I'm using the REST API to get the wiki users as per the example in
This only returns 10 of the users in the wiki database. If I make the call
using curl, it returns 10 non-hidden users. If I make the call from a
browser, it returns almost the same set of 10 users except that 2 of them
are replaced with hidden users.
I can get around this by adding the start and number parameters to the query
and then repeating the call incrementing the start parameter until nothing
is returned.
This leads to a number of questions.
1. Is there a way to adjust the default limit of 10 results other than using
the number parameter?
2. Is there a way to get the count of the total number of users using the
3. Is there an explanation for the different behaviour between curl and the
browser? Which behaviour should I expect if making the call from another
application (eg. Rails)?
4. Is there a more elegant way to get all of the users through the API?
5. Is this documented somewhere that I've missed or would it be useful to
add a comment to the RESTful API page?
6. Niggly point regarding the REST API page. In some places, the start
parameter is labeled as 'n' and in others as 'offset'. I assume this is
perhaps an artefact of updates by different authors. Should it really be
'offset' everywhere or is the distinction intentional?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/REST-query-returns-subset-of-results-tp75…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I have been looking everywhere for an article or an addon for this function. Has anyone managed to find a way to add a simple button or menu options to email the page via Outlook? My users really want to have the articles they are sending out in their own mailboxes as a sent item.
Please remove me from your email list. I have tried to do this through the unsubscribe link and it's been unsuccessful. Thank you for your help. Dld07sierra(a)gmail.com
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
1. The "tags" feature display a lot of jumbled text.
For example:
"运营" displays as "è¿è¥", if I click "è¿è¥", it becomes "è¿ÂèÂÂ¥", much worse.
2. The "Solr Search" feature display a log of jumbled text.
For example:
"表格" displays as "表格" in the search result page.
And of couse, it returns no hitted page, but it is actually appeared in the default "Sandbox" chinese page.
For example:
3. The Chinese Sandbox, incorrectly use ">" instead of ">" in wiki source text.
For example:
Should be:
For example, I have a page called “基础品质及小垂直团队”
The URL is ‘http://mysite/xwiki/bin/view/web_product/基础品质及小垂直团队/’
In the “Rename” Action, I can see both “Title” and “Page Name” is “基础品质及小垂直团队”
But, In the “Administrator Page”, its location shows: “EVA小组(评估、分析、垂直等)/ Preferences”,
and title is “Administration: web_product.基础品质及小垂直团队”
and URL is “…/xwiki/bin/admin/web_product/基础品质及小垂直团队/WebPreferences”
“EVA小组(评估、分析、垂直等)” is the old name of this page, I donot know why it is still here.
Version: XWiki-7.4.3, Mac Safari 9.1.1, Firefox 38.7.1esr
A encoding bug of page administration page.
When I do administrator a Chinese title page, click any label twice, the page would jump to a invalid page.
For example:
At beginning:
You can see: there is no left panel.
First Click at “Rights: Page”
It seems OK, and left panel appears:
Second Click at “Rights: Page”
It jumps to a invalid page with invalid title.
Per the Query Module documentation:
List of child spaces: select space.name from XWikiSpace as space where space.parent = 'Parent Space’
List of all nested documents in a space: where doc.space like 'Space' or doc.space like 'Space.%’
The first gives me the correct spaces but I want the documents (WebHome) and the second gives me every single document in every space below ‘Space’. How do you query for just the documents in the immediate child spaces? Anything I do to narrow the results seems to give me no results and no error. Thanks for any help.
Hi all,
could someone please help me to find a way to script the creation of new
wiki pages from data/text saved in html files?
I’m trying to (semi)automatically organize and upload data to new wiki
pages, i.e. analyze and plot data with an external program, sve the
information (including page name, etc.) in a html file, and then have some
sort of script take the html file – or objects from it – and create a wiki
page. It doesn’t have to be fully automatic and include a scheduled service
or similar, a script that I can run every day would be fine.
I did look for hints but I guess I’m too much of a beginner to piece
everything together. I found
which tells me that I can script a page creation.
Now my naïve question is: Where do I script this? I am not familiar with
Velocity (Python is my only scripting language), but willing to learn. From
what I could see in tutorials like
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/XWikiVelocityTraining I
put the velocity text in a wiki page (as opposed to run it in a terminal or
via some application outside of the wiki pages?
Does that mean I create a ‘control’ page with a script that’ll grab data and
creates new pages? I f so, it would be great if someone can point me to an
Thank you
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/How-to-programmatically-create-pages-from…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I am currently trying to Filter my userlist
#set($users = $xwiki.rightsmanager.usersApi.allUsers)
#foreach($user in $users)
#if(($xwiki.getUser($user).isUserInGroup("XWiki.GroupName"))&& $xwiki.getUser($user).position !="StringExample")
{{section justify="true"}}
It should show me all users except of those with String I defined in if within position section.
sadly the second part of IF is being ignored. Users with String are still shown.
Thanks =)