I`m sharing with you the addition of a new article on xwiki.org's blog:
"Updating the XWiki UI using a bit of JavaScript and Velocity code"
by Oana Tabaranu
It is a quick tutorial, exemplifying how you can use a bit of JavaScript
and Velocity coding to update certain parts of XWiki's (or your
application's) User Interface on the fly (without reloading the entire
page). For more info on the topic, make sure to follow the links at the
bottom of the article or feel free to ask here and either Oana or anyone
else from the community with the knowledge should help you out.
If you have something XWiki-related that you would like to share on
xwiki.org's blog, please see my previous mail on how you can easily do that:
Does anyone know why an unregistered user (not logged in) receives rights to manage the wiki when I give permission program for it?
I'm using version 7.4.4
I have a problem. I created an XClass with personal info (name, address
etc); but instead of attaching one XObject to many pages (1 to 1), I have
attached many objects of the same class to one single page (an array of
xobjects if you will). Is it possible to query the xobjects for a particular
name, and have the query return an xobject, instead of the name of the page?
the name of the page does me no good, because I still have to search through
the objects...
#set( $hql = "select obj.name from BaseObject obj where obj.className =
'$class.name'" )
returns a list containing the same page over and over, instead of a list of
Can this be done?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/hql-query-returning-objects-tp7600307.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
How can i come back to the initial state of my xwiki space ?
... Seem i have deleted the administration pages in my first tries !!!
Thanks for your help.
Paule Bouton
paulebouton(a)gmail.com <mailto:paulebouton@gmail.com>
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The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki
8.2 Release Candidate 1.
This release integrates CKEditor as the default WYSIWYG content editor and
adds a *tour* on the home page to describe the XWiki user interface to
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
The following people have contributed code to this release (sorted
Alexandru Cotiuga
Anca Luca
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
Eduard Moraru
Guillaume Delhumeau
Marius Dumitru Florea
Raluca Stavro
Thomas Mortagne
Vincent Massol
Thanks for your support
-The XWiki dev team
We have a small problem with the attachements displayed on pages.
Let’s say we have a file named « test.xls » in attachement of a page. For
this file, we have made 3 modifications.
We can see « 1.1 », « 2.1 », « 3.1 » in the versioning tab and we can
download them without problem from that place.
But in the attachments tab, we have only the first release (with « 1.1 »
just next to it to confirm it).
Is it possible to show the last revision or version of a file in the
attachements ?
If it’s necessary, this is xwiki 8.0 and the attachments are stored in the
Thank you.
Who has mapped the flamingo-colortheme on the skin-div's?
Or is this documented anywhere ?
what is default styled with Brand-primary, Brand-success, Brand-info, Brand-warning, Brand-danger
what is @Component-active-color and @Component-active-bg
Gerritjan Koekkoek
Vader van Rai Koekkoek (cdls) en voorzitter vereniging CdLS
Visit our website<http://www.cdlsworld.org>
I was wondering, if a page calls itself as a JSON provider, is the context
preserved? or do I need to pass information to itself in the query string?
the way I have it call itself is that, if the query string is empty, it
assumes you want to display the page, but if the query string has
parameters, it assumes it needs to return JSON.
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Page-calling-itself-as-JSON-source-tp7600…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.