I've made some progress with this issue.
First, I found that by editing the WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml file to add
the following Hibernate session-factory property, the schema is now created:
<property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto">create</property>
Second, I found the log file TomCat was spitting out for my XWiki (in
the wrong location... TomCat logging still befuddles me) where I found
this (and many similar lines for other columns):
21:12:38,687 [http-80-Processor25] ERROR hbm2ddl.SchemaExport
- Unsuccessful: create table XWIKI.xwikiattachment_archive (XWA_ID
bigint not null, XWA_ARCHIVE varchar(4000000) for bit data, primary key
21:12:38,687 [http-80-Processor25] ERROR hbm2ddl.SchemaExport
- The length, precision, or scale attribute for column, or type mapping
'VARCHAR (4000000) FOR BIT DATA' is not valid.
Some further Googling led me to issue HHH-1501 in Hibernate JIRA that I
think may be related where the Derby (and DB2) dialects in Hibernate
don't correctly register that they can't handle text greater than 32k
I've added a comment to that defect mentioning the potential problem
this causes with XWiki.
In the mean time, I plan to try the *.sql file for Derby from the old
XWiki site:
http://old.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Apache+Derby (not