yes currently I am modifying the skin.
The extension you have talked about would also work once released.
vmassol wrote:
Thanks for the link.
I meant was that there is a panel named Shortcuts which has both
and Attachments section that can be placed either on left or right.
If we
had a bottom layout then we could have placed it there too.
But placing panels in a bottom layout doesn't mean much IMO. Panels
are not meant to have a reduced vertical size. I think what you wanted
is not Panels in the current sense but extension points in the skin to
be able to add/modify content anywhere.
This is the UI extension design we've been discussing for some time on
the dev mailing list. It's planned for the future but no hard date has
been set.
BTW you could still achieve this right today using some javascript.
Exactly like what is done by Greasemonkey
). Of course it's even easier to just modify the skin... ;)