Hi all,
Just a hint: Using the new colibri skin warps the task manager application pages. So I am still using the default skin.
Is this a problem of the skin or a task manger application issue?
I was trying to add an example, however it seams to be blocked by the mail system ...
(Windows XP, Firefox 3.5.3)
I' running Xwiki (XWiki Enterprise on a windows machine with Tomcat 5.5.28 and MySQL 5.1. I've also installed openoffice 3.1.1 and have it run as a service with the command 'soffice -headless -accept="socket,host=,port=8100;urp;" -nofirststartwizard'. Still XE can not start/connect to the server. I've checked and changed de xwiki.properties file, but no changes are picked up by XE. Anyone, who can help me get this thing to work?
I'm a newbie with XWiki and I'm mostly experimenting with it so see if and
how we could use it internally.
I'm running XWiki on Tomcat6 with Fedora 11/MySQL 5.1.37 and had
encountered no particular problem except that I have to launch and run the
OpenOffice server externally on a regular account because it would not start
when launched by XWiki. I suspect it's a memory access right issue because
launching manually from the tomcat account I get this
-sh-4.0$ /usr/bin/soffice -headless
-accept=socket,host=,port=8100;urp; -nofirststartwizard
creation of executable memory area failed: Permission denied
creation of executable memory area failed: Permission denied
creation of executable memory area failed: Permission denied
creation of executable memory area failed: Permission denied
creation of executable memory area failed: Permission denied
creation of executable memory area failed: Permission denied
creation of executable memory area failed: Permission denied
It's just the way the tomcat account is set I believe. (Seeing no xwiki
user, I assume xwiki is using the tomcat account to launch soffice).
I have 3 x questions regarding XWiki:
1) We want to use 'spaces' (no virtual XWiki) to create boundaries
between what users can see. I have created Space A, User A and configured
access rights so that User A can access Space A only. The problem is that
when User A log into XWiki, XWiki returns and error message because User A
tries to land on the main page =>
a. Can we configure XWiki so that User A automatically lands on Space
A when login ? If yes, how ?
b. I assume also that performing a search User A will not be able to
see anything out of his user space A. Right ?
2) I have made a quick Groovy/SQL test polling a rather large table out
of an external database and displaying the result into HTML on XWiki.
Scrolling down the dynamically generated XWiki HTML table, I suddenly got
into a black hole or let's say the end of the XWiki web page =>
a. What is the way in XWiki to control the maximum length/size (or
maximum characters ?) of a Web page ?
3) Is it possible to programmatically add pages into Xwiki based on the
content of an external database. The idea here is to run a script (via Xwiki
scheduler ?) to pull records out of an external database. For each (new)
record, then a new XWiki page would be created which users could edit to
bind their own additional pieces of information. When a database record is
deleted, the corresponding XWiki pages would be move to the 'gone' space.
Many Many thanks for your help and for providing us such a powerful tool.
Sorry if I'm missing something but, how can I change the ColorTheme of the
Colibri skin?
Is it possible to change the theme on a Space level?
Also, I'd like to congratulate on the new skin. It's light and clean,
perfect as the default skin for the wiki, and a perfect starting point for a
custom skin.
Hi all,
I've tried to install all available versions of xoffice for Word 2003, adding the trusted site ... - the installation reports "successfully". However I couldn't see any added functionality using it (starting MS Word) - no new menu, no added toolbar ...
May I kindly ask for a hint?
I've made my own upload form because I need to intercept an upload and
save it different places at once, potentially resize it in the process.
Essentially I use the fileupload plugin. Grep the data and use the
$doc.addAttachment(filename, byte[]) function.
I do however run into trouble. First It all goes fine, I can upload
fine and the attachment is present in both document. But after some
time it simply disappears. Ether it is not saved correctly (only in
cache?) or something else is terribly wrong.
Do I need to call some kind of save function?
In the admin dashboard I can see that I made some new documents and
uploaded files to them. But on the Document itself there doesn't seem to
be history of when the file was uploaded, nor a option to role back.
So any help or ideas would be appreciated.
Here is the attachment saving part of the code (don't mind the file
naming code it works!):
#set( $up = $xwiki.getPlugin("fileupload"))
#set( $wallCardData = $up.getFileItemData(
$wallCardName.toLowerCase() ) )
#if($listtool.size($wallCardData) > 0)
#set( $ext =
## Store the original file in XWiki.WallCards as
#set( $oriFileName =
"${doc.getSpace()}-${doc.getName()}-$wallCardName$ext" )
#set( $oriatt = $xwiki.getDocument( $oriFileDocument
$up.getFileItemData($wallCardName.toLowerCase()) ) )
#set( $att = $doc.addAttachment( "$wallCardName$ext",
$up.getFileItemData($wallCardName.toLowerCase())) )
Dear all,
I have been struggling with lining out a table onder a numbering.
For example, I have numbers 1-5 (in the referred to as 1.).
When I create a table in the WYSIWYG editor, under lets say 2, at first
sometimes this goes right, and the table is indented in the same way
that text is (the expected behaviour).
Sometimes when I change something on the page the table is suddenly no
longer indented, resulting in the next number (3) changing to 1.
I have not been able to make the table indent again, nor have I been
able to fix the numbering.
I found a related issue on Jira, but it seems this did not fix the issue
I encounter:
and :
Has anyone else encountered this and does anyone know a fix?
We are running Xwiki
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
Vincent Gerris (SL 2.34)
De Haagse Hogeschool
Dienst ICT
Tel: 070 445 7468
I was just wondering how can I define a class in xwiki, and use it on a page in order to create a structured page.
My intention is to define a set of structured pages so I can use the livetable macro.
Can anyone help me please?
Thanks in advance,
Best Regards
- Roney Castro