I'm currently evaluating xwiki.
My goal is to develop a data maintenance system for books and authors data.
Two entities, BOOK and AUTHOR, have a many-to-many relationship.
The new system should provide an ability to maintain the attributes of
each entity as well as the relationship between them using forms.
There are a large number of existing data, which are sourced from
other systems and I'm considering to store them using custom mapping
in XWiki.
Now I wonder how I should store the …
[View More]many-to-many relationship in XWiki
database. Is it a right approach for XWiki to introduce the
traditional intersection table?
Also, I'd like to know the subsequent steps to follow.
I need to create a .hbm file and define a many-to-many mapping, right?
And next...?
Any hint would be greatly appreciated.
[View Less]
I've made sure that the xwiki syntax is set to Xwiki 1.0 for the page but when I type "[]" or "$xwiki." as per the screenshots in the XWiki Page Editor section of the XEclipse user guide (http://xeclipse.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/UserGuide) no autocompletion popup boxes appear.
I'm using XEclipse 1.2.0 RC1
----- Original Message -----
From: Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
Sent: Tue, 10/11/2009 6:30pm
To: XWiki Users <users(a)xwiki.org>
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] …
[View More]XEclipse syntax highlighting and code completion
Hi Radek,
On Nov 10, 2009, at 7:23 AM, Radek Rekas wrote:
> Hi,
> I can't seem to get the syntax highlighting and code completion
> working in XEclipse, is there anything that needs to be done to get
> this working or should it work out of the box?
It'll work OOB but only for the XWiki 1.0 syntax for now. We need
someone to make it work for the 2.0 syntax.
users mailing list
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On Nov 11, 2009, at 11:44 PM, Radek Rekas wrote:
> Whoops, that was it, i feel silly now.
> Thank you very much for the help.
> Radek
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
> Sent: Wed, 11/11/2009 6:09pm
> To: XWiki Users <users(a)xwiki.org>
> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] XEclipse syntax highlighting and code
> completion
> On Nov 11, 2009, at 12:10 AM, Radek Rekas wrote:
[View More]>
>> I've made sure that the xwiki syntax is set to Xwiki 1.0 for the
>> page but when I type "[]" or "$xwiki." as per the screenshots in the
>> XWiki Page Editor section of the XEclipse user guide (http://xeclipse.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/UserGuide
>> ) no autocompletion popup boxes appear.
> Have you pressed ctrl+space too?
> Thanks
> -Vincent
>> I'm using XEclipse 1.2.0 RC1
>> Radek
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
>> Sent: Tue, 10/11/2009 6:30pm
>> To: XWiki Users <users(a)xwiki.org>
>> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] XEclipse syntax highlighting and code
>> completion
>> Hi Radek,
>> On Nov 10, 2009, at 7:23 AM, Radek Rekas wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I can't seem to get the syntax highlighting and code completion
>>> working in XEclipse, is there anything that needs to be done to get
>>> this working or should it work out of the box?
>> It'll work OOB but only for the XWiki 1.0 syntax for now. We need
>> someone to make it work for the 2.0 syntax.
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
> _______________________________________________
> users mailing list
> users(a)xwiki.org
> http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/users
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Is there a limit to the number of files that can be attached to an XWiki
page? If a page has 199 attachments, would it cause any problems or
** Mary Ellen
I found this link :
http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Modules/WysiwygEditorModule. It is an
useful one, but if i wanna edit more than one html element(in this case
textarea that has the id="demo") then it does now what to do.
i tried making an array of "hookedIds" but that does not help either.
my case scenario is something like this:
"i have a table with multiple <input type="text" .. or textarea . they are
grouped in a table(which had an id..thinking that if all elements are
[View More]integrated in an table that has an id i am doing a step forward..quess not).
each field has an id because when i press Edit i wanna edit all those
elements from the table, except some labels lets say. So, folowing the
example from the link above i tried, made a table, created input types and
labels. just like a normal table. i gave ids to all the elements that i
wanna edit later on. then when i call the editor on load in javascript, i
have this variable there:hookId. this one can receive only one id?. my scope
is to add as many ids as i need to so that when i press the edit button to
be ablet to edit those "
this is a long shot, but it's my best idea yet. if you think there is
something wrong in the logic, please tell me. did anybody ran into such
thank you
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/how-to-declare-in-a-js-script-that-the-editor-can-have…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
[View Less]
i am trying to understand how the "edit a page" works, how does it
know(where is sending the request) to preload the data of the page in the
editor(wysiwyg). If the developers take a look on this topic, please give me
a trail to follow. the flow at least . thank you
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/editor-with-preloaded-data-tp3979819p3979819.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am out of the office until 11/12/2009.
I will not have access to email. For wiki assistance, please contact Kim
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Issue 16" sent on 11/11/09 2:10:10.
This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.
What I have discovered is that this is happening when I try to use an Oracle
user other than "xwiki". Somehow the code to run the initialization oracle
script has been bound to this user. It is a problem cause you can never have
two different xwiki installations working with the same oracle SID (i.e. on
the same instance of oracle XE).
anyone that can look in the code and try to verify this?
I've followed along in the tutorial in the dev guide for creating a FAQ at
Here's my first point of confusion: in section 'Create a homepage for your
application' it states 'Go to the "FAQ.WebHome" page'. I do not see such a
page. In the latest iterations of building the FAQ I've first created the
FAQ Space, then built the FAQ Class, etc, then put the code into the
'home' page for the space, ie http://localhost/xwiki/bin/…
[View More]view/FAQ/
I'm sure my problems stem from my weak understanding of this step and how
spaces are created and referenced.
ph 312-653-4293
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I'm following the instructions for installing xwiki into the eXo portal
(GateIn is based on eXo) but I'm getting a casting exception
Nov 10, 2009 11:59:33 AM
org.exoplatform.portal.application.ResourceRequestFilter afterInit
INFO: Cache eXo Resource at client: true
10.11.2009 11:59:35 *ERROR* [main] LifeCycle: Cannot start object
(LifeCycle.java, line 101)
org.gatein.pc.portlet.container.PortletInitializationException: The portlet
xwiki threw a runtime exception during init
Caused by: java.…
[View More]lang.ClassCastException: com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiPortlet
cannot be cast to javax.portlet.Portlet
Any ideas where to start?
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/install-xwiki-into-GateIn-portal-tp3981710p3981710.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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