Still not working on 2.0.3 ...
By the way I noticed another bug (I think), if you agree I could create a
Jira for this too.
The problem is with fields of type "Database Tree". I have one, correctly
displayed when showing the field with something like $doc.display(). But if
I show it in a live table, and make it filterable, the combo-box that is
displayed on top of the live table contains a mix of the elements of the
Database Tree field, they are not ordered anymore by their relation-ships,
but seem to be completely randomly displayed.
And, of course, filter does not work either for this kind of field (even
multiple values are not authorized for it).
I tried to have a look at the queries in XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros, but
couldn't have it work after some (useless) modifications. Activated full
logs, but hibernate traces are difficult to follow. It seemed that the query
built by the macro page was not fetching any value, in the case of string
list fields with multiple values.
But on my instance, after rolling back to the initial revision, filtering
magically worked for a multiple value field ! I don't know if it's a random
problem, something to do with rights (don't believe so). I repeated this on
my production instance, and (as expected), nothing magical occurred...
Am I the only one getting this issue ? This is really diminishing the
interest of live tables for me, as I have in many cases multiple-valued