Having XWiki 1.0B3, I ran into 3 issues around LDAP (we use Novell
Before, I would like to say that XWiki runs fine against eDirectory
through the LDAP interface! (It was a little bit tricky to set up and it
would be great if someone could write up some more detailed
documentation on it.)
Here are the configuration parameter that I used:
1. In our LDAP structure (about 2000 employees) the users that should
have access to XWiki are in multiple department nodes in the LDAP
structure. Thus, I cannot specify a single pattern of the kind
cn={0},department=USER,department=INFORMATIK,department=1230,o=MP for
How could I specify users from different departments to have access to
XWiki? (E.g. can I specify multiple xwiki.authentication.ldap.bind_DN
2. We cannot allow ALL users in the LDAP structure to have access to
XWiki. We would like to specify an LDAP group for all users that have
access to XWiki. How could we configure this? Our eDirectory allows
annonymous browsing.
(It is not the probably harder issue that we would want to use a LDAP
groups for page access rights. I am talking about the simpler issues of
just controlling the list of users that have access to XWiki from an
identity system behind LDAP.)
3. Current behavior is, that
1. I can login with a user/pwd authenticated against
LDAP/eDirectory. If the user does not already exist in XWiki, the user
appears to be created.
2. A user, created in XWiki CANNOT Login anymore, if he/she is not
an LDAP user. (Why is that?)
3. The old passwords do not work anymore for users with a matching
entry in XWiki and LDAP. (ok)
Why can't I add user per hand if I use LDAP? This would at least allow
some Workaround for some departments.
Can I hope for XWiki 1.0 to include the handling of an LDAP group for
I have read a blog mentioning LDAP group support being planned for 1.0.
Is this still the case?
G Leeb
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