XWiki version 7.1.2. We use Tomcat and MySQL. In query statistic we see many
long queries such as below:
# *Query_time: 49.708503 * Lock_time: 0.000089 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined:
SET timestamp=1477308512;
select visitstats0_.XWV_ID as XWV1_22_, visitstats0_.XWV_NUMBER as XWV2_22_,
visitstats0_.XWV_NAME as XWV3_22_, visitstats0_.XWV_CLASSNAME as XWV4_22_,
visitstats0_.XWV_IP as XWV5_22_, visitstats0_.XWV_USER_AGENT as XWV6_22_,
visitstats0_.XWV_COOKIE as XWV7_22_, visitstats0_.XWV_UNIQUE_ID as XWV8_22_,
visitstats0_.XWV_PAGE_VIEWS as XWV9_22_, visitstats0_.XWV_PAGE_SAVES as
XWV10_22_, visitstats0_.XWV_DOWNLOADS as XWV11_22_,
E as XWV12_22_, visitstats0_.XWV_END_DATE as XWV13_22_ from xwikistatsvisit
visitstats0_ where visitstats0_.XWV_UNIQUE_ID=' (com
patible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR
2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)' and
tstats0_.XWV_END_DATE>'2016-10-24 13:57:42' order by
visitstats0_.XWV_END_DATE desc;
If I understand correctly these queries check if the user entered the last
30 minutes. But why ? And why so long query time ? I try to reproduce in
mysql console (do select for my unique id for last 30 minutes) and query so
fast (~0,1s)
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