I have another webapp that needs to call xwiki methods that needs a context.
Would I need to create a new context (below) or can I find the context
object from somewhere?
context = new XWikiContext();
config = new XWikiConfig();
config.put("xwiki.store.class", "com.xpn.xwiki.store.XWikiHibernateStore");
config.put("xwiki.store.hibernate.path", "./hibernate.cfg.xml");
config.put("xwiki.store.hibernate.updateschema", "1");
config.put("xwiki.virtual", "1");
xwiki = new XWiki(config, context)
db = "xwiki"
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this is maybe the 3rd time I've built from source since using xwiki, but having difficulty this time with the clover licence:
[javac] error: error reading ./xwiki/lib/clover.license; error in opening zip file
I have jdk1.5.0_05 and ant v1.6.2; And, I'm pointing $ANT_HOME/lib to the ./lib/ directory underneath xwiki/trunk/ that I downloaded, so:
[tom@shazam xwiki]$ ls -l $ANT_HOME/lib/ | grep junit
-rw-r--r-- 1 tom tom 112249 Sep 11 16:16 junit-4.1.jar
[tom@shazam xwiki]$ ls -l $ANT_HOME/lib/ | grep clover
-rw-r--r-- 1 tom tom 1527851 Sep 11 16:16 clover-1.3.9.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 tom tom 5591 Sep 11 16:16 clover.license
I do this:
svn checkout svn://svn.forge.objectweb.org/svnroot/xwiki/xwiki/trunk ./xwiki
...and type 'ant'. I've tried -debug and a few other targets from the build file, but always get the clover licence error. And, I looked on the cenqua website for help.
Is anyone else getting this or can tell what I'm doing wrong? Thank you for any help!
I'm attempting to do a little AJAX-type stuff and I need a way to grab
just the contents of a particular page without all the headers, sidebars
and footers, but with the standard rendering (tags, plugins, etc) working.
Basically, if I have a page "Main.testpage" containing this:
I am some [somelink>text].
I'd like to be able to make a javascript call to some url and get the
rendered page:
I am some <a href="somelink">text</a>.
(Notice there's no headers, menus, edit buttons, etc.)
I've been looking into the xwiki source. I was hoping there was something
like a "justcontents" action (ie
"http://sitename/xwiki/bin/justcontents/Main/testpage"), but there doesn't
appear to be.
I found the xmlrpc interface, but there's a few issues to overcome, one of
which is that I'd somehow have to get and store the username and password
in the javascript (on the client side) to make the login token for the
getPage() function.
If there is nothing simple built-in, and xmlrpc is the only way, is there
a good way around the password issue? (or even how to get the password)?
Anyone try something similar? Am I going about this in the entirely wrong
Tom Kliethermes
I know that there are lots of ways to do this, but I'd like to know if
anyone has a simple way to display all or part of an arbitrary page in
an XWiki document.
I don't have a really concrete example at the moment, but things I have
wanted to do in the past involve such things as:
- putting a display on users' profile pages of their company directory
lookup page (which is not in the wiki), either included directly (not so
nice) or dissected so that its DOM elements can be extracted and the
desired ones reformatted as a part of the page (much better)
- posting a table of contents for a reference document, or a table
within it, so that I can link directly to the heading or table entry and
users need not go to the document and search for the specific
information - without having to code each reference by hand, of course
I'm pretty sure I know how, using either Javascript or the Java DOM
methods supplied with XWiki, to parse and display the information when I
get it, but how to go about getting XWiki to fetch the included document
seems to escape me. I know that various things such as the feed plugin
do this, and I'll probably go to the source to learn how if I don't get
an easier answer. But I hope that someone has done this already and has
found an easy way to do it.
First of all, I want to thank the developers of this nice piece of software,
I think it is really usefull, I just
need some time to sort everything out...
I was trying to change the skin of my xwiki page just by copy pasting
information from another xwiki.
My version 0.9.1270c =
Version I want to copy from: 0.9..1252e =
When I try to copy paste the information given over there, the MySkin form
of my wiki is different then the one
used on the other wiki. On my wiki it stops with the basic skin textbox
My wiki doesn't have the fields: stylesheets.vm / httpheader.vm / ad.vm /
Xwiki.css / pagefeed.vm
I don't know why this is? does my wiki has the wrong version number, I would
suppose that mine is newer then the one
I want to copy from?
I really like the layout and things used on the other wiki, but I don't know
how to adjust it onto my wiki?
(yeah I want to copy paste it and then try to adjust it to my needs). For
example the dojo stuff
http://soal.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Code/DojoInXWiki is quite impressive if
this should work fine with xwiki!
I like the xwiki system, It only takes some time to understand how to
configure everything. I don't really get the
object editor thing. For example if I want to make a form to add save
contacts on my xwiki, how can I add a page
with a form with things like: name , adress, phone, etc and then a button to
submit it and then show all my contact data on
another page?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Skin-problem-tf2244876.html#a6226360
Sent from the XWiki- Users forum at Nabble.com.
We have just upgrade xwiki.com to version 0.9.1252 (available on
ObjectWeb). If you are users of XWiki.com and you see anything special
that could be caused by the upgrade, please contact us at
Version 1252 has many changes under the hood and some in the user
interface. The main changes from a user/admin perspective are:
- the new WYSIWYG editor which is compatible with Wiki syntax.
- the Rights page which now contains select fields
The WYSIWYG Editor is still in beta state. It is not activated by
default but can be called using the "switch to WYSIWYG Editor" link in
the edit page. You can activate the wysiwyg editor by default in the
XWiki Preferences in the "editor" section.
Under the hood, maybe other changes are now available including better
performance by generating less queries to the database. New plugins and
APIs are also available for programmers. We will talk more about these a
little later when we officially release this version.
We are now working to integrate:
- AntiSpam measures (using JCaptcha)
- as a new registration and invitation system which should be more easy
to use and flexible.
- editing by sections
We will of course all fix any bugs in the features of 1252 and work is
also in progress for a new layout and skin.
Ludovic Dubost
XPertNet: http://www.xpertnet.fr/
Blog: http://www.ludovic.org/blog/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost AIM: nvludo Yahoo: ludovic