Configuration files were migrated correctly.
When I restarted tomcat and tried to log in XWiki, xwiki started a wizard.
It downloaded the default XAR, and I saw an inverted triangle to the right
of "CONTINUE" button.
When I moved the mouse cursor over the triangle, I saw a drop-down menu
with "INSTALL".
I thought "INSTALL" would install the default XAR, but when I clicked it, I
saw the button replaced with a text saying "#execute..." or
can't remember the exact text).
I guess this is something that looks like a bug ...
By the way, is the distribution manager expected to pop up on an upgrade?
I thought this should only happen on a fresh install.
From which XWiki version have you been upgrading?
I assumed xwiki failed to merge the new default XAR
with the old XWiki.
So I clicked "Skip" and continued migration process.
I'm not sure if database migration was successfully done because I failed
to merge the new default XAR via the wizard.
I tried to import the new XAR, and I chose "Replace the document history
with the history from the package" instead of "Add a new version to the
existing document".
That choice was ok except I had to uncheck some documents that contain
information of user, right, and password.
Thus, the Main space WebHome was overwritten, and the admin password was
reset to "admin".
When it comes to updating from a "relatively" old version of Xwiki,
I prefer to do it "old style", i.e. import the *.xar manually, as you did.
As you figured out it is better to exclude some pages, as listed in the…
Additionally I think it is better to keep the "Add a new version to the existing
checkbox checked, because just in case one forgot to exclude one of the pages
one can recover from that mistake simply by revert to the version before the import.
I am currently preparing a migration of a rather old (2.2) installation to 5.x,
and as this installation has a lots of sub-wikis, it seems to pay off to manually
create an "xwiki-subwiki-update.xar" which is the same as the
except for excluding the Main,WebHome and the other pages which should be excluded
However I am not sure how well that plays with the application manager for the next
... not too well, I guess, as it might think the "XWiki Enterprise UI" app is
not properly