Sometimes I spend weeks to finish some docs, and it will generate dozens of
versions when I forgot to enable "Is minor edit". How can I set the default
value of "Is minor edit" to "true"?
Under the xwiki root folder >> Templates, I found the editactions.vm file.
I had to replace the line
#if($request.minorEdit)checked="checked"#end TO
That seems to set the minor edit box to checked for all the pages. I prefer
it this way since on my wiki instance there are on an average 60-100
articles being added daily and almost equal number being edited throughout
the day. Most people tend to forget that the changes they are making is a
minor edit (epecially when they are making minor edits because of time
I have realised that it may not be a good idea to make changes to the vm
files. However, I've also not come across any side effect of enabling the
minor edit so far.