Thanks Jerome.
I updated the administration app, as you suggested, only maybe not as
carefully as you suggested :)
I should learn to read instructions.
I did update the group pages. That, as you predicted, went OK apart from the
XWikiAllGroup. Can you run the script to restore that for ?
As a side note, it would be nice to have an option to perform bulk
operations on a group's member list, by using a list of all members with
checkboxes. Not instead of the current interface, but in a addition.
One more thing that seems to be broken is the "smart table" I use on several
pages, e.g.
I don't think I customised the XWiki.XWikiPreferences, unless I did it
2009/2/11 <users-request(a)>
> From: Jerome Velociter <jerome(a)>
> There should be no problem if you take care. If you don't want to
> upgrade the whole XE, you can take just the administration application
> from here
> to solve this issue
> > - specifically, it says that all group memberships will be broken. We
> have a
> > lot of groups with a lot of users, is there any migration script I can
> use?
> Just make sure you exclude the group documents (XWikiAdminGroup and
> XWikiAllGroup) from the list by un-checking their boxes. Beware if you
> forget this is not that easily reversible (but your XWikiAllGroup can be
> re-created by script, though, you'll have to do the AdminGroup manually).
> For all other groups you created yourself, you have nothing to worry
> about, they are kept safe.
> What the upgrade will do is update the group sheet
> (XWiki.XWikiGroupSheet) so that it asks for the proper javascript
> library to be loaded.
> Don't forget to exclude XWiki.XWikiPreferences, too, as you probably
> customized it.
> Jerome.
I have just installed the new version of XWiki but I didn't find
instructions on how to enable the new GWT editor.
I have tried XWiki v 1.7 stable and 1.8 M2, and when I try to edit a page,
it proposes the old WYSIWYG editor. As the new editor is not enabled by
default, is there a configuration setting somewhere to enable it?
Thanks in advance,
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Hi guys,
a link to a page "smallGreenStuff" gets rendered as "small Green
Stuff". I didn't want to set up a Jira issue on this yet. Just tested
with Syntax 1.0. But that shouldn't happen, right?
Hello everybody,
Just another question,
Is there any way to use structured data input and view in XWiki? I've seen some pages that have it, but I don't know an easy way to implement it. I has to be something simple, like in excel or a shared excel where you can copy paste from the office suite.
I think that normal tables could handle it, but when I copy paste from excel the table is no more editable.
Another option is a table where you can edit rows somehow.
I don't know all the possibilities of xwiki, so, any suggestion?
Thanks for the good work,
Francisco Hernández CuchÃ
mail: francisco.hernandez(a) <>
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> You should import the xwiki-administration xar, as the group sheet was
> updated to pull the required JS/CSS files, which are no longer included
> by default in the HTML head.
Thanks Sergiu.
I looked for it at:
but couldn't find it. any tips?
Yishay Mor, Researcher, London Knowledge Lab
+44-20-78378888 x5737
2009/2/11 <users-request(a)>
> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] problems editing group members in XWiki
> 1.8?
> To: XWiki Users <users(a)>
> Message-ID: <49915E3C.6010204(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> > Yishay Mor wrote:
> >> On (hosted on the
> >> farm)
> >>
> >> I'm having problems editing group memberships.
> >> >From the admin page, if I try to enter "groups", it hangs.
> >> I can navigate to
> >>
> /XWikiGroups
> >> But then, when I try to enter a specific group, it hangs.
> >>
> >
> > It seems that a .js file is missing. Looking into it.
> You should import the xwiki-administration xar, as the group sheet was
> updated to pull the required JS/CSS files, which are no longer included
> by default in the HTML head.
> --
> Sergiu Dumitriu
I'm executing some code on Save which attaches a PNG file to a document
that was edited/saved.
When I call docObj.saveAttachmentContent(attP, context); the attachment
is save OK but any changes made to my document (ie. text changes) are
not saved.
If I comment out this line the text changes are saved, but off course
not the attachment.
Is this normal behaviour, what do the developers think?
def imgAsBites =
"+umlImage, context);
def attP = docObj.getAttachment(filenameToSavaAs);
attP = new
println "NO Attach";
docObj.saveAttachmentContent(attP, context);
This message and any files transmitted with it is intended for the addressee only and may contain information that is confidential or privileged. Unauthorised use is strictly prohibited. If you are not the addressee, you should not read, copy, disclose or otherwise use this message, except for the purpose of delivery to the addressee.
Any views or opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Coventry University.
I should want use XWiki as a platform to distribute java web start
I want some acces control : only register persons can get the jnlp and jar
I put the jars on the server by FTP with an ant task. I edit the jnlp file on
the server with vim (or KEdit, if the X server is ok).
I don't want use the internal stuff in XWiki to edit or install these files, I
use xwiki only to control the acces and to make a presentation page (ex :
"Please clic here (here), it's my very good java application") of the product.
How is it possible to get the FTP transfert inside a xwiki context ?
Thanks Thomas,
Sorry - I somehow missed that announcement. But I'm confused:
- it says that "It is also strongly recommended to upgrade to the latest
wiki version." do I have privileges to do that?
some warnings about potential hazards of the upgrade process. Is there
way to roll-back a failed upgrade?
- specifically, it says that all group memberships will be broken. We have a
lot of groups with a lot of users, is there any migration script I can use?
Yishay Mor, Researcher, London Knowledge Lab
+44-20-78378888 x5737
2009/2/10 <users-request(a)>
> From: Thomas Mortagne <thomas.mortagne(a)>
> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] problems editing group members in XWiki
> 1.8?
> To: XWiki Users <users(a)>
> Message-ID:
> <a8e97d9c0902100259y3e4e327bsd00a2cee791382e2(a)>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> The is a complete refactor of js, css, etc... files in 1.8M2. See
> On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 11:28, Yishay Mor <yishaym(a)> wrote:
> > On (hosted on the
> > farm)
> >
we just upgraded our XWiki from 1.3.2 to 1.7.1.
Right afterwards the firewall registers LDAP-Packages from the XWiki mashine
as an attack, saying:
"A malicious LDAP packet may indicate a potential attack. An attacker could
use a modified LDAP message to cause buffer overflows on defective systems
and execute arbitary code. (LDAP message contains malicious data which does
not comply with ASN.1)"
It seems that it has something to to with the changings made since 1.3.2. Is
that possible?
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