Hello all,
I would like to know if its possible to have a more advanced way to display the attachements so not just a list of the attachments.
I want it to be in folders or something that looks better in case i have large number of attachments.
How can i do that?. Will I have to write a plugin for that?
Hello all,
I am running Xwiki with Tomcat 6.0.14. I noticed using firebug that lots of the images are not cached. This really slows down loading the pages in the wiki.
Same goes for some pages with lots of contents. How it's possible to specify the cache policy for the xwiki concerning some pages and images. Is it possible also to have a cache policy for the whole wiki. I read that tomcat doesn't have a cache policy so it depends on the browser more or less to chose what to cache and what not to.
Any hits or ideas about that?
Hello All,
I am a young xwiki programmer who is faced with the problem of inputting Captcha validation for registering and comments. I already read through all of the list and past emails about this issue and I am having the same problem many has had which is showing the captcha but not validating it. This issue was not solved through the emails and I was wondering has anyone solved this problem yet or knows where I can get some documentation on this topic. Thank you for your work in advance.
Tim Campbell
Junior, Computer Science-Ecommerce major
Winston Salem State University
(704) 877-2261
After installing the default xwiki war file, without installing any xar,
WebHome page is displayed without any css style and javascript errors occur
on mouse events.
Errors come from the js file /xwiki/skins/albatross/xwiki.js
Is this bug referenced ?
I would like to ask if it is possible to give a user the rights to view and
edit a page, and prevent that user from viewing and changing the access
rights of that page.
My approach was:
- In the "Space Rights" I disabled Admin rights for TestUser, for the space
- In the "Main" space, I created a TestPage on which TestUser has the rights
to view and edit
However, when TestUser edits TestPage, he can also view the page rights and
modify them. Can this be disabled?
> Hi All,
> A few queries that I've split up to make it easier to make use of in
> Nabble for future reference.
> 1) What language is used in the scheduler script? I would assume it's
> running either velocity or groovy within the xwiki engine?
> 2) Are $xwiki and $context available to the script?
> 3) Is there feedback in the event of an error (like in a logfile or
> something)?
> 4) Is there a timeout associated to the script that runs, and are
> there any permission restrictions on adding the scheduler if it's
> going to be modifying document objects?