Sorry, my mail reader isn't quite cooperating and I missed that one.
If possible, could I change it to ''? I've been
reviewing the article content I want to use it for and it will cover more
than just coding.
Sorry for the inconvenience. If it's too late to change it, that's OK.
Thanks again.
As i sais in a previous mail:
> You can access your new wiki on
> I assumed you did want "mobilecoder" as wiki name since it was the
only thing related to that in your mail.
On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 05:34, T.J. Young <tjy.young(a)> wrote:
> Not sure if my last reply went through, but meant to follow up with my
> username, from my original request for a hosted wiki.
> My username is tjyoung
> Thanks
> (Any guidelines/limitations on what subdomain name to use for the URL? Can
> just pick one?)
Is the XWiki Watch application compatible with most recent platform ?
It is very unclear from the app's pages which is the most recent version
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Olivier BERGER <olivier.berger(a)> - OpenPGP-Id: 1024D/6B829EEC
Ingénieur Recherche - Dept INF
Institut TELECOM, SudParis (, Evry (France)
I'm trying to get livetable filtering working however I'm having trouble figuring out what objects/properties are available in the $filterfrom and $filterwhere parameters of the gridresultwithmacro() macro contained in the XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros document.
I'm trying to filter the livetable to display only records where the "title" field is set to "test" but setting the $filterwhere parameter to " and'title' and obj.value='test'" does not seem to work and I'm having trouble finding any documentation etc to find out what format these where clauses should be in.
The closest documentation that ive been able to find is at the bottom of the following page however it doesnt give much clues as to what format the $filterwhere and $filterfrom parameters (3rd and 4th parameter) of the gridresultwithmacro() macro should be in.
The livetable displays all records correctly if I leave the $filterfrom and $filterwhere parameters blank.
Can anyone offer any hints or point me to any relevant documentation?
Radek Rekas
Not sure if my last reply went through, but meant to follow up with my
username, from my original request for a hosted wiki.
My username is tjyoung
(Any guidelines/limitations on what subdomain name to use for the URL? Can I
just pick one?)
On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 8:08 PM, T.J. Young <tjy.young(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> Was wondering if/how I could create my own wiki hosted on the myxwiki
> network? I'm looking at creating a new developer portal/resource site for
> mobile application developers. Mostly text content, articles, code samples
> etc. I've looked at other services like Ning and Blogger but they are pretty
> limited. If it works out, I'll likely look into hosting it properly.
> Thanks!
I am trying to setup Workspaces to compare with an Enterprise (v2.1)
I notice that the LDAP support is not there - the jar versions for
Workspace are 1.4
LDAP is a feature I definitely need...
Any idea when workspaces will use the latest version of Enterprise?
- arp
We are currently using the include macro to “include” the content of one page on another page, but have stumbled upon a few problems.
The intention of using the include macro was to selectively show content from TestPage1 on TestPage2 only to those users who had read access to TestPage1.
For people with no access to TestPage1, the content should be silently dropped without an error message so the viewer without access privileges would not be able to see data from TestPage1 on TestPage2.
However in the current implementation, there are a few problems.
The include macro seems to work only if the space name is specified, even when the included page is in the same space.
If the space name is omitted, only individuals with admin rights are able to view the included page correctly. For everyone else, with appropriate access rights, a “Failed to execute macro: include” error gets produced instead.
For example, in our Sandbox space, we tried including TestPage1 into TestPage2 using the following:
{{include document="TestPage1"/}}
And all the pages under the Sandbox space are viewable by everyone.
In this situation, only users with admin rights are able to view the page correctly, while ordinary users see an error message and a stack trace. The stack trace indicates a "Failed to get content for Document" exception.
So the ultimate questions are:
Is the space name mandatory for the include macro?
Is there a technique that allows us to silently produce empty content if the user is not given access rights to that included page (as opposed to seeing an error message)?
Are there any other methods of “including” another page without using the include macro?
Thank you,
Felix Wu
After much searching around the XWiki documentation, Apache Lucene documentation and googling, I have not succeeded in finding a solution to the following questions:
1. How does one locate all attachments with an extension say 'xls'? I am thinking that the query should look like "filename: *.xls", but Lucene query syntax does not allow * to be the first character of a search
2. Many times users remember some portion of the attachment filename. What would be the syntax to locate such attachments. Something like "filename: *Report*.doc"
3. The SearchApplicationLuceneSearchQueryHelp page on does not mention how to constrain a search to a given space. What is the field name for specifying a space. For example trying to locate the homepage of users with first name John by using "space:XWiki name:John*" does not work
4. Going one step further, is there a way to specify a regular expression syntax for a Lucene search query? The range operator syntax is not quite self-explanatory. For a query like "name:[Aida TO Carmen]", what does it mean to locate all pages whose name are between Aida and Carmen? Would it match AidaSummerVacation? I tried "filename:[A TO Z]*.xls" to locate an attachment name 'Test.xls' but that didn't work.
If anyone can shed light on educating the finer details of using the full power of Lucene search, I would very much appreciate that.
Are there any ways to color/highlight text other than using HTML/CSS?
{{html}}<font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR:yellow">hello</font>{{/html}}