We've just upgraded our wiki from 1.4.0 to 1.8.4 and are unable to
activate any of the syntaxes - the syntax selector is not available in
edit mode.
Steps we've taken:
- imported the default xar file
- updated the plugins list
- updated the configuration files -
We have no customisation to the panels/skins etc.
Where should I look to find out how to activate the new syntaxes?
I'm trying to configure virtual wikis following the documentation provided
at http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Virtualization.
I managed to configure manually some virtual wikis but then I'm no more able
to administrate users,groups and rights using the administration/preferences
interface (works well in NO virtual mode). The page freezes on "loading"
and no users/groups or rights are diplayed.
I've got javascripts errors in the firefox's console and the following css
and javascript resources are not available when I run xwiki in virtual mode:
I got 302 http status for those urls and I can't access those urls.
Besides I expected those resource to be something like:
but even with that "virtual" url I still cannot access the resource.
Thank you in advance for your help.
We have a repository of articles (our Old CMS) we would like to import
into xwiki automatically.
These Articles are in a propietary XML format, one XML file per article.
What would be the best approach?
We have ability to restructure/transform xml into another xml by means
of xslt.
Which approaches could we research?
joyfan wrote:
> When upgraded my Xwiki to version1.8.1,I got the problem too.
> The error message like this:
> [Statistics storing daemon] ERROR objects.BaseCollection - Failed
> to get class [internal] from wiki [xwiki]
I am using the 1.8.2 version, i am also getting this error in the log, any
solutions is this a problem?
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/ERROR--BaseCollection--Failed-to-get-class--internal--…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I'm new to xwiki and I want to create a page that has a text box and a
button that when I press it i want to display under the button the text
introduced in the text box.
How can I do this using groovy?
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Need-help-with-input-text-tp2971708p2971708.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 1.9 Release Candidate 1.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
First release candidate of the XWiki Enterprise 1.9 version.
Main changes:
* The default syntax is now 'xwiki/2.0' which means that new
documents will be created with this syntax. Note that XWiki Enterprise
documents (user profile, recent changes, etc) are still using the
"xwiki/1.0" syntax, they will be migrated during the 2.0 release
* WYSIWYG Improvements
** Ability to insert level 6 headings
** Allow adding and editing lists in table cells
** Allow adding complex content inside list items
* Important Bugs fixed
** Many WYSIWYG bugs fixed
** Many 2.0 syntax bugs fixed
** Many 1.0 to 2.0 conversion bugs fixed
For more information see the Release notes at:
Note that general goals for XWiki Enterprise 1.9 are:
* Finish/stabilize/document new rendering
* Finish/stabilize/document new wysiwyg editor
* Finish/stabilize/document office importer + doc splitter/management
* Finish/stabilize/document webdav
* Finish/stabilize/document REST support
* Usability improvements
The XWiki dev team
Hey everyone,
We upgraded from XWiki 1.2 to XWiki 1.7.2, and exported all created pages
and spaces from the old to the new version. We created new users and
groups in the new version, using the user names and group names that had
been used for the old version.
Customizing the 'Quick Links' panel using code like
#if ($xwiki.hasAccessLevel("view","<space name>.WebHome"))
* <link>
works for the old settings (i.e. space rights for users and groups).
However, it doesn't work for newly created spaces. It doesn't work for
newly created groups either. Nonetheless, it works when setting admin
space rights for the newly created groups and/or spaces.
Since this seems to be a bug, I created the Jira issue XE-440. I still
would like to hear, if some of you have a similar problem.
Best regards,
just found that since my update (1.8.3) no users and groups are displayed in
the Admin-Application in my virtual wiki in the main wiki they are still
I imported the default xar.
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/No-users-and-groups-tp2938876p2938876.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello everyone,
I just finished updating an application 'mktree' and have created the
application page in the codes section.
This is just a simple script borrowed from the work of Matt Kruse and
converts basic ul-li list to collapsible tree.
I had to devise this since we are using this tree to "drill-down" to
possible resolutions based on error symptoms.
The helpdesk support has to chose between various nodes of the tree to reach
a possible resolution.
Of all the trees I saw, this was by far the simplest of all & easiest to
implement. With a size of 4kb it was definitely not going to affect
performance of the pages.
This is my first ever contribution to the XWiki project. It is a very small
contribution but I hope someone somewhere will find it useful.
A big thanks to Jerome for his hint which helped me finish this application.
Also, I have some questions about developing applications.
1. What is the recommended size of the application .xar file? Is there a
upper limit / benchmark beyond which the performance of the page in a wiki
will be affected?
2. What is the general opinion about plugins/applications developed in
JQuery or some other javascript library? I've been through a page on
XWiki.org which rationalizes the use of javascript libraries. However, is
JQuery completely off the list? Will this javascript library cause conflict
with prototype & script.aculo.us? I've implemented a tooltip plugin based on
the updated jTip library. I was really interested in contributing the
tooltip application to XWiki.
Thank you all.