We are facing issue integrating XWiki against our enterprise LDAP
The fact is that we can't implement the LDAP group-mapping feature
because xwiki tries to retrieve groups members using the xwiki
logged/authenticated user
who has no access right on the LDAP groups entries.
That's why we configured xwiki to use a "proxy" ldap account
(ldap_dn/ldap_pass) which has
the required access privileges to query the whole ldap.
But unfortunately, Xwiki binds first using this proxy account and
then binds again using the logged user credentials before
actually searching for the mapped groups members.
Please find below the ldap requests made by xwiki I caught using a network
sniffer tool:
1. xwiki binds against the ldap server using the "proxy" account
2. xwiki get all members of the "ldap.user_group" xwiki parameter (it works
since still connected with the proxy account)
3. xwiki binds using the credentials provided by the user
4. xwiki search for the user information (ldap.fields_mapping)
5. xwiki get the "ldap.group_mapping" members --> returns no entry
Unfortunatly we are not in charge of the ldap servers administration and we
are not able to change
their configuration and grant read access on the groups entries to all the
Is there any parameter to force xwiki to perform ldap queries (expect to
authenticate the user) using the
proxy account (credential defined in ldap_dn/ldap_pass)?
XWiki should bind first using the users credential to authenticate the user
and then perform
all other required ldap requests using the proxy account.
We are currently evaluating the last stable release 1.8 (but applies to
previous release as well) and
group mapping feature is highly needed.
Any help will be greatly welcome.
Thank you in advance.
new link dialog is great but the "open in new window option" does not work.
It inserts rel="__blank" instead of target"_blank"
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/New-WYSIWYG-%281.8.1%29-tp2664778p2664778.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Since changing the security setting of Xwiki-space i'm a bit in
The goal was to secure the xwiki.{username}, since we need to protect
the privacy of our users.
So I revoked the permision of Guests to xwiki space.
But since this I had problems, I can solve them one.by.one by granting
read access of a specific page to guest or group
Now the RSS FEED and notification of the watchlist does not work
anymore, I do not get notifications of changed pages.
How can I set a watchlist on a space? If somebody adds a page or
modifies a page I would like to get notified
Hi everyone,
Nowadays, to convert a document to xwiki 2.0, we have to select on the drop down list when we're editing a page, slecte xwiki 2.0. So to convert a page to xwiki2.0 syntax, the user (administrator or other) have to do this manipulation himself.
I was thinking when I read in Jira "Continue work on automatic converter from XWiki Syntax 1.0 to XWiki Syntax 2.0" that the user won't have to do the manipulation by himself anymore. But when I read more about this post, I understood it's not really the purpose, it's a improvement of the existing.
Is a "true" automatic converter to xwiki2.0 scheduled ? If yes, for which version of xwiki entreprise ? :-)
I mean by that to convert a page automatically in xwiki2.0 if it's in xwiki1.0 (the user has not to do it by himself).
The thing is I've implemented the basic xwiki xar in order to have my own xwiki. So in my newxwiki.xar, I have a core of pages using xwiki1.0 syntax and I have my new pages using xwiki2.0 syntax. To blend the syntax of all my pages in xwiki2.0 when I update my version of xwiki (1.8) will i need to :
* Solution 1
o Download a basic xwiki xar file using syntax 2.0.
o Recreate all my pages.
* Solution 2
o Import my xar file directly in the new xwiki version (the conversion should happen automatically).
I want to unify the syntax I'm using in my xwiki in order to simplify the life of my users/admistrators (because when you edit a page using xwiki1.0, you haven't the same WYSIWYG editor as the one you have when you edit a page using xwiki2.0 for example).
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Automatic-converter-to-xwiki-syntax-2.0-tp2662524p2662…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I just updated to XWiki Syntax 2.0 (XWiki 1.8.1) and it looks like the
intermap syntax is not supported anymore. Is this correct? Will there be
a replacement?
Your wiki is created. You can access it at http://tugen.myxwiki.org
Enjoy ;)
On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 22:29, Jean-Paul Chapalain
<jpchapalain(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> my user.id is "Tugen".
> Thk
> --
> -- Jean-Paul Chapalain
> -- Mail to  : jpchapalain(a)gmail.com
> --
> On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 10:23 PM, Thomas Mortagne
> <thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jean-Paul,
>> What is your user id on myxwiki.org ?
>> On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 21:49, Jean-Paul Chapalain
>> <jpchapalain(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>>> HI,
>>> I'm testing wiki solutions for my company.
>>> Could you create a wiki for me with  url http://tugen.myxwiki.org:8080 ?
>>> Thank In advance.
>>> --
>>> -- Jean-Paul Chapalain
>>> -- Mail to  : jpchapalain(a)gmail.com
>>> --
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> users mailing list
>>> users(a)xwiki.org
>>> http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>> --
>> Thomas Mortagne
Thomas Mortagne
I'm testing wiki solutions for my company.
Could you create a wiki for me with url http://tugen.myxwiki.org:8080 ?
Thank In advance.
-- Jean-Paul Chapalain
-- Mail to : jpchapalain(a)gmail.com
Hi everybody,
I have added a bit of example code on the date picker application page
on xwiki.org, hopefully someone will find it useful.
Dean Sellers applications engineer
rinstrum smart weighing
Ph: +61 7 3216 7166 Fax: +61 7 3216 6211
41 Success St, Acacia Ridge, QLD, 4110
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Marius Dumitru Florea <
mariusdumitru.florea(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
> Hi Jonas
> Jonas Almfeldt wrote:
> [snip]
>> Where can I find those templates? in the .war file or in the database?
> Yes, in the war, in templates directory. Have you changed editwysiwygnew.vm
> or wysiwyginput.vm?
No haven't.
I have now deployed the same .war file in both environments and the instance
running in Tomcat works fine with the rendering in the wysiwyg editor, but
the instance running in WAS environment does not. :-(
> [snip]
>> This means the XWiki syntax is no converted to XHTML before loading
>> the editor. Can you try a simpler example just to be sure? For
>> instance to this:
>> * edit a new/empty page
>> * type a word like "bug"
>> * select the word
>> * click the bold button on the tool bar
>> * save and edit again
>> Do you get **bug** in the WYSIWYG editor? If so, then cancel the
>> edit. The "bug" is in bold in view mode right? Then please append
>> "xpage=wysiwyginput" to the query string of your URL and tell me the
>> output. For instance:
>> http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Sandbox/Test?xpage=wysiwyginput
>> I suspect the output is **bug** right?
>> Yes, the output is: **bug**\\
>> Now if you append also "render" like in:
>> http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Sandbox/FF?xpage=wysiwyginput&render
>> <
>> http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Sandbox/FF?xpage=wysiwyginput&render
>> >
>> is the "bug" in bold?
>> No :-( the output of ...?xpage=wysiwyginput&render is still: **bug**\\
> Can you try this:
> * edit a NEW page with the Wiki editor and past this content:
> -----8<-----
> {{velocity}}
> #set($mydoc = $xwiki.getDocument("Sandbox.FF"))
> $mydoc.getRenderedContent($mydoc.content, $mydoc.syntaxId)
> {{/velocity}}
> ----->8-----
> * replace Sandbox.FF with the space and the page where you wrote **bug**.
> Save and view. What does it display? I get:
> <p><strong>bug</strong></p>
I also get:
>> Some additional details:
>> The WAS 6.1 jvm has java version 1.5.0 btw.
>> My local Tomcat runs with the JRE of jdk1.5.0_08.
>> I also forgot to mention to the list that this problem is not specific to
>> 1.8.1. It happens when I test with 1.8 also. (same wiki db content used,
>> created with 1.8 stable and the 1.8 XAR archive as a base).
>> [snip]
> Thanks,
> Marius
Hi again,
In making an edit on xwiki.org I noticed some strange behaviour and I am
hoping someone can help me solve it, or at least explain it.
What I wanted to do was post an example that involved some javascript
with a literal array inside, like:
dateFormat : {pre}[["dd","mm","yyyy"],"/"]{/pre}
So to include this in the page you would use
dateFormat : {pre}[["dd","mm","yyyy"],"/"]{/pre}
It appears though the the {pre} tags break the {code} macro, is there a
workaround or something I am missing here?
Dean Sellers applications engineer
rinstrum smart weighing
Ph: +61 7 3216 7166 Fax: +61 7 3216 6211
41 Success St, Acacia Ridge, QLD, 4110