Hi Vincent,
I was able to attach 30mb files by editing the parameter but I seem to remember
I had to reset the wiki engine for it to take effect.
I remember a 500 error message unless I passed a parameter to Jetty when starting
Also if you use Mysql, you will have to change the maximum packet size, something
I don't know anything about because I don't use Mysql.
I also remember running into other limitations around 30mb.
Of course these errors look much different than what you are seeing,
just letting you know what to expect.
Caleb James DeLisle
Vincent Gerris wrote:
According to a post i read, the number is in bytes.
So for 200 mb, you would need to add 000000 so 200000000.
Does that work for you?
Because I did set the value on that, but still get:
XWiki heeft standaard een limiet van ongeveer 10Mb voor ingeschrevenen
bestanden. Deze limiet kan worden gewijzigd met de upload_maxsize parameter.
Check de FAQ voor meer informatie.
(which says there is a 10mb linit in Dutch).
Did anyone get this working?