Hi all,
Our XWiki instance has been upgraded to a 2.0. We are still using 1.0 syntax
and we can see some strange behaviour.
If you look at this page
http://www.parisjug.org/xwiki/bin/view/Speaker/ all
the titles (the name of the speakers) look ok. But if you click to a
specific speaker (
http://www.parisjug.org/xwiki/bin/view/Speaker/MagninLaurent), you can see
that the title is [Laurent Magnin>Speaker.MagninLaurent] instead of just
Laurent Magnin. This doesn't happen to all the pages (ex.
All these pages are in XWiki syntaxe 1.0 and all have the same syntax :
1 [Laurent Magnin>Speaker.MagninLaurent]
Do you know what that could be ?