I have installled xwiki and importde their default tables.
I have been trying for hours to delte the sandbox space: I can delete any
other space, but not sandbox, by deleting all pages of the space.
Please help
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Delete-SANDBOX-space-tf3710212.html#a10377674
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I have created a wiki on the wikifarm (http://icarus.xwiki.com/) and want to change the skin to 'albatross'. I tried the URL parameter but this does not work.
Thanks in advance, Uwe
In my xwiki application we have got a hierarchy of users, viz., admin(xwikiadmin), monitors, registered users, banned users, and guests(xwikiguest).
In our application admin can create monitors. Monitors are users having some special rights. Monitors can assign rights to a set of users viz., the registered users (who doesn't have admin rights). Monitors can ban a registered user etc. But to allow this monitor should have admin privileges
(see - http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/UserGuide/RightsManagement).
But if we give admin privileges to monitors, then a monitor can even change the rights of an administrator, or even his own rights.
Is there a way in xwiki for me to do make a user group so that he is not able change the rights of admin but is able to change the rights of normal users?
Another query : how can I get the group of the currently logged in user from a velocity page?
I would like to set up the access rights for my wiki in the following way
ADMIN: can do everything
ALL GROUPS: can only view pages, add comments and create a new blog entry
The problem is hat i dunno how to setup permissions for the blogs: if I set
no access for the spage "BLOG" than a standard user cannot create a new blog
entry. The only way to do this is to set for ALL GROUPD edit access to the
space "BLOG", but then they will be able to edit parts of the blog i don't
want them to touch.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Access-to-create-a-blog-entry-tf3727469.html#a10432051
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi, I would like to avoid that, in the right navigation panel, under the blog
space, a new entry is added for each new blog. I would to keep only 3 items:
Cathegories, WebHome and Create ne blog.
How can i do that?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Blogs%3A-avoid-listing-in-panels-tf3754117.html#a1060…
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hello All,
I try to switch from rc2 to rc4 and notice a strange beahivor in rc4.
I checked out the source and built the war, deployed it, set the
superadmin pw, imported the rc4.xar from the xwiki.org site.
when i try to add new groups or new users, the process succeeds, i.e.
the new groups / users *are* created, but they do not apear in the
groups/users list in the admin space.
Has any of you encountered the same problem?
Thomas Krämer
Krämer&Okpue GbR
Kurfürstenstr. 66
53115 Bonn
Fon +49 228 - 180 99 737
Fax +49 228 - 242 78 60
Email tk(a)ontopica.de
Hi Xavier,
On Jan 6, 2006, at 7:52 PM, Xavier MOGHRABI wrote:
> Dear all,
> I tried to used Jabber macro on my server like this :
> #jabber("moghrabi(a)jabber.objectweb.org")
> It seems not working on the ObjectWeb server.
> We use Wildfire 2.6.
> do you know why ?
I've checked the code. The reason is because the presence service we
were using is no longer active:
See http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-1219
I think I'm missing something here. To display an image on a page it's
pretty simple : you attach it to a page, and use the {image} macro to
display it. Good. What if I want to display the same image in 2 or 3
different pages ? I can't do the same because if the image is attached to
page1 it will not be usable on page2. How can I upload a image (or a file)
that could be visible to all the wiki ?
I have a question regarding the use of GET/POST in xwiki. How do I send to a velocity script a string using GET or maybe something similar (like $context??) in xwiki?
I read something about xwiki context, like getResponse() and getRequest(), but I would like an example to understand better, because the api is very lacunal. Thank you.
Evelina Slatineanu