I found the GroupService as in:
database, group, context);
This GroupService interface allows me to locate users in a group and
even add a user to a group.
I don't see a method to remove a user from an XWiki group. How to do
that in plug-in code?
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I have several term that should point to the same Wiki page. How to do this?
1) create redirect page
2) add synonyms to the main page?
How to do one thing or another?
Hi all,
We are trying to adopt xwiki as internal doc repository in our
department, replacing an old and not well maintained twiki
My question is one of you knows some script or tool to make and
"automatic" migration?
I just installed xwiki 1.0-beta-6.2657 on Ubuntu 6.10 using the standalone
installer (no changes to any configurations or such) and everything works
fine, EXCEPT:
The "Login"-link in the top right corner does not work, I get:
/bin/login/XWiki/XWikiLogin Not Found
If I add "/xwiki" to the start of the URL it sort of works, I can access the
login page, but can only log in with the Admin account. (Yes, I have created
a normal user account as well.)
It seems to me that the first "/xwiki" part of the URL is missing, it's
there in all other links but not this one.
BTW, same thing occurs with the "logout"-link, and if I add "/xwiki" it
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Kind regards,
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Broken-login-link--tf3510319.html#a9805192
Sent from the XWiki- Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi all,
First sorry for posting this in the site without previous discussion
in the list, in future ideas section.
In our department, we use jboss server as primary application server
product, a jboss server ships jboss cache as cache solution, and
hiberbate of course.
We have extended xwkicache and we have now a jboss cache
implementation, due a high workload we have not tested it.
Are any issues doing this to pay atention?
What about usign jboss hibernate session factory?
I can't get XWiki to start because my database has no tables in it. It
complains that the XWIKI schema doesn't exist. I understand some people
fall back to using a *.sql script to create their schema and tables, but
that XWiki -- through Hibernate -- should be able to automatically
create the tables it needs.
I've looked in my xwiki.cfg and found that the following is set to non-zero:
Is that all there should be to it? I know Hibernate also supports
properties to automatically create the schema, but I can't figure out
how I would set that for Hibernate within XWiki:
I'm running under Tomcat 5.5 on Windows XP with Apache Derby in Embedded
mode. I can connect to my DB using SQuirreL SQL and confirm that even
the XWIKI schema isn't being created. I can manually create it ('create
schema XWIKI;') and then the XWiki errors turn into tables not existing
rather than schema not existing.
I've tried to turn on debugging for com.xpn.xwiki.store in my manually
created xwiki/WEb-INF/classes/logging.properties (as per the TomCat
documentation), but I can't see any output getting logged (logging in
TomCat was already a challenge for me, so that's just making this XWiki
problem harder to solve).
Any ideas?
Hi all,
We tried to upgrade our production server to beta5 over the weekend, but
we noticed much slower response time on the main page. Previous to
upgrade, the mainpage came up in less than a second, but with Beta 5 (and
now Beta 6), it takes 8-12 seconds (we reverted to xwiki .9).
After moving the database to testing and doing some debugging, I think I
see part of the problem. The main page shows several news items
(ArticleClass items), and it appears that they are the cause of the
slowdown. If I comment out all the calls to get information about these
items ( ie $newsdoc.display("title", "view", $newsobject) ) the page
speeds up significantly (about 1 second per field not retrieved). If I
further comment out calls to $xwiki.getLocalUserName, I get another speed
up of about 2 seconds (there were two calls per news item: for author and
The strange thing is, we saw little or no performance difference between
xwiki .9 and 1 with our test databases, but copy the production database
to testing and we see it. If we use xwiki .9, it's fast again.
We had previously added an extensive set of indexes to the mysql database
to improve performance in .9, but dropping/changing/recreating them had no
significant effect.
I've tried many debugging steps such as turning on hibernate debug and
xwiki debug, and can't see any unexpected exceptions on database upgrade.,
and there's nothing unexpected in xwiki.log.
The database is large-ish, 656M, but 601M of that is attachments, and
deleting the entire contents of xwikiattachments and
xwikiattachment_content has no effect. We have 1300 users listed on the
users page, but I have not tried deleting some yet.
Disabling stats had no impact on performance.
I'm testing on Gentoo Linux, with IBM JDK 1.5, Tomcat 5.5, and MySQL 5.
Any ideas about where to start debugging?
Tom Kliethermes
eSupport Initiatives
IBM Information Management
(913) 599-7240 Fax: (913) 599-8590
Hello the xwiki community,
We use Xwiki for a couple of years now as a tool for managing our IT
During the redaction of the main project documents, we have a strong
need of versionning management - not the xwiki system, but our own one.
To be clear, when a wiki page is written some information can be
included in it :
* Document version
* Name of the redactor
* Date of the modification
* Name of validator
* Comment
In fact, the xwiki system contains almost all the components, but those
information are updated each time a modification is being done, even
when the document is a draft and has not be validated.
For example, the xwiki version number is automatically incremented
whereas the real document version number is still the same.
So it can very very useful to integrate a system which can be able to
manage manually the different state of the document.
Christophe Koehl
From - Mon
The XWiki development team team is pleased to announce the
availability of the 1.0 Beta 6 release.
Go grab it on http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
This release is the last before the 1.0 RC1, which gets us one step
closer to the 1.0 final release planned for mid/end April.
The focus for this release was still bug fixing but this release
brings other nice
* XWiki skins have been renamed using bird names: the old xwiki10b1
is now albatross, the old default skin is now dodo and the old
xwiki10 skin is now finch
* New rename feature to rename pages and all backlinks leading the
page to rename.
* New check box interface for tags. The Tag feature now supports 3
interfaces: a list of tags separated by commas or pipes symbols, a
checkbox list of tags to select/unselect and point-and-click list of
tags to select/unselect.
* New Text Analyzer plugin.
* Upgraded to Velocity 1.5 final
* Improved PDF output
* GraphViz plugin is now off by default and needs to be enabled in
* Added possibility to restrict the possible languages available on a
given wiki
* New Blog panel available that lists all blog categories
* New footnote macro. In addition the Albatross skin has been
modified to display automatically footnotes added with this macro.
See the full release notes on http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/
-The XWiki development team