The tomcat it works with is 6.0.14 and the one which is messed up is 5.5.23
Original Message:
Hosam Hassan wrote:
<br />> Hello,
<br />>
<br />> I have the problem that
<br />> {code}
<br />> #set($e = "Hello")
<br />> {code}
<br />>
<br />> displays only the gray codebox, but not the code itself.
<br />> The code is nevertheless not executed. So when I call $e it has not the value "Hello".
<br />>
<br />> I am running the same xwiki installation on two computers, one for testing (everything works fine) the other running. I search every file for possible changes but could not find one. The only difference between the two is the Tomcat version.
<br />>
<br />What version?
<br />--
<br />Sergiu Dumitriu
<br />
<br />_______________________________________________
<br />users mailing list
<br />users(a)
<br />
<br />
i wanna include a template like this: $mydoc.setContent(#template("treemenu.vm")) but the syntax is not right. I have tried this too: $mydoc.setContent("#template("treemenu.vm")") but same.
do you know the right way to write this line of code?
Take care ,
Gabriela Radu :)
I have a wiki in xwiki farm. I cannot configure the wiki to show
the Watch menu.
I'm also trying to configure an email list to mail all users but
cannot find how. I've tried all documentation files, FAQs, etc. but to
no avail. Any help is welcome!
Thanks in advance,
Alberto Álvarez Lugrís <alugris(a)>
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Universidade de Vigo
Campus Universitario Lagoas/Marcosende s/n
36310 Vigo
Tel.: 986 812 329
Fax: 986 812 380 [Asociación de Tradutores Galegos] [Biblioteca Virtual] [Área de T&I] [Docencia]
Hi Nathan,
By "Portal" you mean "the floating box on the right which shows a bunch of
interesting links in a fashioned way, added only with the small code
{{Platonism}} ?" I never tried but this is how I would do it :
you can try to create the portal page which only shows a floating box with
the macros #startfloatingbox() & #endfloatingbox(), or simply
#floatingbox("Some content"). Then, create the target page and write the
macro #includeForm("Space.Name") to insert the portal.
Does it work? Is that what you asked for?
Sebastien Fieux
Hi everyone,
I work for a company that is looking at xWiki as a candidate for an in-house
wiki set-up. It seems to meet all the features that we need, with the
exception of navigation. What we'd really like is to be able to set up
"portals" on wiki pages, so that the article is displayed in context. An
example of what I'm talking about would be the portal on the right of this
Wikipedia page: Is this possible
in xWiki? Would I use HTML for it?
Thanks in advance,
Nathan Hunt
9Wood, Inc.
tel 888.767.9990
fax 888.767.9998
I had to count the number of connections to the database needed by XWiki to
set the appropriate number in the DB configuration.
I saw ( ) that there is one
session factory for every Hibernate Store. After a quick look on the web I
understood that a session factory provides one session at a time (basically:
if the session is open, then re-use the same session), and the session owns
the connexions pool, set to 1 by hibernate.cfg.xml. So I assume I should
have one opened connexion for every Hibernate store.
According to the initXWiki method from the com.xpn.xwiki.XWiki class, there
is 7 stores :
- Main store
- Attachments store
- Versioning store
- Attachment versioning store
- Recycle bin store
- Attachments recycle bin store
- Migration store (updating the database after XWiki update).
So my question is : Am I right ? Are 7 connexions really enough ? It seems
to work, although I didn't tested everything more than seeing pages. Any
answer from someone having a better knowledge of XWiki's internal
functionment and/or Hibernate would be welcome.
All that waiting for the 1.5 version which should allow a shared factory
between every store...
Thanks a lot,
Sebastien Fieux
I have the problem that
#set($e = "Hello")
displays only the gray codebox, but not the code itself.
The code is nevertheless not executed. So when I call $e it has not the value "Hello".
I am running the same xwiki installation on two computers, one for testing (everything works fine) the other running. I search every file for possible changes but could not find one. The only difference between the two is the Tomcat version.
Thanks in advice
Hello all,
When I try to make an ordered list using the WYSIWYG editor I don't get any numbers besides the list!
If I made an unordered list, no bullets are displayed in the editor but when I save they are displayed!
Any idea how can i fix those two problems
Hi Vincent,
I am using XE 1.3.2 and Mysql 5.0 with jetty 5.1.5. Can any one give a
support for JNDI configuration of jetty 5.1.5 (Not jetty 6). Or is it same
for both Jetty 5 & jetty 6? Can any one help?
I am sending the same for three times! Is this an answred Qn:? I
have followed this:-, but it
shows the error:-
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page
main.amma Wrapped Exception: Invocation of method 'getDatabase' in
class ua.gradsoft.xwikisql.SqlPluginApi threw exception
ua.gradsoft.xwikisql.SqlRuntimeException: exception during
creation of datasource XWikiDS @ main.amma2,23
Project trainees.
Earlier today I was reading some plugins' documentations, but now I can't
see anything anymore. If I try to access any plugin doc in I
receive this error on the subject...
Tiago Rinck Caveden