Latest version of XWiki Enterprise
MS SQL 2005
JSQLConnect JDBC Driver
Tomcat 5.5.28
The initial database gets created but when I try to import the following xar file
xwiki-enterprise-wiki-2.2.1.xar I start to get the following error
Wrapped Exception:
com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLException: The data types varchar and ntext are incompatible in
the equal to operator.
at com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLException.makeFromDatabaseError(
at com.jnetdirect.jsql.IOBuffer.processPackets(
at com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLConnection.prePrepare(
at com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLPreparedStatement.executeQuery(JSQLPreparedSt
Once this error has occurred, any interactions from then on essentially generate the same
Is there something that I am missing. I'm assuming that somehow the initial config
needs to be told how to create columns using ntext and not varchar
I can skip importing the xar file for now but I rather like to use some of the features
What I am really after is to disable registration and add the users manually
with appropriate rights.
Any help would be appreciated