I need to write a small Java utility to interact with my XWiki server - it's main
purpose is to take a file containing paths to various files, and then upload (POST) them
to the server. It looks as though this cannot be done from within the browser directly
since sandboxing prevents working with file paths directly.
Having read through the RESTful client information
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/XWikiRESTfulAPI) I am not sure I need
to completely go down this route as I don't need access to representations of the
XWiki objects. AFAICS I will simply need to GET and POST to specific URLs of the wiki.
However, I would greatly appreciate advice on how best to handle authentication. Guest
users are not allowed, so username and password should be provided, and in some way a
session needs to be maintained. Are there any simple examples for logging in to XWiki and
maintaining a session from within a Java client? I'm wondering if I still might need
the RESTful API for this, but the documentation doesn't really cover this in detail.