On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 12:08 PM, Desire_cat <c.lenton(a)kelway.co.uk> wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I am new to Xwiki and I am stuck with a little problem and I was wondering
if any of you lovely people could help?
What I am trying to do is generate a Livetable similar to the documents
macro but only showing a group of selected tags.
Is this possible? and if so how would I go about doing
Sure. You can use the "extraParams" live table parameter (see
) to filter documents by tags. It's very easy to extend the documents
macro to add a new "tags" parameter and pass its value to the
"extraParams". Here's what I did:
(1) I edited XWiki.DocumentsMacro page with the objects editor and I
added a new optional "tags" parameter (a comma-separated list of tags)
(2) From the objects editor, I added this to the macro content, before
the "$!extraParams" != "" test:
#if ("$!xcontext.macro.params.tags" != "")
#set ($tags = $!xcontext.macro.params.tags.split('\s*,\s*'))
#foreach ($tag in $tags)
#set ($extraParams = "${extraParams}&tag=$escapetool.url($tag)")
To better understand this you should read
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/WikiMacroTutorial .
Hope this helps,
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