I have hosted two different wiki application(wiki1 and wiki2) under same
tomcat6. When i hit wiki1 from IE its works fine.But as soon as i hit
wiki2, i start getting Permgen space exception. As per my understanding ,
probable reason for this is large number of class files gets loaded in
classloader. Is that correct?(Any rough idea about number of classes
deployed in xwiki will help in understanding the problem). Is there a way i
can host two wiki app under same tomcat? Here are the details of my system:-
java_opt- -Xms1536m -Xmx1536m //(mentioned as environment variable):
tomcat version:-6.0.26
As per
tried to increas the permgensize by mentioning JAVA_OPTS and suggested
value against it.But no help.
Now, What else i can i do to resolve this perm gen issue?