If a visitor reports that, after registration, he/she never got the e-
mail with the registration-confirmation link? (probably due to spam
filters of his/her organisation)
What can/should a administrator do to enable the account anyway?
Is there a object setting that can be set to "confirmed"? (or anything
This is just a quick question regarding the functionality of tags, and
searching by tags.
Currently, when you go to the 'Tags' page, where a list of all tags being
used is displayed, when you click on one of the tags, it transfers you to a
page containing a table of all the pages that are using this tag, with some
other information.
My question is regarding how, or if it is at all possible to utilize this
search functionality with multiple tags. For instance, instead of just
searching for tag 'abc', to be able to search for all documents that contain
two tags, 'abc, and 'def'.
I know in confluence this is possibly simply by selecting another tag, or
appending the tag name with a '+' in the address bar (.../tag_a+tag_b).
Can anyone provide me with a bit of information regarding this? Thanks very
much to the community.
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Search-by-multiple-tags--tp1466829p1466829.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello again,
So my next dilema is structuring the 'All Tags' page. Currently, there is a
list of all tags on all pages on all spaces, in alphabetical order. All
good here.
However, the way I'm utilizing the tags, there are certain groups of tags
that all have the same prefix, for example a group of tags that all start
with 'xyz-', or another group that all starts with 'zyx-'.
So, I'm trying to build an HQL statement that just selects those tags that
contain the prefix 'xyz-', for example. The HQL I'm using to select ALL
tags is as follows:
select distinct elements(prop.list) from BaseObject as obj,
DBStringListProperty as prop where obj.className='XWiki.TagClass' and
obj.id=prop.id.id and prop.id.name='tags' order by 1 asc
I've tried appending additional where clauses trying to just selec the tags
with the 'xyz-' prefix wihtout any luck. I've tried such things as:
... and prop.value LIKE 'xyz-%' ...
and prop.id.value LIKE 'xyz-%' ...
and obj.value LIKE 'xyz-%' ...
and obj.id.value LIKE 'xyz-%' ...
None of these seem to work however. Does anyone have any suggestions or a
workaround? Any and all input is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/How-to-select-a-subset-of-tags-with-HQL-tp1466640p1466…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello together,
I have installed XWiki 1.6.1 and when I set the Title in Title2 or 3 and
put first \#toc ("2" "3" "false") it generates no table of contents.
Besides it genarates html tags.
How can I genarate now with the new 1.6.1 version the table of contents?
Is there any changes?
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/table-of-contents-in-version-1.6.1-tp1469582p1469582.h…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello ,
I have downloaded the XSL Plugin and configured the xwiki.cfg.
Then I have created a new xwiki document and attached the xsl:
rss2xhtml.xsl . After that I have put the command
$xwiki.xslURITransformer.cachedTransformURI( SOURCEID,XSLID,900);
SOURCEID is the URL of my rss and XSLID is the URL of my xsl,like
he shows the following error:
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page Main.XSLDokument
Wrapped Exception: Failed to evaluate content with id XSLDokument
Please help! What can I do?
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/XSL-Plugin-shows-error-4001-in-4-tp1403279p1403279.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Sometime ago I was given this code to add to attachmentsinline.vm
#set($attachmentsMap = $util.hashMap)
#foreach($a in $attachments)
#set($discard = $attachmentsMap.put($a.date, $a))
#set($dates = $util.arrayList)
#foreach($date in $attachmentsMap.keySet())
#set($discard = $dates.add($date))
#set($dates = $util.sort($dates))
#set($dates = $util.reverseList($dates))
#set($attachments = $util.arrayList)
#foreach($date in $dates)
#set($discard = $attachments.add($attachmentsMap.get($date)))
this works fine, putting the attachments in order on my local server
However, my client (running XWiki Enterprise reports that it
doesn't show all the attachments. He has one page with about 10 attachments,
only 5 of which show. If he takes the code out all the attachments are
there, but not in date order which he wants.
can anyone please help.
I need to edit the registration form. I have altered the class XWikiUsers to
add the extra fields
I have altered the registration page to show the extra fields.
However, the values are not being saved - when you create test users, log in
and go to their profiles or edit/profiles the fields are blank
HOw do I get the values to actually save?
Here is some of the code from the registration page that I have used
function doAction(){
document.getElementById('register_firstName').value =
document.getElementById('register_lastName').value =
<dl id="xwikiuserprofile">
<dt class="label"><label>Title:</label></dt>
<dd><input size='30' id='title2' name='title2' type='text'/></dd>
the name for the property is title2
I created a FAQ application, pretty much like the template, but with an
added "Category" field.
This "Category" is stored in a DBTreeList property, and contains classified
categories, sub-categories, sub-sub categories ...
When in the context of an FAQ object, this list displays well, and lets the
user choose to which category belongs the FAQ entry.
To build the "WebHome" for this FAQ, I would like to give users opportunity
to filter FAQ entries depending on this same Category. To do so, IMO what
would be logical would be to display this same field based on property
"Category", in edit mode (to have the drop-down list), but here there is no
contextual object.
Is there a way to do this easily ? I workarounded it by creating a fake
object in my WebHome with same property definition as "Category", but then
if I want to keep track of what is selected the object value has to be
updated each time the user filters the view, and it will be updated for
everyone, I think it's a quite ugly solution and I'm looking for something
better ...
I think this subject might already have been discussed, but could not find
anything in the mailing-list,
Any ideas welcome ... ;)
Best regards,
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Display-a-property-edit-field-out-of-an-object-context…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
trying to get the Excel-Plugin to work. I followed the intructions (hope so)
but I it doesn't seem to work.
XWiki-Enterprises 1.6.1
Java-Version 1.6.0-b09
Excel Plugin 1.0-jdk16
Java Excel API 2.6.9
The Excel file was created with Office 2007 and saved
http://n2.nabble.com/file/n1449684/error.txt error.txt
The error code is:
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page
Main.WikiHelpInsertExcel Wrapped Exception: Failed to evaluate content with
id Wiki Help Insert Excel
The whole error message is attached.
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Excel-Plugin-not-working-tp1449684p1449684.html
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.