sometime ago the old Wysiwyg (1.0) started to create wrong heading syntax.
<h2>Heading 2</h2>
instead of
1.1 Heading 2
I thought i started a thread for that but i can't find it so ... some
problem related to that are, stylesheets not working, toc-macro not working
I thought that would stop beeing a problem with the change to the new
Wysiwyg (2.0) in fakt it is when you create pages in the new syntax but i
just found that when you create a page in the old syntax and change it zu
2.0 the conversion does this:
{{html wiki="true"}}<h2>Heading 2</h2>{{/html}}
That on one hand mayby correct handling of such conversions but since the
syntax is not intended to be that way i think it's not so good.
The conversion of "1.1 Heading 2" works fine by the way.
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Syntax-problem-1.0--%3E-2.0-tp2430693p2430693.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
In my organization we are debating between XWiki and Sharepoint. There is a functionality that makes sharepoint different from many alternatives, and it is to create forms in an easy way. I've been searching the documentation of xwiki, and even though I found that there are forms, I hadn't found a way of making them "in a simple way", I mean, with a form to create the forms. Then, displaying the structured data and being able to copy paste to the office suite.
So here comes the question, is there any easy way to create a formular?
I mean that if there isn't, if someone knowing the technology could do it I would just be awesome.
Francisco Hernández CuchÃ
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I have installed the new blog application but my What's new page
(Main/Dashboard) doesn't have any of my blog articles. The code says
<div id="webhomeblogdisplay" style="float:left; width: 49.9%;">
<div style="padding-right:20px;">
<h3>Blog <a href="$xwiki.getURL("Main.BlogRss", "view",
"xpage=rdf")" style=""><img
src="$xwiki.getSkinFile("icons/black-rss.png")" alt="rss icon"/></a></h3>
#set($nbstart = $request.nbstart)
#set($category = "Default")
#set($nbitems = "3")
But that doesn't seem to work. Something else I'm supposed to use
besides Blog.Topics?
Dave Mangot
Terracotta Inc.
650 Townsend St. Suite 325
San Francisco, CA 94103 USA
+1 415 738 4059
This e-mail incorporates Terracotta's confidentiality policy, which is
online at http://www.terracottatech.com/emailconfidentiality.shtml
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 1.8 RC 2.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
This is the second Release Candidate for the 1.8 version.
Changes from 1.8RC1:
Main changes:
* new "useravatar" macro for 2.0 syntax
* Improvements on 1.0->2.0 syntaxes convertion
* Add ability to configure xwiki to use the XWiki Syntax 2.0 as
default when creating new pages
* Bugs fixed in XWiki 2.0 syntax rendering.
* Upgrade to groovy 1.6 final.
* Update french translations
* Update german translations
* Update spanish translation
Important bug fixes:
* XWIKI-3228 - Error while saving xwiki 2.0 documents containing anchor links
* XWIKI-3242 - Entering an empty link makes the rendering blow up
* XWIKI-3252 - Cannot view documents in other languages than the
default when in multilingual mode and when using XWiki Syntax 2.0
For more information see the Release notes at:
Note that general goals for XWiki Enterprise 1.8 are:
* Office Importer
* New Blog
* Finish new rendering/syntax
* Finish new WYSIWYG
* French XE
* MediaWiki import
-The XWiki dev team
Hello all,
I'm trying to configure Kerberos SSO using AppServerTrustedAuthServiceImpl.
I'm using latest xwiki, 1.8 rc 1 and to the contrary of what Admin Guide for
Authentication states, this class is included in xwiki-core module.
Nevertheless, I've configured application server well and set
AppServerTrustedAuthServiceImpl to be used. Problem is that user
authorization checks fail.
In debug log I saw that user creation was started but auth_createuser
context param was empty/null and thus not equal to string "empty" which
createUser of XWikiAuthServiceImpl expects, so user wouldn't actually get
created and thus when XWikiRightServiceImpl. To set auth_createuser
parameter to "empty" I've adjusted xwiki.cfg by adding
xwiki.authentication.createuser=empty. If this is what really has to be
done, it would be good that Admin Guide gets updated with this information.
After setting createuser to "empty", debug log changed but just a little bit
(see attached log archive). Now it seems that user is being created but it
still has no access rights. Does someone have any ideas how to configure
this to work? Thanks in advance!
Hey XWiki Users :)
I seem to be having a little trouble in 1.7.1 changing the creator. In my
wiki, I have a tool that makes copies of several "base" documents so that a
user can start off with a template of what they want, most often the main
change is to add some text, or even just to have the relevant document
attached to a specific project.
Problem is, the code that worked for this in 1.4 doesn't work in 1.7.1 - is
there a new way to do this?
Currently I use a groovy script that copies the documents related to the
tool (this works fab); but then I have a script that goes:
context.user seems to be coming up correctly.
copiedDoc is correctly assigned to the document.
But the creator doesn't get changed.
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/%24doc.doc.setCreator%28%22XWiki.username%22%29-not-wo…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.