-----Original Message-----
From: Arnaud Bourree [mailto:arnaud.bourree@gemalto.com]
Sent: mercredi 20 décembre 2006 14:07
To: xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org
Subject: Re: Import XAR issue (was RE: [xwiki-users] Any news on the
I use export feature.of XWiki
Do you mean the new export available in beta 1, in the admin page?
So you're exporting a beta1 wiki into a XAR file? I guess this wiki is not
the default wiki and is your wiki that you've upgraded to beta1, is that
I've sent you the default XAR to see if it works with it.
Vincent Massol wrote on 20/12/2006 12:37:
Hi Arnaud,
How did you create your XAR file? I'm sending you by direct email the
default XAR so that you can try importing it.
Thanks for your help
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arnaud Bourree [mailto:arnaud.bourree@gemalto.com]
> Sent: mercredi 20 décembre 2006 09:25
> To: xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org
> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Any news on the release?
> Hi Vincent
> Vincent Massol wrote on 20/12/2006 01:07:
>> Hi Arnaud,
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Arnaud Bourree [mailto:arnaud.bourree@gemalto.com]
>>> Sent: mardi 19 décembre 2006 17:38
>>> To: xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org
>>> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Any news on the release?
>>> I confirm that is not expected final version:
>> Thanks a lot for testing this. We were just about to release when
>> saw your email... ;-)
>>> 1- I export successfully pages to xar archive
>>> 2- in Main.WebHome page, I replace "Welcome" by
"WelKome" in
>>> WYSIWYG and I've got a velocity error: velocity-error.log
>> I've debugged the problem and it's happening because there's
>> velocity code on the home page and the wysiwyg editor is
>> transforming the quotes into " chars. We need to prevent this
>> and we have a jira open for this but it seems it's not trivial
>> (issue is
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-324 if you want to follow
> it).
>> Normally what happens is that if you edit in wiki mode and then try
> to
>> click on the "WYSIWYG" tab you'll get a warning but we have not
>> wired this warning to the top level menu when you click on
>> WYSIWYG... We
> need to do this.
>> Actually I'd like to prevent WYSIWYG editing at all if the page has
>> velocity or groovy content for now till XWIKI-324 is fixed.
>> Let me know if this strategy is ok with you.
> Can we set text editing preference on page as we can do on space?
>>> 3- I try to import original pages:
>>> a- Ok to attach the xar file
>>> b- I cannot select it to import it
> What's about import?
> I retry from a virgine instalation and find the following error in
> console: import-xar-selection.log
>>> 4- I try to delete attached xar file: that generates an error:
>>> delete-xar-error.log
>> I've tried this and it works fine for me. You need to wait a bit
> after
>> you click on the xar because it takes some time to display all
> included files.
>> Could you please try again and let us know if it works?
> I only attach xar file and after delete it but I've got the same
> result!
>> We've also found an issue with rollbacking the first version that
>> we're fixing.
>>> Take time to solve issues, we will wait.
>> Yes, this is going to delay us a bit, probably by half a day.
>> Please continue testing and let us know if you find something else
>> that is critical!
>> Thanks a lot
>> -Vincent
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