We're investingating a few wiki options and were trying to use Xwiki with
Tomcat 6 and Oracle 10g using the war installation process. We've modified
all of the config files per the instructions on the site but are getting the
following errors when trying to access the default page:
17:25:31,106 [http-] ERROR store.XWikiHibernateBaseStore
- Failed updating schema: 2
17:25:31,213 [http-] ERROR store.XWikiHibernateBaseStore
- While executing query: update xwikidoc set xwd_translation=0 where
xwd_translati on is null
17:25:31,213 [http-] ERROR store.XWikiHibernateBaseStore
- Failed updating schema: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
followed by a lot more errors. This is a brand new install so no tables
exist yet. The user account we have for the DB has access to
create/modify/remove tables so we're at a bit of a loss as to what the
problem is. Does anyone out there have any suggestions as to what the
problem could be? Do we need to create the tables a head of time? Is there a
script to do so? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!