Yes, I've tried many times to rebuild the index, also checked how many
documents tries to rebuild, and the result was "-2". Definetely, it's
the main problem.
Quoting Jean-Vincent Drean : 2008/6/11 Mihails Agafonovs
> Hi!
> 1) I've been expecting problems with Lucene search in XWiki
1.4. To
> be more precise, it doesn't work at all :(. Seems that
searching or
> either returning results function is broken.
Have you tried to rebuild the index ? Are the indexes correctly
created on the filesystem ?
> 2) In version 1.3 it worked, but somehow strange. For example,
> returned results, when search criteria was Mihails, and
nothing, if
> search criteria was Mihail.
I think the "problem" here is the lucene query syntax
itself, to tell
lucene that your query term is only a part of a word you have to use
Jean-Vincent Drean
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