Hi all,
I would like to subscribe XWiki.org WebRss and BlogRss feeds with Vienna
RSS/Atom newsreader and/or NewsFire.
Please, what URL must I use?
Thank you so much,
Ricardo RodrÃguez
Your XEN ICT Team
Google returns a couple of hits about XWiki and survey applications, such as this one:
However I see no mention of a Survey application on the new XWiki pages.
Is there an application available for the newest XWiki platform?
Marc Lijour
We're just verifying XWiki Enterprise as a base to a corporate InfoCenter.
Virtual Wikis are really fine to separate global infos from division infos.
To make some infos viewable offline we want to use the PDF export function
with hierarchical output via macro.
The problem seems to be that pictures (.jpg,...) are exported in a big
scale - even exports from the site www.xwiki.org create large images.
Is it possible to keep the size of pictures "as is" at PDF export - or
scale them down to page-width?
It would be nice to start each page of the hierarchy tree on a new page...
Is the developer team working on any PDF related point?
Best regards,
i. A. Rudolf Tronicek
Postfach 1252 - 71085 Holzgerlingen
Daimlerstraße 5 - 71088 Holzgerlingen
Tel.: +49 7031 78 2909
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E-Mail: Rudolf.Tronicek(a)eisenmann.de
Internet: http://www.eisenmann.de
Sitz: Böblingen, AG Stuttgart HRB 245891
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Hello list,
I now finally did a very clean installation of Xwiki Entreprise 1.1
latest and still get the scripts for the invitation and validation
mails empty... this is annoying since I do not know what should be
the velocity variables there for the activation code etc...
I tried googling... did not find it.
And I tried using the entreprise xwiki documentation but this seems
still todo even though I am never sure which site I am crawling
through in this documentation (I seem to be jumping from one site to
the other... but see the documentation thread.!).
PS: searching Nable didn't help me either... I wonder if the content
of this mailing-list wouldn't be useful as docu as well.
I've installed XEM 1.0-M2 from a fresh install (new database...)
and imported the
xwiki-enterprise-manager-wiki-administrator-1.0-M2.xarfile. In the
import list, I can see that there is an 'Admin' user, but I
cannot log on with the password 'admin' (lower case 'a'). Is the Admin
password different with XEM ? What am I doing wrong ?
Hi all,
I would like to have a moderation functionality in XWiki for all the
post made.
Kindly suggest on how to build this moderation (workflow) into the Xwiki
Thanks in advance
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I know that I can not enable Database (the mechanism by default) and
LDAP authentication in a wiki at same time. But if I have configured
XWiki in virtual mode, can I enable LDAP authentication in any wikis
and Database authentication in others?
Thank you.
// Jesús Miguel Torres Jorge - jesus en isaatc.ull.es
// Dpto. de IngenierÃa de Sistemas y Automática
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// Universidad de La Laguna - Tenerife, Spain
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