I'm using v0.9.840 with j2sdk-1.4.2_06 authenticating against OpenLDAP. It works but
for the known problem where "Login of local XWiki user (not in LDAP) doesn't work
when LDAP auth used" [bug, key: XWIKI-72]; So, I'd like to try the code patch
provided on that jira page.
However, I'm just an admin and tho I installed ant and downloaded the xwiki source
code (and placed that .diff patch next to its target), I didn't get very far out the
[no@nowhere xwikisrc]$ ant -debug
Buildfile: build.xml
/home/no/xwikisrc/build.xml:126: taskdef A class needed by class
org.apache.cactus.integration.ant.CactusTask cannot be found: junit/framework/Test
I read-up on this and figure that I need junit and maybe to learn ant, but at this point I
must ask:
if I start using this patched version will I go down an un-upgradable branch of code and
hose my content when I upgrade next?
can I just switch out the existing LDAPAuthServiceImpl.class in my xwiki install with a
patched version without having to rebuild the whole app?
and, can anyone point me to an XWIKI-72-patched version of that class b/c I see that
merely javac'ing the LDAPAuthServiceImpl.java file doesn't work (cannot resolve
symbol errors :)
...if the answer to all of these is "no" I'll just keep trying to build from
source, so not too much hand holding needed.
thanks for your help,