The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 1.6.1.
Go grab it at
This is a bug fix release. It fix an important regression of LDAP authenticator.
Changes from 1.6:
Bugs fixed
* XWIKI-2747 - LDAP search is sometime done without the base dn
* XWIKI-2753 - Display bug in konqueror for class editor
* XWIKI-2757 - Empty .jar produced after build
* XAPANELS-59 - Inconsistent redirects in the Panel Wizard
* XWIKI-2752 - Remove the "code" formatting style from the old
WYSIWYG editor
For more information see the Release notes at:
-The XWiki dev team
On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Jean-Vincent Drean <jv(a)> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Azzedine Ait Khelifa
> <aaitkhelifa(a)> wrote:
>> Thanx,
>> An error in Release Notes for XWiki Enterprise 1.6.1 "
>> "The database structure hasn't been changed since XWiki Enterprise 1.5 so
>> you shouldn't have to touch your Database to upgrade. Thus you can simply
>> install this version and configure it to point to your existing database."
>> It's not really true, I have already change some skins and some templates
>> ...and I lose all my change ...Fortunately, I have backup of my work and I
>> can rollback ...
If you have modified some files in the webapp itself (which means the
xwiki/ folder) you'll have to copy them in the newly installed one.
Hi everybody,
I've installed the Todo application (
I can add new todos, affect them to users and so on. But when I check the
MyTodos Panel (http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Panels/MyTodos) it's
always empty. The problem is the HQL statement. It's like that :
#set ($hql = ", BaseObject as obj, StringProperty as prop1, StringProperty
as prop2 where and obj.className='XWiki.TodoClass' and<>'XWiki.TodoClassTemplate' and and'Status'
and prop1.value <> 'Finished' and and'Assignee'
and prop2.value='$context.user' order by desc")
And if I get rid of the last assignee close (and and'Assignee' and prop2.value='$context.user' ), it works but
shows all the todos of everybody.
Do you know how to fix this HQL query so it shows the todos of the current
user ?
Hi Florian,
On Oct 13, 2008, at 10:31 PM, Florian Rhomberg wrote:
> Hi!
> I have two questions:
> - As already mentioned in the subject, I want to forbid
> users to
> create spaces, only some user groups should be allowed to create
> spaces.
This is hard since we don't have an explicit notion of space. A space
is created when a document is created with that space name. However
you could perform some validation when the user saves the document if
you want. See the notification tutorial on
> - How can I make some spaces like xwiki, Main, and especially
> Panels, Stats invisible for any user except the admin user. I do not
> want
> them into index or even when in the search.
They're already supposed to be invisible (for xwiki, panels, stats).
If you want to add other spaces, check the index page content and the
search page content. You'll see the code that excludes some pages/
I have been struggling today with setting up a left navigation.
Everytime I save the panel/space with the updated layout - the
navigation is lost. What am I doing wrong?
Can someone tell me what's the difference between this 2 lines:
<a href="$doc.getURL("view")">$swtoolObj.ToolName</a>
Here $swtoolObj.ToolName is "Windows XP", and $doc.fullName is "Main.Windows
XP". The first code line will fail to link to the "Main.Windows XP"
document, while the second works fine.
I found in the xwiki.wikiskins object (http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/edit/XWiki/XWikiSkins?editor=class) ... the list of vm templates
I suppose all theses vm used ...
But In the folder "C:\Program Files\XWiki Enterprise\webapps\xwiki\templates"
I see a file "startpage.vm" and when I edit it found
xwikivars.vmlayoutvars.vmhtmlheader.vm => (stylesheet.vm ... analytics.vm etc ...)header.vmmenuview.vm
Which are used ? where can we found a description oof everyones of them ?
Best Regards,
I would like to know if you use the
wiki editor or the wysiwyg editor ?
I have tried both but i've seen that it doesnot
generate the same things.
ex: {code} and {style:type=div|class=code}
and when you use both, it breaks layout and some
I think i'm going to disable the wysiwig editor
but i'm interesting with your opinion ?
Just installed XWiki 1.6. Thought LDAP authentication would now work
for AD using sAMAccountName (with dot), but no success. I've
configured UID_ATTR=sAMAccountName, all the other configuration is
same as for version 1.3 (LDAP worked fine using cn).
P.S. Of course, I didn't just copy my old xwiki.cfg to the 1.6
version, so the new authentificator IS used now.
P.P.S. For the same configuration (for sAMAccountName) I can still
login using cn, but then the "Comments" section displays the main
login screen with the login form!
Ar cieņu, Mihails