Hi all,
i recently adapted xwiki to the needs of my company. As the
design issues were more complicated (also added some ajax stuff
to reload attachments/history/comments list when changing tabs,
added a breadcrumb plugin,... ) i choose to create my own xwiki
templates and put it into a own templates directory (templates_porsche).
My question is whether it is possible to make the templates
directory configurable via xwiki.cfg file? As it is now i have
to change the "templates" strings whitin the java code manually
Did anyone else come across the same problem?
Sorry guys, but the document at:
Seems to be corrupt; can't view it with firefox or safari.
Has anyone got a copy of the instructions? Or another link which
works? Or - even better - could someone fix the doc on xwiki.com?
Hi, I'm new at this. I've been trying to figure out a way to write some
example wiki pages that explain the XWiki syntax better to my users.
However, the XWiki engine always seems to want to interpret the markup
rather than showing it as a literal.
For example, if I do:
1.1 This is how to create a heading
The "1.1" is not visible on the page, and the heading is rendered fully
styled. This also happens with markup such as "#includeTopic". You can
see an example of the problem here as well:
Is there any way to really make XWiki ignore a block of text?
Thanks in advance,
- Peter Flynn
I know how to export a single page but I'd like to know if it's possible to
export a full space or even a full wiki in PDF?
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Sorry to post so soon on same problem, but I haven't solved it yet.
I would like to add users to my wiki who are registered as members of
xwiki.org. The reason for this is to allow them to log in once, and
then be able to edit all the wikis of which they are members, instead
of remembering a new login for each wiki.
I am entering the users in the Group Object as xwiki:XWiki.loginName
where the loginName is the user's login at xwiki.org.
I found the FAQ on creating a new group HowDoICreateNewGroups, and
followed the instructions. I now have a new group, and have
successfully added users to it.
Then I go to the Preferences page, and make a new rights rule that
gives privileges to the new group. For ex. I select the group, select
view/edit and Allow.
This doesn't work. The user cannot log into the wiki. I think the
problem may be the syntax I am using for the user name. Can someone
give me the correct syntax?
Is there some other way to do this?
Finally, perhaps this isn't possible, and I should just make the
users log into more than one wiki?
thanks, --elli
I need to automatically set rights for a page with Velocity
I have some ideas on the way to do this : get the list of rights already set
for the page, check/modify them and eventually add more rights entries if
The code will be something like :
#foreach($rightsobject in $rightsobjectslist)
current rights n°$rightindex are : groups=$rightsobject.groups
,users=$rightsobject.users , levels=$rightsobject.levels ,
##check if rights_0 exists and modify it
#if ($rightindex==0)
modified users for rights_0 = $rightsobject.users
##check if rights_1 exists and modify it
#if ($rightindex==1)
## create missing rights
My problem with this code is that the value of $rightsobject.users doesn't
change ! It is "XWiki.XWikiGuest" before the #set($rightsobject.users=...)
and it still is "XWiki.XWikiGuest" after ( instead of "XWiki.aXWikiUser" )
If somebody can help, it would be nice
I'd like to know if there is a well documented command to backup a
XWiki avoiding to work directly with database commands :-)
Maybe a Maven2 plugin ? ;-)
Email: xavier(a)warzee.fr
Blog: http://warzee.fr
I have used the xwiki-db-0.9.2-pgsql.sql(from xwiki site) for my
postgresql database in xwiki-0.9.841(in Java 1.4.2/Tomcat 5.0.28)
Recently I upgraded to the latest source code (now I am using Java 1.5_6
and Tomcat 5.5.16) but I started to have the following errors when I
access xwiki. I am still using the previous xwiki db I created:
java.sql.SQLException: ERROR: column xwikidocum0_.xwd_title does not exist
My question is: are there any db schema changes since 0.9.481 and where
can I find a new db schema?