I've set up the xwiki installation and I have couple of problems with
LDAP auth.
1. I successfully bind to our corp Sun DS. But regardless the
xwiki.authentication.ldap.validate_password is set to 0 the
compareRequest is generated in the LDAP communication (did some wire
snooping with wireshark). IMHO (after quick look to the Java code) the
compareRequest should not appear if validate_password is set to 0.
2. I try to map one of my ldap groups to xwiki group and without any
effect. The pages that require specific roles remain unaccessible.
Needles to say that both xwiki and ldap groups exist.
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I want to use the MindMap space,and i had import mindmap-1[1][1].0.zip,but when i open the MindMap space,there is a note as follows:
Installation is not complete. You need to add MindMap.Translations in the translations page. Click on Administration, choose the Advanced accordion and scroll to the translations field. Then add MindMap.Translations in the list of translations pages.
how can I add MindMap? If i can receive the mail of the steps how to add MindMap in detials ,it will be helpful. Thanks very much!
I want to use the MindMap space,and i had import mindmap-1[1][1].0.zip,but when i open the MindMap space,there is a note as follows:
Installation is not complete. You need to add MindMap.Translations in the translations page. Click on Administration, choose the Advanced accordion and scroll to the translations field. Then add MindMap.Translations in the list of translations pages.
how can I add MindMap? If i can receive the mail of the steps how to add MindMap in detials ,it will be helpful. Thanks very!
Email alert in watch functionality is not working with XE 1.5.
Please let me know if it has been fixed in 1.6.
Thanks & Regards
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Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Is there a way to checkout the last official release from all XWiki Platform
modules at once, or must I go module by module?
And in the second case, can I be sure that by getting the last release from
each module they will be all "compatible"?
Basically what I'd like would be to apply my patch to a stable release
instead of the HEAD as I'm currently doing.
Thank you,
Tiago Rinck Caveden
Could anyone point to any additonal resources for LDAP Authentication. The
XWiki doc
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Authentication does
not deal in complete detail on all the possible attributes that can be
configured in xwiki.cfg. I have configured LDAP authentication for XWik
but have Some questions that I could not find answers to from the docs.
1) How can the LDAP configuration be debugged for any issues. I
followed the log4j settings from
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Logging . There is no
LDAP related logging in the xwiki log. The xwiki log shows that the
user was Authenticatied with Xwiki.FormAuthenticator e.g this is the
message in the log " [P1-19] INFO xwiki.MyFormAuthenticator - User
xwiki:XWiki.testuser5 has been logged-in" (not sure if this would
internally call the LDAP class). However, since only the ldap users are
being authenticated, I think the .XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl is being used.
I found on the web that
com.xpn.xwiki.user.impl.LDAP=debug log seeting could be used for setting
the LDAP loglevel to debug. However, this setting still does not log
anything LDAP. Is this a valid setting for XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl?
How can I conclusively say the authentication is done through LDAP?
2)Is it possible to replicate the groups in LDAP to groups in XWIKI and
replicate the corresponding groupmemberships for a user during login so
that the authorization is done through XWiki based on the user's group
association in LDAP?
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Dear All
I want to have a 4px border between the left hand column and the rest of the
wiki. I have added it to screenlayout.css to .layoutsubsection {border-left:
4px solid black;} (This may not be the right place of course, but it seemed
to work.....)
In FF and opera this is fine. HOwever in IE7 I get some odd behaviour. Parts
of the line disappear as you scroll down the page. You can see a screenshot
of this at http://www.ee-web.co.uk/caastIE7.jpg
What is really odd is that I think it is something to do with the html/css
that i have added to this page since on other long pages the line is always
continious as i want it.
I haven't posted the code because it would make the email too long. But I
would be really grateful if someone could just look at the code and tell me
if it looks ok because I can't see what's wrong. Its my first time skinning
a wiki. I would prefer to use html than macros.
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 1.5.1.
This is an important bugfixes release (including regressions
introduced in 1.5) mainly around LDAP, watchlist and pages versioning.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Bugs fixed
* Usage of "." in LDAP logins doesn't work
* LDAP authentication fail when user already exist and contains
ldap_dn field emptied by hand
* Exception when viewing document version
* Printing without using the print template only prints the first page
* Superadmin doesn't have programming rights on sub-wikis
* Import fails if the user enters this URL
/xwiki/bin/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences manually
* Rollback to document version with v1.1 attachment fail if
attachment content is not loaded
* Left-column top logo is cropped
* Watchlist does not work with XE 1.5
* Update MSSQL hibernate mapping file and ship it with xwiki distributions
* Added Ukrainian translation
* DB2 Hibernate mapping for 1.5
For more information see the Release notes at:
-The XWiki dev team
I have been using the wiki editor to add some html (all div id="..", and div
class="...") to create the look for the home page.
This was all progressing nicely and I was getting very close to the end - or
so I thought!
I then switched to wysiwyg editor where I found that the look appears
unpredictable. On swithcing back to wiki editor all my lovely code has
disappeared to be replaced with in-line styles. When I tested the page the
layout had fallen apart.
What am I doing wrong?
Should I only be using the wiki editor, and not attempting to use the
wysiwyg for this type of work?
Thanks all