I would like to get access to XWikiContext class for getting properties from xwiki sheet.
And now it isn't possible to get them without platform-old core.
So I added jar files with all of these dependencies to my project but I’m not sure
probably that was wrong way and there are other new classes for getting access to context
in new version...
Is it possible to write hole extension only on java without creating xwiki sheets and
classes? So I mean that, now I create xwiki configuration class and configurable class and
also sheet with document and sheet dependencies. But maybe there is another way to write
all of these only on java?
And another questions: I read topic about Wysiwyg editor but it contains not enough
information. Is there more detailed instruction for creating my own menu items and bind
one with some logic for example calling script through
Thank you in advance
Thank you in advance for any answers!
Best regards,
Maxim Birukov
Java developer
# +38-095-234-13-34
Skype: maksim.b
E-mail: m <mailto:i.schmidt@comparus.de>.birukov@comparus.de
www.comparus.de <http://www.comparus.de/>
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