I'm trying to use subModal javascript modal tool. I got it to work but
my modal window that contains a simple form also contains XWiki skin
(with menu etc.).
Is there a way to create a page without the skin? This is similar to
the style in modal window in the Admin area when editing a group for
Is there an XWiki js modal too that can be used instead of an external
tool like subModal?
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Hi all,
There are two (three) applications handling tasks: The "Task Manager Application" and the "(Extended) ToDo Application". AND there is a "Wanted Application" ... Work Order Management, where you can create a list of workers, and create tasks (define properties like requester dept. and name, project containing the task, date of creation, details, and notes). Assign tasks to a worker, and track hours in each task, finally close tasks. Should be able to extract simple reports, like n. of open/closed tasks, min., max. and average hours per task, listing per requester, and per worker, etc.
What's the development direction of these applications? The main advantage of the "Task Manager Application" is the link to a Wiki Page. This allows making notes, adding open issues ... to a page - the local view. The global view is the central list of all open issues. The two main directions to look for open issues. Jira is a funny tool too; however I need the direct link to the Wiki page.
That's what I like, the question is: What's going on?
Dear xwiki experts,
I politely ask for assistance, since many-days-troubleshooting on my own
brought no success.
I'm still getting JBoss Application Server errors, as described below.
What am I doing wrong? All steps are followed as described on xwiki.org.
Many thanks in advance for your expertise!
DEBIAN 5.0.1
JBoss GA 5.0.1 (no add-ons, no other applications)
JDK 5.0
PostgreSQL 8.3.6-1
postgresql-8.3-604.jdbc4.jar JDBC Java Driver
1. Installed JBoss GA 5.0.1
2. created directory
3. copied the content of xwiki-enterprise-web-1.8.1.war into directory
4. Uncommented the resource-ref in
/usr/local/jboss.ga.5.0.1/server/default/deploy/xwiki.war/WEB-INF/web.xml as
<description>DB Connection</description>
5. Modified the
as follows:
<property name="connection.username">xwiki</property>
<property name="connection.password">xwiki</property>
<property name="connection.pool_size">2</property>
<property name="statement_cache.size">2</property>
<mapping resource="xwiki.hbm.xml"/>
<mapping resource="feeds.hbm.xml"/>
6. Downloaded the jboss-web.xml and placed it into the directory
7. Installed PostgreSQL 8.3.6-1 per command apt-get insall postgresql
8. Executed following commands as postgres user:
# createuser xwiki -S -D -R -P -Upostgres
# createdb xwiki -Eunicode -Oxwiki -Upostgres
9. Copied postgresql-8.3-604.jdbc4.jar Java Driver into
10. Uncommented xwiki.store.hibernate.path=/WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml line
in the file
When I start the JBoss Application Server, I get the following error:
11:12:19,299 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/
11:12:19,793 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/jmx-console
11:12:20,290 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/xwiki
11:12:21,311 ERROR [JBossContextConfig] XML error parsing: context.xml
org.jboss.xb.binding.JBossXBRuntimeException: Failed to create a new SAX
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/XWIKI-installation-error-on-JBOSS-5.0.1--%21%21%21PLEA…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I'm using XWiki (1.3) in our company. For testing of new functionality
(especially in wysiwyg editor) I need the newest version of well configured
XWiki. I registered as "kaferos" and I would like to use "twig" as server
Frantisek Kall
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/-myxwiki--new-wiki-request-tp2732206p2732206.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello folks,
I am sorry to revive an old question I had asked in this forum but I wanted
to share this with everyone.
My statistics were not working on XWiki 1.7.2 originally.
Finally, I figured this out.
The database was MySql ver 4.x.x.
I got this legacy database to work on since XWiki was on testing mode for my
organization back then. I really did not have any option in the choice of
the MySql version at that point of time.
I had almost given up on getting the stats to work. But in the process of
setting up a test XWiki I installed MySql 5.4.
And the stats module worked !!!
Guess, I missed something in the XWiki install guides or maybe the version
compatibility (for database & app servers) is not mentioned in the install
My most sincere thanks to Sergiu & Thomas who took the time to answer my
questions when this thread was active.
Thank you everyone...
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 4:56 AM, Dilipkumar Jadhav <
jadhav.dilipkumar(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Thank you so much for your prompt response.
> I've tried to check all the things you have suggested. This is where i
> stand now:
> 1. Debug each line of the stats panel
> I printed out the values at the end of each #set line in the most
> edited pages panel. This is what i got as a result:
> com.xpn.xwiki.criteria.impl.Scope@19fd285
> com.xpn.xwiki.criteria.impl.Period@11ff313
> com.xpn.xwiki.criteria.impl.Range@4348c6
> []
> The final [] in the fourth line above is the value for $stats
> 2. The Joda time plugin might be disabled
> I see that the line com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.jodatime.JodaTimePlugin is in
> my xwiki.cfg properties
> Also, joda-time-1.4.jar is available in WEB_INF > lib folder
> 3. "Maybe you have a "statistics" field set to 0 in
> XWiki.XWikiPreferences (edit in object mode to check)"
> I went to the XWiki.XwikiPreferences page and checked it in the object
> mode. Unfortunately, i do not see any "statistics" field in there.
> Could you please provide me with some exact example that i should look
> for in this page. I see info about panels & skins et al. But nothing
> about the statistics field.
> 4. I read the line in the user guide that says - "When statistics are
> globally enabled, storage can be enabled/disabled by wiki using the
> XWikiPreference property "statistics"
> Is this the same statistics field that we are talking about in point 3
> above...If so, i really need some more clarity on looking up
> XWikipreferences in the object mode.
> 5. I have disabled the module and enabled it again. But there is still
> no data being displayed on the panels. All it says is - "No statistics
> recorded"
> Please help...thank you friends.
Hi -
1. Vincent, Thanks for answering my previous question on macros.
2. I have a new question on comments. I know I can prevent groups
from entering comments, and I know I can hide the comment section
completely as well. I was wondering if there is a way to hide comments
(both view and edit) from one group, but allow view and edit and view
only for other groups. I've done some searching but haven't turned up
if that's possibly yet.
Kelly Lakas
Project Manager
next wave logistics inc.
28377 davis parkway, suite 607a
warrenville, il 60555
[office] 847.798.8897
[mobile] 312.307.2079
[web] www.nwlinc.com <http://www.nwlinc.com>
I tried to upgrade xwiki enterprise from version 1.2 rc3 to 1.8.2 and
it was by no means an easy task. The good thing is xwiki is very robust
and I managed to recover most of it except the wiki preference. I would
appreciate if someone could help me get the last piece going.
Note: I have imported xwiki Application Adminstration xar. And when i
select the Panel Wizard icon, i get the following messages from the console
[WARNING] Deprecated usage of method
[com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.getHashMap] in XWiki.XWikiPreferences@21,28
[WARNING] Deprecated usage of method
[com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.getArrayList] in XWiki.XWikiPreferences@23,39
[WARNING] Deprecated usage of getter
[com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.getHashMap] in XWiki.XWikiPreferences@54,29
[WARNING] Deprecated usage of getter
[com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.getHashMap] in XWiki.XWikiPreferences@55,8
[WARNING] Deprecated usage of method
[com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.getURLEncoded] in XWiki.XWikiPreferences@114,120
[WARNING] Deprecated usage of getter [com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document.getWeb]
in XWiki.XWikiPreferences@6,16
[ERROR] Introspection Error : Ambiguous method invocation print(null)
for class class org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
[WARNING] Deprecated usage of getter [com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document.getWeb]
in XWiki.XWikiPreferences@12,11
[WARNING] Deprecated usage of method
[com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.getRecentActions] in XWiki.XWikiPreferences@5,31
[WARNING] Deprecated usage of getter [com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document.getWeb]
in VMProxyArg : Reference@1,15
[WARNING] Deprecated usage of getter [com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document.getWeb]
in XWiki.XWikiPreferences@1,6
[WARNING] Deprecated usage of getter [com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document.getWeb]
in XWiki.XWikiPreferences@3,10
[WARNING] Deprecated usage of getter [com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document.getWeb]
in XWiki.XWikiPreferences@10,20
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks in advance
Hi -
I am trying to make the warning box macro work in 2.0. From the
research I did, it looked like I needed to put it in like this:
{{velocity}}#warning("this needs an update"){{/velocity}}. Then I get
this on render: <div class="warningmessage"><span
class="messagetype">Warning: </span>this needs an update</div>.
I tried {{velocity}}{{xhtml}}#warning("this needs an
update"){{/xhtml}}{{/velocity}} as well, but that failed too - I get an
error box that says "unknown macro: html".
I'm using XWiki Enterprise, installed on my local box.
I'm not a programmer/developer, so I'm a little stuck on the next step
and my investigations so far haven't turned up what I need to do.
I saw also on the footnotes macro page that the comment said that it
didn't work in 2.0, so I'm assuming that needs an update to get it to
work? Or is the comment wrong?
Hate to bother, just looking for a little help.
Kelly Lakas
Project Manager
next wave logistics inc.
28377 davis parkway, suite 607a
warrenville, il 60555
[office] 847.798.8897
[mobile] 312.307.2079
[web] www.nwlinc.com <http://www.nwlinc.com>
Hello Friends,
I have been asked to connect an external database with XWiki (XWiki will be
used as the application & MySql as the database).
I am using XWiki Enterprise 1.7.14685 :: MySql 5.0.
The external database (let's call it titan) is on the same mysql instance
(port) as XWiki database itself.
The requirement is to fetch user input (in terms of check boxes, radio
buttons & text boxes) from XWiki page and insert it into database.
Also, some degree of read operation from the database is required.
I've been able to read from my external database using the following code
directly in my XWiki page (under XWiki 1.0 syntax):
import groovy.sql.Sql
def sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/titan", "root",
"test", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
sql.eachRow("select * from user"){
println "${it.user}"
Hence, I am confident that an update or insert operation can be performed
with ease too (thanks to the groovy page at
But I am not familiar with how to retrieve session parameters from the page
context. Could someone please guide me to a resource or a working example of
fetching context variables/parameters. Maybe it is a very simple solution,
but I have very little background in velocity. Any help would be much
Also, any time-frame on the page rating feature which is being discussed
very often now?(what version we could expect to see it?). Also, would page
rating be available for all the documents in an existing wiki (as in
embedded in the velocity templates) or would it be available only for newly
created pages/documents.
Thank you everyone...