We're deploying XWiki 1.0 at work for internal use. We've set up the LDAP integration to point to our Active Directory, but the existing integration isn't as tight as we'd like. Authentication is handled, but users must be explicitly created in XWiki, along with their details and group membership management coming from XWiki.
I saw bug 1079 in JIRA addresses this. I think I saw this being included in XWiki 1.1 milestone 2:
Is there a project timeline for XWiki? In lieu of that, has anyone tried the code attached to 1079 in an Active Directory integration?
here I have a problem with a xwiki 1.0 which upgraded from an existing
xwiki 0.9.840 which someone named a page like: "Jon's Pages" conflict
with the navagation panel's sql statement.
I did a velocity script but I don't find it support "[ ]" wildcard noted
in this reference manual:
since I just want to select where name not like mywhitelisted
the blacklisted characters should be those used by xwiki syntax, and
those symbol used in sql statement like "'" """
any one know how to use the wildcard to done that?
or any other solutions?
Thx in advance!
I already have this:
#set ($query = "where doc.name like '%--%'")
Page Name | Author | date
#foreach ($item in $xwiki.searchDocuments("${query}"))
##if ($xwiki.hasAccessLevel("view", $context.user,
#set($bentrydoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item))
[${bentrydoc.web}.$bentrydoc.name] |
$xwiki.getLocalUserName($bentrydoc.author) |
$xwiki.formatDate($bentrydoc.date, $dateFormat)
I am running xwiki standalone on linux. Please tell me where are the
files (or directories) that I need to save to have a full backup. Both
database and configs.
I searched xwiki, but could not find that information. Please note: I
need the files or directories for *automated backup*, not a nanual
procedure, which I found easely enough...
PS: I just dicovered Xwiki and I am very impressed by it. Thank you to
all that contributed to it :)
A colleague noticed that XWiki does not appear to find documents based
on the page name and title. If you create a document named asdf and
search for asdf this document wont be located. Some goes if you set the
title of the document. Is there a way make this happen?
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How can I change the http headers sent by a xwiki page?
I'd like to have the Last-Modified header set and the Expires header set to a future date.
I'm setting up an xwiki instance for use in a school class while the
students are working in groups on different projects. The teacher wants
to be able to keep an eye on what each individual student is actually
contributing, so I'm trying to make a report that shows:
1. a list of all documents to which a student has contributed
1.1 a list of all versions of this document that the student changed/updated
Has anyone done anything similar? Right now I'm a bit at a loss, as it
seems I have to run thru all the versions of all the docs in the entire
xwiki. Might there be a better way?
best regards :-)
Thomas Drevon
Does anyone have any idea on how to delete a field of a class using class
I tried number of approaches, but haven't yet been successful.
In the xwiki-documentation I read about virtual wikis and their installation-procedure. While this is a great idea for a big number of wikis, it has some disadvantages for a small number of instances:
- I need a wildcard-certificate (quite expensive) or X certificates for X wikis
- Updates always take affect to each instances
- An additional DNS-entry must be made for each instance (usually not the expertise of the wiki-administrator)
For me it would be gread to use different context-names:
This way, only one (no wildcard-) certificate is needed and a few instances would work on the same hardware. Unfortunately, some links/redirects are absolute (/xwiki/..) and so this is not possible.
Will this feature be available in future? Are there any workarounds available?
Is it possible to use completely different domains with virtual wikis? I mean, virtual wikis with answer to host names that are not subdomained to the controller.
For instance mydomain.com and yourdomain.net.
Ricardo RodrÃguez
Your XEN ICT Team
>>> Esbach, Brandon<Esbachb(a)tycoelectronics.com> 1/6/2007 11:58 >>>
I had thought the mappings were fixed in 1.0?
If you use multiple instances, bear in mind your memory usage will be
considerably higher than a single instance. In our case, we switched
over to virtual when XWiki 1.0b1 was released; before that we had
several instances running.
As to workarounds, this depends on the reason you've got multiple xwiki
instances - if it's just to separate projects; you could achieve the
same by making careful use of usergroups on a single xwiki instance (if
you use panels, you check group membership before rendering the panel
then it won't show for non-members).
Naturally if one instance is to run locally and the other to run
publicly, then it's easier - put the signature on the public one, and
firewall the private one.
-----Original Message-----
From: hanspeter.klapf(a)gmx.at [mailto:hanspeter.klapf@gmx.at]
Sent: 01 June 2007 10:28
To: xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org
Subject: [xwiki-users] must xwiki really be aware of its context?
In the xwiki-documentation I read about virtual wikis and their
installation-procedure. While this is a great idea for a big number of
wikis, it has some disadvantages for a small number of instances:
- I need a wildcard-certificate (quite expensive) or X certificates for
X wikis
- Updates always take affect to each instances
- An additional DNS-entry must be made for each instance (usually not
the expertise of the wiki-administrator)
For me it would be gread to use different context-names:
This way, only one (no wildcard-) certificate is needed and a few
instances would work on the same hardware. Unfortunately, some
links/redirects are absolute (/xwiki/..) and so this is not possible.
Will this feature be available in future? Are there any workarounds
How do I ensure that the language used for all internal texts is
German? (ie. the use of ApplicationResources_de.properties)
I can set the Default Lanugage and Languages options in the Preferences
but I don't get the expected behavior.
I have also tried modifying the LANG environment variable in the
I am not interested in a Multi-Language Wiki, but an all-German Wiki.
So I'd rather not turn the Multi-Language feature on, but if I do, I
still only see "En" as the language option.
Where can I change the default language for the entire XWiki?
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