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I am trying to make XWiki work with UTF-8. I found the necessary
settings in the following document:
This seems to work fine. I can edit a text and eg. insert geman
"umlaute". But as soon as I edit this text with the WYSIWYG Editor, the
"umlaute" are replaced with some kind of question mark.
Any idea how to fix this?
- --
Michael Redinger
Zentraler Informatikdienst (Central IT Services)
Universitaet Innsbruck
Technikerstrasse 13 Tel.: ++43 512 507 2335
6020 Innsbruck Fax.: ++43 512 507 2944
Austria Mail: Michael.Redinger(a)uibk.ac.at
BB98 D2FE 0F2C 2658 3780 3CB1 0FD7 A9D9 65C2 C11D
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
Hash: SHA1
another problem with Unicode:
When I search for a text string containing eg. german "umlaute" (äü
etc.), I get a velocity error (see below).
There seems to be a problem passing the text entered in the search form
to the search page. I tried searching for "äü" both on my and the
xwiki.org installation.
With my installation, the parameter "text" (given in the URL) is set to
This is wrong. On xwiki.org it is:
The velocity error (note the strange characters near the end):
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page Main.WebSearch
Wrapped Exception: Invocation of method 'searchDocuments' in class
com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki threw exception class
com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException : Error number 3223 in 3: Exception while
searching documents with sql where doc.web like '%äü%' or doc.name
like '%äü%' or doc.content like '%äü%' order by doc.date desc
Wrapped Exception: could not execute query
- --
Michael Redinger
Zentraler Informatikdienst (Central IT Services)
Universitaet Innsbruck
Technikerstrasse 13 Tel.: ++43 512 507 2335
6020 Innsbruck Fax.: ++43 512 507 2944
Austria Mail: Michael.Redinger(a)uibk.ac.at
BB98 D2FE 0F2C 2658 3780 3CB1 0FD7 A9D9 65C2 C11D
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
I have been putting a lot of time into researching and testing wiki's to use
for a work and document collaboration intranet for our non-profit
organization that has highly non-technical users. After tested hosted wikis
and installing about 4 different wikis (mediawiki, pmwiki, wikkawiki, etc)
on our hosted web server (startlogic.com), and not being happy, I tried a
xwiki.com wiki and I like the functunality and features. It does not seem
possible to install xwiki on a hosted web server (correct me if I am wrong)
, so I have some questions about the free xwiki I am currently using:
1. How much storage space does it offer per file and for the the whole
wiki? What other limits are there to the free version? As an under-funded
non-profit we are unable to afford a professional hosted version.
2. I am a big fan of hosted services (gmail, salesforce, writely, etc.) but
xwiki.com is not quite that large and known of a service host. If we
actually decide to built our intranet on xwiki.com, will we run into
problems with downtime? How high are the risks of the servers being shut
down and losing all critical data?
3. Currently we are without time or resources to setup our own server, but
eventually may want to set up our own server to run it. Will it be possible
to port our hosted xwiki onto our own server without losing data?
Thank you so much for your help on this matter
Ryan Wood
What's the proper way (if any) to get a piece of text rendered in the
context of another document?
One of my users has created aggregate pages that include fields of
objects from other documents, rather like XWiki's blogging feature.
However, when one of these object fields references attachments in their
containing documents, these references (via the {image} macro) fail when
rendered in the context of the aggregate document. I have tried
replacing the direct reference to the field with
$includedDoc.getRenderedContent($includedObject.text), and a few other
tricks, like XWikiContext.setDoc with the XWikiDocument object of the
objects' home document, without success.
I can, of course, have him qualify the references to the attachments so
that they are absolute (at least, relative to the wiki rather than to
the referring document), but that's not nice.
The problem seems to be that elements.css is no longer loading correctly:
It is imported by xwiki.css :
http://openmpt.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/skin/XWiki/MySkin/xwiki.css .
This seems to be happening to at least one other wiki, which I believe
is also on the "pro" system:
On 26/08/06, Robin Fernandes <robin(a)soal.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe it's temporary, but it looks like there was a change to some of
> the default styles on xwiki.com (at least on my wikis, which had been
> moved to on the "pro" server). Font suddenly changed to Times New
> Roman and there's a gap above the more actions menu making it hard to
> use, amongst other things.
> In case anyone is having the same problem, adding the following CSS to
> the stylesheets.vm template (after the inclusion of the external CSS
> files) seems to help:
> body {
> margin: 0;
> padding: 0em;
> min-width: 50em;
> font-size: 75.01%; /* 12px [1] */
> line-height: 1.5em; /* 18px [2] */
> background: white;
> color: black;
> font-family: "Trebuchet MS", "Luxi Sans", "Helvetica", sans-serif;
> }
> I'll leave this wiki in a "broken" state for a little while, while I
> try to figure out exactly what changed. :)
> http://openmpt.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/
> Regards,
> Robin
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I am looking for ways to automate some important parts of the XWiki
administration. We are using LDAP, so user provisioning is not a problem.
We need to
- - create groups
- - manage the members of the groups (add, possibly delete)
- - create spaces
- - set the rights for a web (to a group or a user)
I first thought that this was a job for XML-RPC, but the developers'
page says that only the documents functions of the confluence RPC API
are implemented (http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Dev/XWikiXMLRPC).
So I think this means this has to be done in Java or Groovy (maybe using
a wiki page and passing the user/group/space using parameters).
However, at this point I am completely lost.
How can this be done? I am not even sure about the steps necessary to
achieve this ...
Or can this done more easily? Maybe create group pages dynamically by
querying an SQL server or something like that?
I would be thankful for any directions - steps necessary, sample
implementations, actually any kind of Java (or Groovy) script using the
XWiki API.
- --
Michael Redinger
Zentraler Informatikdienst (Central IT Services)
Universitaet Innsbruck
Technikerstrasse 13 Tel.: ++43 512 507 2335
6020 Innsbruck Fax.: ++43 512 507 2944
Austria Mail: Michael.Redinger(a)uibk.ac.at
BB98 D2FE 0F2C 2658 3780 3CB1 0FD7 A9D9 65C2 C11D
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
One of the listed features of the 0.9.1252 release was the ability to edit sections of a page rather than the whole page. I have upgraded my test server to this version (using the previous database) but do not see how to enable partial edits (or how to define a section). If someone is using this feature can you provide information on how to use it.
Thank you
Andrew Baptist
Hi, I recently installed XWiki Version 0.9.840, and when I go to edit, there is no wysiwyg option. Is this a setting i need to turn on, a module, or an installation problem? No really sure where to look to give more info, except i followed the following instructions (one note, there wasn't "xwiki.store.hibernate.updateschema=1" option in my xwiki.cfg file:
� This install documentation is for most Linux installations, with Tomcat and MySQL standard
downloads from the Apache and MySQL web sites.
� Download and install Apache Tomcat 5.0.28 or 5.5.9
� Download and install MySQL 4.1 (works also with 4.0)
� Download the latest XWiki version
� Download the latest XWiki database
� IMPORTANT For versioning of international characters to work, you need to launch your tomcat
engine with -Dfile.encoding=iso-8859-1 and add LANG=fr_FR.ISO8859-1 as an environment variable.
The test database contains international characters so you need these settings. For a UTF-8 setup
please check Characters Sets
� Copy xwiki-0-x-yyy.war and rename it to xwiki.war in the tomcat/webapps directory (rename before
copying if tomcat is already running).
� Create the xwiki database in mysql using the command "create database xwiki" from mysql command
line client
� Grant mysql access with the following command: grant all privileges on xwiki.* to xwiki(a)
identified by 'xwiki' ; (if you get connections problems try localhost instead of the IP address)
� Download xwiki-db-x.zip and unzip it. Import the mysql dump into the 'xwiki' database using "mysql -u
xwiki -pxwiki xwiki < xwiki-db-x.txt" from command prompt
� If you decide to use a different password or a different machine than the web server machine for you
database, edit hibernate.cfg.xml to change the database configuration.
� Launch tomcat once or extract xwiki.war in the xwiki directory manually (in JBoss extract manually
xwiki.war in a directory named xwiki.war)
� IMPORTANT: Update the xwiki.cfg configuration file to add xwiki.store.hibernate.updateschema=1 to
make sure the database will be upgraded at startup (this variable can be then set to 0)
� IMPORTANT: Edit xwiki/WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml and modify your database connection. With a
local install of xwiki it should be jdbc:mysql://localhost/xwiki
� If you want to use bigger attachments than 1Mb you need to change the packet size setting in Mysql.
See Config Larger Attachments.
Testing your install
� Connect to the xwiki application at:
� View users at
� The default admin user is Admin with password admin
� Add a user at
� You can edit global rights at:…
� Common issues can be jar conflicts between the XWiki application and the Tomcat engine:
� Sometimes it might be necessary to copy your database driver to the tomcat/common/lib directory
from the xwiki/WEB-INF/lib directory (e.g. mysql-connector-java-#.#.#-stable-bin.jar ) as well as the
commons-pool-1.1.jar and commons-dbcp-1.2.1.jar
� Sometimes you might need to copy jta.jar to the subdirectory tomcat/common/lib from the
xwiki/WEB-INF/lib directory
Install on Linux, Tomcat, MySQL (en)
XWiki . AdminGuide . Install on Linux, Tomcat, MySQL
Creator: Date: 2005/09/12 15:29
Last Author: xwiki:XWiki.LudovicDubost Date: 2005/09/12 15:31
Copyright 2005 (c) XWiki.org
Thanks in advance.
Hi All,
Is there any way to clone all objects in an existing document to a
different document with one server request?
So that a template document can be maintained with default object
values; and can be brought in painlessly to a new document.
Brandon Esbach
Software Engineer
M/A-Com Eurotec Operations
LoughMahon Technology Park,
Skehard Road,
Cork, Ireland
Tel +353 21 4808305