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I would like to have a specific color theme for my users depending of the
groups. So I modified the colorThemeInit.vm to check the user group and
apply a specific theme.
My problem is after logging, I have to refresh the page manually to see the
new theme, even if I click on a link in the wiki.
How can I force a refresh automatically after logging? Should I call the
template colorThemeInit somewhere else ?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/colorThemeInit-and-updating-theme-problem…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I'm trying to program some groovy scrips which works fine when I use my local xwiki installation, but when I try this on my myxwiki account I cannot set the Programming rights, no matter which account I use Roemer or StephanRoemer.
Greetings Stephan
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Hello all!
I'm working with XWiki and I'm a newbie... I've read the tutorial available
on http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Modules/RenderingModule and the
customization part of the pdf export. I'm still clueless on how to do it
properly... I have java experience, so I can code what is necessary, I just
don't know where to go.
All I want to do is change the default template. Changing the footer,
header, TOC and breaking a page on every h1 found.
I would be glad if someone could give me a hint.
Thank you,
In the 2.3 timeframe, a serious security bug was fixed. Hibernate treats backslashes differently from some
database management systems and as a result native SQL can be injected through the searchDocuments function.
This means members of a wiki can finish an SQL query, also this means that badly written searchDocuments or
search queries go from small security issues to larger ones.
NOTE: Passwords are hashed (encrypted) so they cannot easily be read from the database.
Who's at risk?
Database systems which treat backslash as an escape character and allow stacked queries are susceptible to
arbitrary SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and DROP statements.
These include:
Database systems which treat backslash as an escape character but disallow stacked queries are susceptible
only to arbitrary SELECT statements.
These include:
Database systems which do not treat backslash as an escape character are not vulnerable these include:
HSQLDB (default XWiki zip/exe installation)
You can get a small groovy snippet to test your database and see if it supports stacked queries here:
What can be done:
#1: XWiki-2.3 and XWiki-2.2.6 Are patched to convert \ to \\ in search queries so upgrading to them will
negate the threat. You can download them here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/Main/Download
#2: If you compile your own branch of XWiki and are unable to upgrade, you can integrate the patch which
was used to fix the problem The patch is here:
Since the database controller has changed, you will likely have to port this patch to your version, what's
important is that api.XWiki.searchDocuments and api.XWiki.search have their input filtered.
#3: You can and should make sure to log unexpected SQL at the database level. XWiki doesn't usually use
the backslash character and queries containing backslashes should be logged specially. Also it is a good
idea to log (or block if possible) any SQL comment syntax. Hibernate does not support comments and comment
syntax is central to almost all SQL injection.
while I've been frustrated form installing mediawiki... I found XWIKI....The
installation was easy and straight-forward then I encountered with an
excellent tool for my job:
I am not a administrating and I don't want Online wiki so much (at least for
1-2 year)... currently I just need a wiki for my personal use:
1) is XWIKI a good choice for someone like me?
2) I need LaTeX support is it available?
3) I'm a newbie ( I just know a little HTML...) is XWIKI a good alternative
for my personal DMS?
4) I've installed my XWIKI on Fedora 11 in /home/user/.XWiki folder is it
possible to reinstall it?
5) I can't access my xwiki via menu's shortcut I've to cd .XWiki and "sh
start....sh" It works but I want a total solution
6) where do my pages store?
excuxe me for this long list question
I installed XEM (version 2.3) from a distribution with Tomcat 6.0.26 and
MySQL 5.1 on Windows XP. I followed the guide installation. After creating a
new wiki instance, I tried to access it but unsuccessfully... I have some
delay timeout expiration and wiki can't be displayed. I can only access to
the main wiki.
I don't know where to look for and what to do, do you have any suggestions ?
When I imported the xem application xar, I had these error messages in
Tomcat console :
ERROR util.JDBCExceptionReporter - Incorrect string value: '\xC5\xABs va...'
for column 'XWD_CONTENT' at row 1
ERROR .AbstractFlushingEventListener - Could not synchronize database state
with session
and after those, some like this one :
ERROR packaging.Package - Failed to save document Sandbox.WebHome
Do you think it's linked ?
I have a "security" problem in the document tree. People who doesn't have
access to a specific space shouldn't even see his name in the tree results.
I'm looking for the parameter which has to be modify to solve this problem
but unfortunetely, it's very hard to find it. Can somebody help me?
=> there is a condition to had a link in the space name to see documents
inside, I think it's here that I have to modify something but I can't find
this code...
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Document-Tree-visibility-tp4996738p499673…
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